Pandemic 2020

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I believe that everyone should make their own medical choices, but that they should also do so with full information. I would proceed with caution, as Flu shots have been known to aggravate autoimmune diseases.
I would take my doctor's advice, provided they weren't a quack and then they would not be my doctor for long! However I am educated enough to not argue with scientific consensus unless one has a very solid case. Things might work in theory, but in practice is where the rubber meets the road and the only way to determine that in this field of science is with a double blind study of a large population, with all the included bells and whistles including peer review.

One does not go hunting through VAERS reporting data looking to confirm biases and without a proper education and work background to understand the information. Even scientist outside their specialty are amateurs in other fields, but they can read the papers in many cases, if in related fields and acquainted with the subject, but as laymen.
Argue with the scientists who excluded them or the ethicists who approved and monitored the study. If you read up on it enough you might find out why such people are routinely excluded from studies. The point is there is nothing unusual about this and it is much ado over nothing.

Have you noticed the side effects including death that many of the TV ads for prescription drugs mention? Some of the side effects and risks are very extensive, yet they advertise it on TV and allow it to be sold. There are far more deaths from aspirin every year, than from covid vaccines, crusade against that.
You are debating against something which I never proclaimed, lol. I'm starting to think that you may have reading comprehension issues, as most of your responses to me are i
One does not go hunting through VAERS reporting data looking to confirm biases and without a proper education and work background to understand the information.
The only reason that I "went hunting" through VAERS was to fact-check the "fact checkers", who assured their readers in an article that "VAERS data do not show any cases of adverse reaction in Louisiana in the last month whose symptoms resemble Desselle’s". It's so weird that I was able to find the report in VAERS that they were not able to find, and that it was dated 3 dated prior to their story.

Please try harder to pay attention, if you are going to continue to engage with me.
You are debating against something which I never proclaimed, lol. I'm starting to think that you may have reading comprehension issues, as most of your responses to me are i

The only reason that I "went hunting" through VAERS was to fact-check the "fact checkers", who assured their readers in an article that "VAERS data do not show any cases of adverse reaction in Louisiana in the last month whose symptoms resemble Desselle’s". It's so weird that I was able to find the report in VAERS that they were not able to find, and that it was dated 3 dated prior to their story.

Please try harder to pay attention, if you are going to continue to engage with me.
You should publish in a professional journal then and not on a pot site and should not spread vaccine disinformation or promote vaccine hesitancy that has been proven to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans and thousands of Canadians. It is immoral behavior and I posted evidence of this further up in this thread.

Incase you missed it.

Interesting posts today, just going to add a few observations and bounce on out:

If forum members are not breaking T.O.S. and the topic of debate is closely related to the thread title, what is the issue?
If someone does not want to see the issue being debated, they can always unfollow the topic.
If someone still wants to see the topic being debated, they can always use the ignore function on certain members.
Maybe there should be an option to still follow a topic but be able to ignore a member but just on a certain topic?

The political section is useful, you can see its value when reading other areas of the forum and even the slightest hint of political talk comes up and members mention "keep that shit in politics". That is the beauty of having a section dedicated to political discussion. No one is going to stop it from coming up, at least on this site it's isolated.

Specifically on the topic of the COVID pandemic, the COVID vaccines are directly linked to it, not sure how someone could think otherwise. Why is it wrong to flesh out ideas related to the pandemic, contained in this one thread? So some view it as arguing back and forth and not changing anyone else's opinion, but the goal of debate shouldn't be to change someone else's opinion. Debate forces me to look at a different viewpoint, and then investigate to either confirm my original thoughts, learn something new, or alter the way I look at something. If something is in the news recently, in my opinion it should be fair game to be discussed/debated. No one is being forced to engage as the pandemic evolves.

Anyway, we all have a pretty good idea where everyone stands and I guess that's, that? Be gone Pandemic 2020, it has been enlightening.
Interesting posts today, just going to add a few observations and bounce on out:

If forum members are not breaking T.O.S. and the topic of debate is closely related to the thread title, what is the issue?
If someone does not want to see the issue being debated, they can always unfollow the topic.
If someone still wants to see the topic being debated, they can always use the ignore function on certain members.
Maybe there should be an option to still follow a topic but be able to ignore a member but just on a certain topic?

The political section is useful, you can see its value when reading other areas of the forum and even the slightest hint of political talk comes up and members mention "keep that shit in politics". That is the beauty of having a section dedicated to political discussion. No one is going to stop it from coming up, at least on this site it's isolated.

Specifically on the topic of the COVID pandemic, the COVID vaccines are directly linked to it, not sure how someone could think otherwise. Why is it wrong to flesh out ideas related to the pandemic, contained in this one thread? So some view it as arguing back and forth and not changing anyone else's opinion, but the goal of debate shouldn't be to change someone else's opinion. Debate forces me to look at a different viewpoint, and then investigate to either confirm my original thoughts, learn something new, or alter the way I look at something. If something is in the news recently, in my opinion it should be fair game to be discussed/debated. No one is being forced to engage as the pandemic evolves.

