Are people losing sight of what this is all about?

I think the commercialization of weed has generated all kinds of rhetorical twists that try to make the product as appealing as possible. It’s pretty entertaining to read the descriptions of flavor and buzz, defintiely borrowing from the highfalutin language of bourbon, wine, and cigar sellers.

Difference being that weed actually has different smells and tastes. Every wine and tobacco I've tasted has been basically the same, with veeeeery minor nuances.
Do you think cannabis has become an overwhelmingly fetishised pile of bullcrap? People seem to have become completely obsessed with flavour and smell and look. Cookies, candy, berries, skittlez, banana f***ing punch. Who really gives a crap about this stuff? - it's as though people have forgotten about the actual high. For me, this is where the nuance is between strains. But just look at fastbuds new strains, they're so clearly designed to attract people based on their smell and taste - all the smoke descriptions are basically the same - burst of energy followed by relaxed body, very basic, boring and disappointing combinations of former strains - it's as though they've completely run out of ideas. I'm not blaming fastbuds - they're just catering to what their market want - I'm just disappointed that people no longer seem to care about the high. What do you think? Is the taste/smell as important as the high? Or is contemporary hyper capitalism ruining the market by elevating something that doesnt really matter? And which weed do you think has the most interesting high?
Good points
I've been smoking since '74 and I've smoked a shit ton of different strains , indoor and outdoor . I get a pretty good selection of the "strain of the month" these days .

What I see lately is all these new hybrids seem to have a "ceiling" . I get a good high but hit a spot where it stops . Rarely am I seeing anything that makes me say "oh shit" and put down the joint before it's even half burned . I don't see much creeper weed either .

My old partner still kicks around outdoor a bit and has a few strains of his own that go back years . They don't taste fruity or cakey , more of an earthy hash , maybe with a touch of pine or mint . They're not very frosty but have a strong nose . When you feel good and high you'd better put that doobie down . Wait 10-15 minutes and then decide . Drive after smoking it and you'll only remember leaving and arriving at your destination , but you won't remember how you got there .

In the last several years I can only remember a couple different strains that were exceptional and capable of acute intoxication . Whappa , and Headbanger come to mind .

Maybe I'm just an old fuck dreaming of the past... :cuss:
Nope i agree theres some newer strains i rate but not many and yes the ceiling thing i think is alot more common in todays strains for sure than vs stuff from days gone by the quality of high isnt so much there as often too suppose thats down to everything being so hybridised that it all ends up feeling all the same almost effect wise guess this happens when all you focus on is thc dont get me wrong high thc i like but it has to be potent when you smoke it numbers mean nothing without effects to back it up and be a nice smoke too of course id rate effects over taste and smell and i love tasty weed but i also like to be stoned as well
Yeah all really great points. I'm not worrying about what other people like, more about the almost complete lack of decent info regarding the effects (I'm always on the look out for those perfect strains effect-wise). But thanks for all the great responses. Always a great community to banter with. And I hope your own endeavors are thriving!!!
Yeah all really great points. I'm not worrying about what other people like, more about the almost complete lack of decent info regarding the effects (I'm always on the look out for those perfect strains effect-wise). But thanks for all the great responses. Always a great community to banter with. And I hope your own endeavors are thriving!!!

I hear what you're saying, but I think it's a little difficult to say what the effects will be for an individual person, given that we're all a little different, we intake our herb in different ways, etc.

Myself I'm mostly after the high (I am a certifiable fiend), not the flavor, but I do find it disappointing to smoke meh tasting herb, and love smoking complex flavored herb. On the other hand, I get disappointed pretty quick if I smoke low-effect herb or herb with a low ceiling or that gets you where you want to go once, and then your body acclimates and you never get to that point again (yeah, I'm talking to you high THC dispo herb).

To some degree I see the movement towards flavor-forward, not necessarily that potent, herb as similar to trends in nano-brewing in the past decade or so... for a long time there was a focus on making stronger and stronger beers... and eventually everything tastes like barleywine. Then small brewers went back to making more complex lower alcohol beers. Bonus you can sample a wider selection and not end up totally trashed. Also, legalization brought a whole slew of inexperienced smokers into dispensaries, and they didn't necessarily want to get baked off their gourd.
Difference being that weed actually has different smells and tastes. Every wine and tobacco I've tasted has been basically the same, with veeeeery minor nuances.
id say cannabis has more than any other plant or even drink the combo of flavours and aromas and the sheer variety of terpenes thiols etc the possibilities are vast if anyone knows of another plant with this range of variation in tastes and smells please say by all means i dont think there is
Two paths:
-Cannabis that tastes and smells like crap but might get you extra high
-Cannabis that you enjoy the smell/taste and gets you high.

