Kevin's House?

ok....just a thought.....if Santos gets the boot, and Santos voted for Kevin does that mean Santos's vote for Kevin null and void? and does that also mean Kevin needs another speaking of the house vote????

just thinking
James Comer includes Ukraine in his list of US "adversaries across the world"
Can you seriously see this gaining them any votes other than from traitors and fools?

What base is he appealing too? Ukraine will split the GOP from asshole to appetite in the end, but the debt ceiling should do it before then. These assholes have a world of hurt coming their way, I hope Mark took his lawyer's advice and is squealing his fucking head off trying to avoid dying in federal prison. Jack will squeeze his nuts into a pulp over congress people involved in J6, he doesn't need him for Donald, but will get his ass anyway. Jack has Mark's nuts in a vice a half a dozen different ways and a deal is his only hope. Mark knows about EVERBODY who requested a pardon and probably knows why, he also has receipts. If he pleads guilty to a conspiracy involving them and testifies they are fucked.
Our invasion of Iraq is not too dissimilar to Putin's invasion of Ukraine, is it? Hundreds of thousands of civilians killed at the hands of the US military is no chump change, but somehow we have a higher moral authority?
The US had no intention of claiming Iraq as a new US State....
Priorities: House GOP Seeks Hunter Biden Bank Reports From Treasury

Republicans are moving fast on long-promised investigations of President Joe Biden’s son Hunter with fresh demands that Treasury officials turn over documents tied to his foreign banking and business transactions
Our invasion of Iraq is not too dissimilar to Putin's invasion of Ukraine, is it? Hundreds of thousands of civilians killed at the hands of the US military is no chump change, but somehow we have a higher moral authority?
Canada did not join in the second one and neither did a lot of other countries, it cost Uncle Sam a lot for Dubya's personal revenge on Saddam. That what you get with republicans, at least his old man had the sense to seek international support and not invade. Afghanistan was a NATO obligation and a bit of an abuse really. America was doing great with special forces, until they were told to shave off their beards and an invasion began, after the special forces had already secured the fucking country and toppled the government. You folks really need to stop electing morons like Dubya and Trump as president, though Trump did not start any wars, he tried real hard to destroy America's vital alliances like NATO and sucked Putin's ass.
Priorities: House GOP Seeks Hunter Biden Bank Reports From Treasury

Republicans are moving fast on long-promised investigations of President Joe Biden’s son Hunter with fresh demands that Treasury officials turn over documents tied to his foreign banking and business transactions
Joe should just pardon Hunter Biden at this point for Jaywalking and any other crimes he may have ever committed and take all the wind out of republican sails...
Joe should just pardon Hunter Biden at this point for Jaywalking and any other crimes he may have ever committed and take all the wind out of republican sails...
Maybe Hunter could come to Canada for a spell a little down time with fly in lodge up north and someone with a stinger for unauthorized fly ins, if they find him! What subpoena, no WiFi here! ;-)
ok....just a thought.....if Santos gets the boot, and Santos voted for Kevin does that mean Santos's vote for Kevin null and void? and does that also mean Kevin needs another speaking of the house vote????

just thinking

I thinks what's done is done. Given the propensity for projection, it could be found that trump cheated in 2016...that would not then invalidate his judicial appointments.
Joe should just pardon Hunter Biden at this point for Jaywalking and any other crimes he may have ever committed and take all the wind out of republican sails...
I think Jack will indict republicans in congress with trials in 2024 at the latest, even if he doesn't convict them the trials and public evidence will hurt their chances of getting reelected and ruin most of them financially. Their congressional aids and staffers will be going before grand juries and having their phones searched long before then, that will get their attention!
The US had no intention of claiming Iraq as a new US State....
Does that justify the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians at the hands of the US military?
Canada did not join in the second one and neither did a lot of other countries, it cost Uncle Sam a lot for Dubya's personal revenge on Saddam. That what you get with republicans, at least his old man had the sense to seek international support and not invade. Afghanistan was a NATO obligation and a bit of an abuse really. America was doing great with special forces, until they were told to shave off their beards and an invasion began, after the special forces had already secured the fucking country and toppled the government. You folks really need to stop electing morons like Dubya and Trump as president, though Trump did not start any wars, he tried real hard to destroy America's vital alliances like NATO and sucked Putin's ass.
I voted against both of those politicians, multiple times.
Does that justify the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians at the hands of the US military?

I voted against both of those politicians, multiple times.
I never said it did and bullshit was used to justify if, it also contributed to a refugee crises in Europe and the rise of the rightwing nationalist there. However with this war Ukraine has the backing of almost all the liberal democracies as many as 50 giving military or some assistance, America lead it, but it was a grass roots kinda thing. America is the biggest contributor, but many smaller countries are giving more in terms of size, Uncle Sam has a big backyard of goodies though and a fat wallet.

War is always a bad idea, which is why sensible leaders avoid it and never indulge in a war of choice, Dubya's dad didn't either in the first gulf war. Russia broke international law and the UN charter, it tried to completely take over Ukraine this time, not little bites, it is a clear violation of the UN charter and treaties Russia made with Ukraine in exchange for their nukes, America and the UK made promises too. The Ukrainians are doing the fighting and doing it very well, we are supplying the arms, money and support, they are supplying the blood, willingly. Europe is housing millions of Ukrainian refugees and making huge economic sacrifices over energy, America is not alone in this just war. " The Good War" as Studs Turkle said, if there can be such a thing.

It is the economic and military bargain of the century for Uncle Sam though, with the prospect that the Russians could end up paying for the whole thing and their demise with their own seized money. Zellenskiy could come to Washington again, this time with a big check as part of the settlement with Russia, the money is literally already in our banks and starting to be doled out.
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War is always a bad idea, which is why sensible leaders avoid it
How do you justify the ongoing (Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden) US sponsored war in Yemen, which has also killed many civilians? The US high moral compass in action once again?
How do you justify the ongoing (Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden) US sponsored war in Yemen, which has also killed many civilians? The US high moral compass in action once again?
I don't and I believe that is MBS's war and involves Iran too, who support the other side. I dunno enough about it to care and if Canada cares there is a reason. It's like the middle east wars and Israel, I gave up caring, we don't need to carry the entire planet on our shoulders, just the places that matter.

This war can change the map of Europe and Asia and lead to the dissolution of the Russian federation/empire. Defending against Russia is what we were spending all those trillions on for decades remember? Not just America, but the EU, Sweden and Finland too. Vlad is a major pain in the ass who attacked almost every liberal democracy and was a pioneer in turning the internet into a battlespace. Removing Russia from the chess board makes China easier to deal with and they will be taking advantage of Russia's weakness in Central Asia, hopefully with soft power.
Does that justify the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians at the hands of the US military?

I voted against both of those politicians, multiple times.
No, but your question was about Iraq being similar to Putins invasion of Ukraine, and they are not at all similar. Iraq war was wrong but never intended to be a land grab for America. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is all about expanding Russian territory.
No, but your question was about Iraq being similar to Putins invasion of Ukraine, and they are not at all similar. Iraq war was wrong but never intended to be a land grab for America. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is all about expanding Russian territory.
Well said