Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
Hopefully the event will be cancelled due to an expected indictment or two...

I dunno if Lindsey is stuck to Donald's asshole like a willnot because Donald has dirt on him, or is Mitch having Lindsey keep an eye on Trump and to keep him from turning on the republican party, until it's too late... At this point Trump owns Kevin and if he started attacking him he wouldn't last long as speaker. Only Donald being jailed upon indictment and failing to get conditional release can save them, because if he is indicted and out loose, they will suffer for it. Donald thinks Kevin owes him his speakership and will need to call in those markers soon.

This should be…something


Well-Known Member

"Let’s change our behavior now. Let’s sit down. He’s the president. We’re the majority in the House. The Democrats are the majority in the Senate. And that’s exactly the way the founders designed Congress to work, find the compromise and find the commonsense compromise that puts us back onto a balanced budget," McCarthy told reporters Tuesday on Capitol Hill.

McCarthy, R-Calif., said a debt limit increase with no strings attached was "totally off the table," adding that federal retirement programs should be curtailed to save them from bankruptcy. "Let's sit down and find a place that we can protect Medicare and Social Security for the future generations. Let's put our house in order."

I do not believe one word coming out of mccarthy's shit stained mouth. I would not conceed one fucking thing to them, I would wait till the end of May, then i would instruct the mint to stamp TWO trillion dollar coins, one for this year, and one for next year, and let the motherfucking terrorist republicans rot.
What is with this manufactured delusion that our system was INTENDED not to work? Anyone want to make an actual CASE for minority dominance as “original intent”? ANYONE?

We have made our system adversarial because there’s money in doing so (it is THE ROOT of public corruption thru the ages) - and where there’s money, there’s always power for sale.

When money and power unite, we must as a nation fear that union, and block it from control of government on every level.


Well-Known Member
This should be…something
I expect 2023 to be a most entertaining year in the courts when the rats start squealing and dealing. Jack is getting geared up and so is NY and Georgia, they are gonna fight over Donald's ass, but Jack gets first crack if he wants it over the documents and obstruction. The most important trial IMHO is Trump's Georgia trial which will be on TV, federal trials are not televised and Donald could be in federal custody by the the time he gets to Georgia and appear in orange!


Well-Known Member
What is with this manufactured delusion that our system was INTENDED not to work? Anyone want to make an actual CASE for minority dominance as “original intent”? ANYONE?

We have made our system adversarial because there’s money in doing so (it is THE ROOT of public corruption thru the ages) - and where there’s money, there’s always power for sale.

When money and power unite, we must as a nation fear that union, and block it from control of government on every level.
Sorry, but reference to the founder's intent is what Republicans do. There is a large contingent in this country, perhaps a majority, that intend for this system to work.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but reference to the founder's intent is what Republicans do. There is a large contingent in this country, perhaps a majority, that intend for this system to work.
Deception of the public by LYING about our history and our founding documents is what Republicans do…but they DON’T OWN THEM. I will refer to them when appropriate


Well-Known Member
Deception of the public by LYING about our history and our founding documents is what Republicans do…but they DON’T OWN THEM. I will refer to them when appropriate
doesn't change the real criticism I offered to your complaint. There is a large contingent in this country, perhaps a majority, that intend for this system to work.