What nutrients I need?


Well-Known Member
[h=2]Hydroponics and EC[/h]Use an EC at the low-medium range (i.e. EC 1.0-1.6 mS/cm). This recommendation is based on a starting EC of 0.4-0.5 mS/cm of your water. Adjust accordingly if your water has a very different EC and consider purifying your water if the EC is high. During flowering most Mandala strains can be grown with approx. EC 1.0-1.2 mS/cm. The best EC for your hydroponic setup has to be determined by yourself through practise and observation. There is no standard guideline.
The optimal EC depends on many factors such as:

  • the choice of strain
  • the stage of the plant's life cycle (seedling, young adult, early flowering, late flowering; adult mother plant; seeded plant)
  • light intensity
  • style & frequency of watering
  • how the nutrient solution is replenished
  • water quality
  • temperature
  • CO2 supplement
  • pH fluctuation
  • substrate used
  • fertiliser brand and NPK ratio
As you can see there are many factors that play a role in nutrient uptake and nutrient demand!
Be prepared to adjust the EC once any of the above factors change significantly. For example, nutrient demand changes if temperature fluctuates and an EC that is perfect in summer may need to be modified during winter months.
You will be surprised how little fertiliser is required to grow our high performance strains. Mandala plants are bred to utilise nutrients extremely efficiently (not to be confused with nutrient sensitivity). They are not finicky... as hydroponic cultivations maintained on high EC levels have proven. Our strains are tuned for optimal performance. Their profuse root growth, thick stems, and large leaves function as super-highways and storage houses for the uptake, assimilation, and storage of nutrients.
Remember: You can always adjust your EC upwards a bit if required...but you can't reverse damage from overfeeding.
By using an EC level that sufficiently provides for your plants without going over the top you will have a less care-intensive grow time, save $$ on fertiliser, achieve even higher yields and optimal calyx-leaf ratio, and enjoy better tasting herb.
[h=1]Product Recommendations[/h]Always purchase high quality fertiliser from reputable companies such as General Hydroponics, Hesi, Bio Bizz, Canna, AlgoFlash, Compo, Fox Farm, etc. With such fertiliser brands you will have the guarantee of a product that contains high grade minerals and nutrients that are easily absorbed by the plants. Some brands also carry a quality seal.
Fertiliser is not expensive when used at the proper dosage. All of the fertilisers we tested can be used as long as the dosage is correct. Among the many products offered there are differences in quality concerning how easily nutrients can be assimilated by the plants and also the NPK ratio. In particular the NPK ratio is, unfortunately, not optimised for cannabis plants in quite a substantial number of products. It is common that fertilisers contain too much potassium (K) for the flowering phase. This has been an issue since decades. Part of the problem is that most manufacturers do not test their products scientifically on large-scale marijuana plantations due to the legal challenges involved. At the end of the day it is not the same to compare marijuana with tomatoes, cucumbers and yucca plants (it is also unscientific to put out a product for the general public to test due to a complete lack of control over the situation and unverifiable data). Although potassium is theoretically important for flowering it is also easily overdosed because cannabis does not have such a large tolerance for this mineral as for phosphate (P). Symptoms of potassium over-fertilisation are quite common in hydroponics and, even if diagnosed correctly, you cannot reduce the potassium level unless you have an alternative fertiliser with less K. Therefore, we particularly recommend products with a balanced P-K ratio, such as in NPK 4-6-6 or 3-7-6, and so on.
Our top product tips:
CANNA BioVega (Soil)
CANNA is one of the most serious companies on the market with decades of experience. They are also one of the few companies who actually test and develop their products scientifically on cannabis (what a surprise!). BioVega has become our prime choice in the vegetative phase such as for preserving our parent plants. It is very potent - a thick organic liquid that requires only minimal dosage. As such, great value for money. One bottle can last years if it weren't for the expiry date (always watch out for this on organic products).
Although CANNA mentions that this product cannot be overdosed we have observed quite the opposite. An EC meter is highly recommended so that you don't overdose. Please follow the general guidelines for fertilizing on soil as outlined in this guide and also consult our SOIL GUIDE, because you may not need to fertilise at all during the growth phase. Due to the potency of this fertiliser you should be very careful not only with the dosage (EC), but also the frequency of using this product on soil. It also plays a role how much light the plants are getting. If a plant is standing in a darker corner of your indoor grow space it may react more sensitively than a plant near or under the lamp. This is because it is not receiving enough light to utilise the extra nutrients for growth. Adjust the dosage or amount you water accordingly. Do not fertilise under low-light unless you have made a major mistake and the plants are seriously undernourished. BioVega contains highly absorbable betaine nitrogen which can cause leaf burn or leaf drop if not used properly. Also make sure you are not fertilising during critical periods, such as when flowering commences, as this can cause undesirable side-effects.
The nutrient absorption is good but you should give your plants a few days to show how they have taken up the nutrients. BioVega is excellent for topping up nutrients once plants are getting root bound, for maintaining large mother plants, keeping potted plants fresh and green outdoor or in a greenhouse, etc.
BioVega is one of the few products on the cannabis market that is certified organic (OMRI) and has several European organic accreditations. The OMRI Listed® seal assures the suitability of a product for certified organic production. More info on the CANNA bio products can be found here: http://bio.canna-uk.com/bio/indexphp.php
Special note: although we have also tested CANNA BioFlores it did not convince us as much as BioVega. There are alternatives (see below).

