Fascism and the Republican Party

There will be more consequences, both criminal and civil, there were more involved in the conspiracy than those who signed on the line. These people will end up being charged federally and by the state, then they will be sued by governments and citizens, all will be ruined financially by legal costs, even those not indicted.

I hope Trump was worth it for them, more suckers. I'm sure he's helping with their legal costs, him being a multibillionaire and is grateful for their fanatical support. Why all that post election money he raised must be going to help all these people with their legal expenses. The thousand people who attacked the capitol must have racked up quite a legal bill by now and these clowns will spend more to keep themselves out of prison.

Massive LAWSUIT filed Against Fake Electors in Michigan
I thought one commentator’s remarks describing a battle between wokeness and Christianity telling. If being tolerant is considered wokeness, Christ was the epitome of wokeness.

It makes sense the right wing cable news gang consider wokeness a bad thing. They make millions from an audience perpetually asleep.
The tenets of church Christianity as practiced in US (or anywhere) are at complete variance with scripture, and that assumes one accepts the somewhat preposterous idea that scripture is an accurate representation of what a divine principle would want from or for us.

The entire institution is an assault on the obvious.
The tenets of church Christianity as practiced in US (or anywhere) are at complete variance with scripture, and that assumes one accepts the somewhat preposterous idea that scripture is an accurate representation of what a divine principle would want from or for us.

The entire institution is an assault on the obvious.
the bible has been edited more times than zack snyder's justice league.
there have been at least a dozen different versions, with more and less books each, and then there are the apocrypha and the pseudegrapha, which were originally included and later removed...it has been in human hands far too long to even resemble the original work, which was actually a collection of writings produced over at least a 400 year period.

As GOP flails over MAGA rebels, Dems surge by crushing rigged races

42,199 views Jan 20, 2023 #GOP #MAGA #AriMelber
After the 2022 midterms brought meager gains to the GOP, Democrats are now officially governing more Americans at the state level than Republicans. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on the midterms and how they reshaped political power across the nation as partisan voting maps are re-evaluated. Melber in particular examines Michigan politics, where Democrats won both the House and Senate for the first time since 1984, and explains how Democrats’ surprising midterm gains could reshape the future of campaigns and American democracy.
The spoiled toddler mentality that predominates among the Jan. 6 defendant

One of the more puzzling aspects of the Jan. 6, 2021 attacks by Donald Trump’s deluded minions on the U.S. Capitol and members of Congress is something that for all intents and purposes shouldn’t be puzzling at all: What exactly did they expect to happen if their plans — to “hang Mike Pence,” to attack, kill (and probably rape) Nancy Pelosi, to “ziptie” and presumably torture and kill other Democrats they found — had actually panned out? Did they see themselves as participating in running the country from that point forward, issuing broad edicts that would refashion it in their image? Did they expect Donald Trump, their unquestioned leader, to wave a magic wand and transform the nation into a white supremacist paradise, with every nonwhite person summarily shoved to the back of the bus? One nation, under MAGA, with them on top?

Seriously, how did they view their own roles in the aftermath of this apocalyptic event? Would they contentedly return to their fields, beat their swords into plowshares and settle back into their (presumably) 9 to 5 humdrum day jobs? Or did they fancy themselves acting the more menacing future role of Trump’s private policy enforcers — a “Christian” militia with Gestapo-like powers — imposing this brave new social order at gunpoint on other Americans, maybe going house-to-house? Clearly their scenario expected no pushback from law enforcement, the military or the criminal justice system. Perhaps these were to be refashioned in their image as well?

We’ll never really know these things because their fantasies (thankfully) went unrealized. And since then, reams of ink have been spilled explaining how the events unfolded on Jan. 6. But the dumb arrogance, audacity and staggering, simplistic immaturity exhibited by these people, as they swaggered through the Capitol prepared to inflict violence on the country’s elected representatives is seldom noted. It should be, because it says a lot about the MAGA population in this country and the nature of what motivates them. For all the planning and calls to action spread on their social media sites, this was, in essence, incredibly stupid, spoiled toddler behavior writ large, motivated by infantile impulses with little to no thought about consequences. Helpfully, many proudly recorded themselves that day for posterity, and what they recorded amounts mostly to a piqued desire to kill, maim or break things, without sparing any thought whatsoever about what would or could occur thereafter.

In that respect, it was a day of dangerous adults, acting like babies.
Speaking to reporters outside the courthouse, Barnett vowed to appeal the verdict and said he had “absolutely not” received a fair trial, chiefly because he faced a jury in liberal-leaning Washington, D.C.
“I think the venue should have been changed. This is not a jury of my peers. I don’t agree with that decision. But I do appreciate the process. And we are surely going to appeal,” Barnett said.

another magat that wants magat jurors...tough shit. appeal, i hope the judge gets pissed you're wasting time and makes your sentence even worse.
Speaking to reporters outside the courthouse, Barnett vowed to appeal the verdict and said he had “absolutely not” received a fair trial, chiefly because he faced a jury in liberal-leaning Washington, D.C.
“I think the venue should have been changed. This is not a jury of my peers. I don’t agree with that decision. But I do appreciate the process. And we are surely going to appeal,” Barnett said.

another magat that wants magat jurors...tough shit. appeal, i hope the judge gets pissed you're wasting time and makes your sentence even worse.
I’ve noticed sentences trending longer in the later trials. They seem to be working in from the edges to the center. I’m waiting to see what sentence this one gets.