Anyway, we all have a pretty good idea where everyone stands and I guess that's, that? Be gone Pandemic 2020, it has been enlightening.
One of the reasons it is still alive is the virus is evolving and evading vaccines or at least reducing their efficacy, the struggle continues. We are adapting some what as a population (except China and N Korea) between vaccines, boosters and natural infections, improved treatments and antiviral medications along with vaccination have blunted the death toll in the west. However there are still many new cases of new variants that people have little immunity to, but it might be getting to the point of what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger, as we demographically adapt with some assistance from science.
Interesting posts today, just going to add a few observations and bounce on out:

If forum members are not breaking T.O.S. and the topic of debate is closely related to the thread title, what is the issue?
If someone does not want to see the issue being debated, they can always unfollow the topic.
If someone still wants to see the topic being debated, they can always use the ignore function on certain members.
Maybe there should be an option to still follow a topic but be able to ignore a member but just on a certain topic?

The political section is useful, you can see its value when reading other areas of the forum and even the slightest hint of political talk comes up and members mention "keep that shit in politics". That is the beauty of having a section dedicated to political discussion. No one is going to stop it from coming up, at least on this site it's isolated.

Specifically on the topic of the COVID pandemic, the COVID vaccines are directly linked to it, not sure how someone could think otherwise. Why is it wrong to flesh out ideas related to the pandemic, contained in this one thread? So some view it as arguing back and forth and not changing anyone else's opinion, but the goal of debate shouldn't be to change someone else's opinion. Debate forces me to look at a different viewpoint, and then investigate to either confirm my original thoughts, learn something new, or alter the way I look at something. If something is in the news recently, in my opinion it should be fair game to be discussed/debated. No one is being forced to engage as the pandemic evolves.

Anyway, we all have a pretty good idea where everyone stands and I guess that's, that? Be gone Pandemic 2020, it has been enlightening.
Hey I’ve said this before. The politics section is like a giant love fest compared to the general grow forum!!!! Their like a pack of wolves starved for calmag.
Hey I’ve said this before. The politics section is like a giant love fest compared to the general grow forum!!!! Their like a pack of wolves starved for calmag.
Coco coir fanatics! @ $20 an ounce fuck them all! I have COBs collecting dust... An example of Canadian freedom and an enlightened society. Federal legalization will probably be modeled on Canada to an extent, if it can be mailed by UPS, it will be a national market with illegal online MOMS like in Canada and natives getting in on the action, free trade in that too, one way or another.

I'm trying to figure out a use for dozens of 100watt COBs and drivers! If I liked gardening and had the space, I'd grow lettuce or something else that costs a fucking fortune in the produce section! Most of it doesn't need much light and it should show a profit at the prices they want! Maybe flood lights or a super duper flashlight project...
Coco coir fanatics! @ $20 an ounce fuck them all! I have COBs collecting dust... An example of Canadian freedom and an enlightened society. Federal legalization will probably be modeled on Canada to an extent, if it can be mailed by UPS, it will be a national market with illegal online MOMS like in Canada and natives getting in on the action, free trade in that too, one way or another.

I'm trying to figure out a use for dozens of 100watt COBs and drivers! If I liked gardening and had the space, I'd grow lettuce or something else that costs a fucking fortune in the produce section! Most of it doesn't need much light and it should show a profit at the prices they want! Maybe flood lights or a super duper flashlight project...
great kitchen/workshop lighting

there’s always charity. I hear there are houses in Florida where they are growing turtles to repopulate the oceans.
Interesting posts today, just going to add a few observations and bounce on out:

If forum members are not breaking T.O.S. and the topic of debate is closely related to the thread title, what is the issue?
If someone does not want to see the issue being debated, they can always unfollow the topic.
If someone still wants to see the topic being debated, they can always use the ignore function on certain members.
Maybe there should be an option to still follow a topic but be able to ignore a member but just on a certain topic?

The political section is useful, you can see its value when reading other areas of the forum and even the slightest hint of political talk comes up and members mention "keep that shit in politics". That is the beauty of having a section dedicated to political discussion. No one is going to stop it from coming up, at least on this site it's isolated.

Specifically on the topic of the COVID pandemic, the COVID vaccines are directly linked to it, not sure how someone could think otherwise. Why is it wrong to flesh out ideas related to the pandemic, contained in this one thread? So some view it as arguing back and forth and not changing anyone else's opinion, but the goal of debate shouldn't be to change someone else's opinion. Debate forces me to look at a different viewpoint, and then investigate to either confirm my original thoughts, learn something new, or alter the way I look at something. If something is in the news recently, in my opinion it should be fair game to be discussed/debated. No one is being forced to engage as the pandemic evolves.