GENERAL HYDROPONICS FloraNova Bloom (Soil/Hydroponics)
This is what we have been waiting for since a looong time! Finally, a well-balanced NPK ratio of 4-8-7 that is perfectly suited for cannabis during all stages of flowering, and also for topping up nutrients before or during sexing in soil. We tested the new product outdoor and found it to be an excellent fertiliser which is "soft" on the plants. Nutrient uptake is very easy and effective and holds up to the optimum nutrient absorption as advertised by GH.

The price-quality ratio is equally impressive. This fertiliser is highly concentrated and only a small dosage is needed for soil cultivation. We used just one bottlecap per 6-7 Liters of water to feed potted plants and plants in the ground. This potency makes it an attractive choice for cost-intensive hydroponic cultivation too. Certainly the NPK ratio of FloraNova Bloom is a clear improvement to the 3-part Flora Series from GH. FloraNova Bloom is based on mineral and organic sources but looks and smells like a rich organic fertiliser. The bottle needs to be shaken well to mix the contents properly before each use.

CANNA AquaVega & AquaFlores (Hydroponics)
A good choice for the European hydroponic market.

CANNA Coco (Hydroponics)

Probably the best selection of products for growing in coco coir.

Extended-time release fertiliser
Extended-time release fertiliser is an option for greenhouse/outdoor cultivation. It can be particularly practical if your cultivation area is located further away from your residence and you do not have the possibility to tend to the plants regularly. Cultivation in the ground with poor soil quality also benefits from this type of feeding. Whenever possible you should at least dig a hole for young plants and fill that up with quality potting soil/compost.
There are organic and mineral based products in powder or granular form.
When using extended-time release fertiliser you should follow some guidelines:

  • organic: make sure that the nitrogen is slow acting
  • mineral: do not buy double-digit NPK formulas such as 15-30-15
  • always test a product beforehand on other flowering plants in your garden and on 1-2 cannabis plants
  • start with a low dosage and observe reaction

[h=1]Products with Uncertain Benefits[/h]We specifically warn against the incautious use of bud boosters on Mandala strains and cannabis plants in general. Root growth activators can also do more harm than good on some plants. Due to the inborn vigorous root growth of Mandala strains such products are unnecessary in the first place. The products listed below should be used with extreme caution, as they may simply be a waste of money and some can even damage your crop. It is not uncommon that growers report undesired effects such as leaf discoloration, bud mold, or an unsavoury taste when using some of the products listed below. Many products are never tested scientifically on significantly large marijuana plantations under controlled conditions. Some biological products contain no active ingredients due to expiry dates of the manufactured stock or poor quality. There are many pitfalls in the industry and you should always exercise prudence when buying a product. Do not test it on all your plants at the same time and do not treat perfectly healthy plants. All our advice on measuring EC levels, providing basic & essential plant care, not interfering with natural development & using common sense, leaving healthy plants do their own thing, applies to this subject.

