What did you accomplish today?

Had some stitches and other shit cut out , put in , pulled out ,shit......whatever , had my finger worked on today ( hour drive in a f'ing blizzard ) . About 2 weeks ago I ran my chainsaw down the middle of my middle finger ( my favorite) until the bone shattered . I'm a smart guy ! I was chugging right along , buzzing up an apple tree , then.....oh-oh , blood all the f over .......oops, I f'd up . Must of been that gang of hotties that slowly strutted by and winked at me.....lost my focus...........I wish .
I " lost my cherry " , first time bitten . They are like bikes , sooner or later they will get a piece . It's looking much , much better .
I was shootin the shit with my old mechanic. His one thumb in particular was bent, broken and swollen. Some how it came up and he holds up his thumb. "You see that? Thats my wifes favorie one."
Road trip to go get my meds, BRB.

Ya lucky stoner fuck ! I'm on that , feared acrossed the lands , " wagon " . N0 more ambrosia for me ......shit-fuck , shit-fuck ! I am so fucking pissed off . No more working on plants and enjoying a few cold ones , fishing , sailing , skiing , hiking , building shit....Anytime. I found out a little while back that I have the initial start of
dementia . So that f'ing figures ....ALCOHOL TABOO ...... Why not milk or juice. I'll tell ya , life really fucking sucks. I'd rather put both of them little round dudes on the chopping block. Oh , I can just imagine how good that taste and how nice it feels !
I'll just have to find a new bad vice.
Ya lucky stoner fuck ! I'm on that , feared acrossed the lands , " wagon " . N0 more ambrosia for me ......shit-fuck , shit-fuck ! I am so fucking pissed off . No more working on plants and enjoying a few cold ones , fishing , sailing , skiing , hiking , building shit....Anytime. I found out a little while back that I have the initial start of
dementia . So that f'ing figures ....ALCOHOL TABOO ...... Why not milk or juice. I'll tell ya , life really fucking sucks. I'd rather put both of them little round dudes on the chopping block. Oh , I can just imagine how good that taste and how nice it feels !
I'll just have to find a new bad vice.
BP meds, I have weed in the closet.
Ya lucky stoner fuck ! I'm on that , feared acrossed the lands , " wagon " . N0 more ambrosia for me ......shit-fuck , shit-fuck ! I am so fucking pissed off . No more working on plants and enjoying a few cold ones , fishing , sailing , skiing , hiking , building shit....Anytime. I found out a little while back that I have the initial start of
dementia . So that f'ing figures ....ALCOHOL TABOO ...... Why not milk or juice. I'll tell ya , life really fucking sucks. I'd rather put both of them little round dudes on the chopping block. Oh , I can just imagine how good that taste and how nice it feels !
I'll just have to find a new bad vice.
Makes you feel any better I'm happy to remember what I had for breakfast when I'm eating my dinner. Embrace getting older and live your life to the fullest.. Good memories to you!