Anyway, we all have a pretty good idea where everyone stands and I guess that's, that? Be gone Pandemic 2020, it has been enlightening.
Yeah, I can't unfollow a thread but because the Jimi no longer posts here, I put him on ignore and the thread went away. What Sunni wants to do with this thread is up to her. Just saying, the original purpose of this thread has been subverted and it has now become a place for people to post disinformation. No matter how many times you do the work to dispute it, an antivaxx idiot will just re-post his nonsense. It's become a zombie thread that shambles about eating brains.
Interesting posts today, just going to add a few observations and bounce on out:

If forum members are not breaking T.O.S. and the topic of debate is closely related to the thread title, what is the issue?
If someone does not want to see the issue being debated, they can always unfollow the topic.
If someone still wants to see the topic being debated, they can always use the ignore function on certain members.
Maybe there should be an option to still follow a topic but be able to ignore a member but just on a certain topic?

The political section is useful, you can see its value when reading other areas of the forum and even the slightest hint of political talk comes up and members mention "keep that shit in politics". That is the beauty of having a section dedicated to political discussion. No one is going to stop it from coming up, at least on this site it's isolated.

Specifically on the topic of the COVID pandemic, the COVID vaccines are directly linked to it, not sure how someone could think otherwise. Why is it wrong to flesh out ideas related to the pandemic, contained in this one thread? So some view it as arguing back and forth and not changing anyone else's opinion, but the goal of debate shouldn't be to change someone else's opinion. Debate forces me to look at a different viewpoint, and then investigate to either confirm my original thoughts, learn something new, or alter the way I look at something. If something is in the news recently, in my opinion it should be fair game to be discussed/debated. No one is being forced to engage as the pandemic evolves.

Anyway, we all have a pretty good idea where everyone stands and I guess that's, that? Be gone Pandemic 2020, it has been enlightening.
I agree with all of this. However I'm still not clear as to what exactly the TOS on this site actually are.
Interesting posts today, just going to add a few observations and bounce on out:

If forum members are not breaking T.O.S. and the topic of debate is closely related to the thread title, what is the issue?
If someone does not want to see the issue being debated, they can always unfollow the topic.
If someone still wants to see the topic being debated, they can always use the ignore function on certain members.
Maybe there should be an option to still follow a topic but be able to ignore a member but just on a certain topic?

The political section is useful, you can see its value when reading other areas of the forum and even the slightest hint of political talk comes up and members mention "keep that shit in politics". That is the beauty of having a section dedicated to political discussion. No one is going to stop it from coming up, at least on this site it's isolated.

Specifically on the topic of the COVID pandemic, the COVID vaccines are directly linked to it, not sure how someone could think otherwise. Why is it wrong to flesh out ideas related to the pandemic, contained in this one thread? So some view it as arguing back and forth and not changing anyone else's opinion, but the goal of debate shouldn't be to change someone else's opinion. Debate forces me to look at a different viewpoint, and then investigate to either confirm my original thoughts, learn something new, or alter the way I look at something. If something is in the news recently, in my opinion it should be fair game to be discussed/debated. No one is being forced to engage as the pandemic evolves.

Anyway, we all have a pretty good idea where everyone stands and I guess that's, that? Be gone Pandemic 2020, it has been enlightening.
Other members of the entire forum shouldn’t have to ignore you or a few people to they don’t have to see you or a few people argue back and forth every single day

you would be the problem not the other members

just because politics is kept in politics doesn’t mean it’s free for all from the T.O.S.
We’re gunna take a cool off until
Tomorrow since everyone’s heated and getting fussy
No need to angry react or dm me it’ll be back tomorrow just closing off for the night to cool everything down
morning ill be opening this back up lets keep it to the pandemic and not about how to manage my job and what you think is better for rollitup, if you have those ideas, clarifications , questions etc you can do so in my inbox because that way it doesn't derail the thread. I have no problem listening to your ideas concerns or if you have questions it just doesn't belong in a pandemic 2020 thread

thanks !
Poor poor Pfizer is forecast to only make $70 billion this year, compared to the $100 billion they made in 2022.

I guess that's why they need to hike their covid jab prices:
Oh lookie here.. Apparently Moderna didn't fully disclose their findings about the new boosters to the FDA, and it's coming to light that "data suggested the possibility that the updated booster might not be any more effective at preventing Covid-19 infections than the original shots".

Other members of the entire forum shouldn’t have to ignore you or a few people to they don’t have to see you or a few people argue back and forth every single day

you would be the problem not the other members

just because politics is kept in politics doesn’t mean it’s free for all from the T.O.S.
My apologies if you felt my comments were being directed towards you, I was putting my thoughts out there after reading the discussion that had occurred, and appears that was a mistake.

I want to apologize to any members and admins that I have frustrated and/or irritated during these discussions. There are a few topics I have trouble letting go when it comes to heated debate, maybe just heated debate in general, and understand how it can become tiresome. Sorry y'all.

I think we will be dealing with COVID and the repercussions of everything that has happened for quite some time.
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