What did you accomplish today?

Yes. One shot at a time.

First, a Pony Shot.
View attachment 5254951

That was good, mild but nice. Effects lasted about 2.5 to 3 hours.

On Monday, I upped it to a full jigger.
View attachment 5254956

The jigger is ideal. Effects are very nice, more may be too much, and last near 4 hours.

That first run was only a 1/2 oz. I'm eager to try the French press hack to up the ante

One side effect is that I smoke less flower after taking a shot. That is a positive.:blsmoke:

My wife says 1/2 a pony shot was too much for her. Tonight, she is trying a 1/2 teaspoon.
She is not so much into it for the high, but more for the pain relief provided.
I love the french press hack. I use my actual french press piston with screen to press the soaked cannabis against the screen on the bottom when I'm done and this gives me full recovery of the solvent, it works great
Load of clothes in the dryer, dishwasher almost finished after washing all the pans. Need to wash myself next and fold the clothes when the dryer finishes. Being a good house bitch today.
I maybe in the market for a wife in a couple years! You sound like an autonomously motivated worker. Please keep an eye out for posted openings in the future.
Yes. One shot at a time.

First, a Pony Shot.
View attachment 5254951

That was good, mild but nice. Effects lasted about 2.5 to 3 hours.

On Monday, I upped it to a full jigger.
View attachment 5254956

The jigger is ideal. Effects are very nice, more may be too much, and last near 4 hours.

That first run was only a 1/2 oz. I'm eager to try the French press hack to up the ante

One side effect is that I smoke less flower after taking a shot. That is a positive.:blsmoke:

My wife says 1/2 a pony shot was too much for her. Tonight, she is trying a 1/2 teaspoon.
She is not so much into it for the high, but more for the pain relief provided.
I noticed that beer tastes WAY too good when I use tincture. It seems to evaporate, until the next day... :shock:
Aside from 50 pushups and watering the dogs and chickens, I haven't accomplished a goddamn thing today. Still have 150 pushups and 6 miles to walk before the day is done, but I feel even less motivated than usual. Down to my last couple of ounces of shit I didn't like and had no intentions of ever smoking, and 2 more months before possibly harvesting anything. FML.
Still have a few inches of hard solid sleet in the yard and driveway. So ice creepers still yet. Honda Pilot is free so we go pick up groceries order today. Just finished 100 deep knees, dogs have been out and ate breakfast. Have to decide which weed to vape this morning. Much warmer later this afternoon, 60s next couple days. Fuck that white shit!
Morning all!
I've been a real whore about not picking up and organizing my grow room " work bench " and surrounding area ,
So today I was just in the mood and said " fuck this f'ing mess " ...............

Before and after pics.......took the pressure right off me.....I felt better , maybe tomorrow .


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I've been a real whore about not picking up and organizing my grow room " work bench " and surrounding area ,
So today I was just in the mood and said " fuck this f'ing mess " ...............

Before and after pics.......took the pressure right off me.....I felt better , maybe tomorrow .
I feel like this is one of those, "find 10 differences between these two nearly identical pictures."
so now im on this whole kick on getting some kind of greenhouse up this year on my property, and while grinding through the mental process to finally get something started i found this in google.
derelict greenhouses search
oh that creeps me the fugg out but at the same time incredibly captivating....that's gonna be me and my place 20 or more yrs down the road....someone put love and energy into a growing space, grow old and broken body, and then kaput...all your dreams and work are a grimy avante-garde pic on a cannabis forum.
i have a million quotes for this moment but..
Mother Teresa's Anyway Poem

i didnt accomplish shit...just sitting in my cup of coffee with a stone thinking about what to accomplish today