And in all honesty, I eat way more than I vape (I don't smoke), and give away more than I ever consume...but I'd prefer to it to be a pleasant experience no matter what. Also, I've never bought seeds for any of the strains that involve candy/cookies/cakes.

I honestly don't care what others decide they want.
Yeah all really great points. I'm not worrying about what other people like, more about the almost complete lack of decent info regarding the effects (I'm always on the look out for those perfect strains effect-wise). But thanks for all the great responses. Always a great community to banter with. And I hope your own endeavors are thriving!!!
Now that, i do agree with. But, we are technically talking about something in the grey area of legality for most, or still fully illegal for some, so the info is gonna be understandably a bit tight lipped.
id say cannabis has more than any other plant or even drink the combo of flavours and aromas and the sheer variety of terpenes thiols etc the possibilities are vast if anyone knows of another plant with this range of variation in tastes and smells please say by all means i dont think there is

Unsurprisingly, there's hops (which is related to Cannabis and contains many of the same terpenes). The mint family has a number of different flavor profiles...
Unsurprisingly, there's hops (which is related to Cannabis and contains many of the same terpenes). The mint family has a number of different flavor profiles...

Very true. I have 'chocolate mint', 'lemon mint,' 'orange mint,' spearmint, peppermint and a few others all growing in my yard. And there's a bunch of hop varieties used in various combinations in of my problems with the current brew scene is that people got way into over-hopping and most beers lack nuance & balance between ingredients these days. My local grocery store sells 893749837 varieties of IPA, double IPA, triple IPA and 'imperial IPA's but rarely good quality balanced other styles of beer.
Unsurprisingly, there's hops (which is related to Cannabis and contains many of the same terpenes). The mint family has a number of different flavor profiles...
True and im aware there both humulus and only separated like 300 million years ago or there abouts weed n hops but do hops have the range of cannabis or does mint i doubt it i know theres lots of variation in those two but still and i know other plants produce terps and stuff but the range like weed idk ive never grew hops myself grew plenty of mint and other things though
True and im aware there both humulus and only separated like 300 million years ago or there abouts weed n hops but do hops have the range of cannabis or does mint i doubt it i know theres lots of variation in those two but still and i know other plants produce terps and stuff but the range like weed idk ive never grew hops myself grew plenty of mint and other things though

I think hop growing culture and weed growing culture are pretty different from each other. For instance, hops are usually an ingredient rather than the 'end goal product' and for centuries beer was a fairly staid & traditional practice rather than randos trying to crossbreed to find a unicorn. I know a ton of guys who brew (including friends who have 'made it' in the biz), and very few of them have ever thought about messing with hop genetics vs. every home grower who's decided to dabble in screwing with weed plant pollen. Most brewers are very focused on the ingredients 'at hand' and how they can alter recipes and processes to manipulate common stuff into end product.
one of my problems with the current brew scene is that people got way into over-hopping and most beers lack nuance & balance between ingredients these days. My local grocery store sells 893749837 varieties of IPA, double IPA, triple IPA and 'imperial IPA's but rarely good quality balanced other styles of beer.

This times a thousand. I went to pickup ice for NYE and ended up buying a 4 pack of beer. Picked one of the few artisanal ales I could find amongst a sea of "New England IPAs" (thick and juicy) and the dang ale was still thick and fairly juicy. Sometimes I just want a straight ahead quality pilsner.
This times a thousand. I went to pickup ice for NYE and ended up buying a 4 pack of beer. Picked one of the few artisanal ales I could find amongst a sea of "New England IPAs" (thick and juicy) and the dang ale was still thick and fairly juicy. Sometimes I just want a straight ahead quality pilsner.

I like the taste of malt and any residual nuance that different yeast strains bring to the table. While I appreciate that there's so many options and many local/regional small guys in the mix would be great to see people mining other styles of ales and lagers and return some balance to beer.

Though I think possibly the brew-yeast scene is closer to the mojo-based genetics/growing scene than hops are.