  • root growth activators
  • flower activators/bud boosters like TopMax (can lead to over-fertilisation, premature end to flowering, bud mold,etc.)
  • humic acid extracts
  • vitamins (mainly harmless but also no proven benefits except as a possible prevention of mildew)
  • enzymes (may only be effective for coco coir recycling)
  • fermented plant extracts such as Bio Boost
[h=1]Purchasing Guidelines[/h]There are so many different products available worldwide that it is impossible to offer an overview or test them individually. That's why we are offering some simple guidelines. They give you more clarity to decide which product can be a suitable choice for cultivating your cannabis plants. These tips are not a bible or the last word on this subject. Treat it as a check list that can help you make more sense out of the differences between products offered. You should read through this fertilizing guide beforehand so that you understand some of the points below.

Finding a suitable product can be a process of trial and error. Ideally you should always test a new product on a sufficient number of plants to determine it's efficacy, quality, and method of use. A control group growing under the same circumstances gives you more assurance about the results or any particular observations you may take note of.

  • Does the product have the correct NPK ratio for marijuana cultivation? (may require some math to work this out with 3-part fertilisers)
  • Does the manufacturer provide enough information on the product such as NPK ratio, composition, suitability for soil/hydro, expiry date on organic products, additional cultivation info on their website, etc?
  • Is the product recommended for your type of water: hard or soft water?
  • Is the product highly concentrated or overly dilute? (makes a big price difference in hydroponics or large-scale cultivation)
  • How fast-acting is the nitrogen, how much is the % of amoniacal nitrogen? (requires testing by you to be on the safe side)
  • How efficiently can the nutrients be absorbed by the plants? (requires testing by you to be on the safe side)
  • Is the product easy to use and complete or split into several parts? Decide which you prefer to narrow down the choice. If you are a novice grower, have little time, or require easy plant care, you may not be comfortable with using a complicated chart for combining various bottles in the correct order to mix the nutrient solution, and determining when to change the formula according to certain phases of the plants life cycle.
  • Has this product been recommended by other growers? If so, first compare their cultivation method & environmental factors with your's to determine how much of the feedback by others can be applied to your setup.
  • Does the company have internationally accredited products or received any notable product awards? This is an important guideline for manufacturing standards and quality comparison with other companies. "Awards" from cannabis trade fairs are not a guideline as these are only superficial titles given to participating companies and do not reflect any scientific evaluation of the products.
  • Remain cautious about company marketing that "pushes" customers into buying subsidiary products, i.e. "additives". Often these products are automatically included in feeding charts as if they are a necessary part of fertilizing or plant care - in particular for hydroponic cultivation. Products such as vitamins, amino acids, rooting activators, bud boosters, etc. fall under this category. See the section above on Products With Uncertain Benefits.
  • Avoid a product range that incorporates P-K 13/14. This extremely potent mix of phosphoric and potassium acid is a total overkill and one of the "evils" of the agrochemical industry. It is mined and produced in an environmentally detrimental way and puts a severe strain on cannabis plants when they are "forced" to flower. You can easily ruin a good crop with overfeeding P-K.
  • The best mantra for product choice...test, test, test! What is written on the product does not always translate into real life results. You do not know how the plants will react to the product unless you test it. Therefore, proceed in small and simple steps. Check out a new product on a test group before applying it to your most precious crop! If you have a garden you can even do preliminary testing on any non-cannabis flowering plants. This is especially useful for finding the most suitable time-release fertiliser as these can be very variable in their effects (such as how fast-acting the nitrogen is) and you may need to try out a couple of brands
- See more at: http://www.mandalaseeds.com/Guides/Fertilizing-Smart-Guide#sthash.N6WUUwlb.dpuf
They all work but all you need is an all purpose I don't know about miracle grow but jacks classic works nice I use all purpose and bloom booster. I've also used hydro nutes it all works just some cost more then others.
Jacks classic is amazing. 5ml per gal.

All that crap is so expensive and unnecessary. Dyna grow offers complete nutrients and will save you some money. You can load ur plants full of supplements but all your doing is making the plant swell due to artificial fillers. Alot of nute companies put dye in there products to make your plant look very green. All those supplements are a waste of money. They do not affect THC content at all. Stop promoting garbage.
Jacks classic is amazing. 5ml per gal.

All that crap is so expensive and unnecessary. Dyna grow offers complete nutrients and will save you some money. You can load ur plants full of supplements but all your doing is making the plant swell due to artificial fillers. Alot of nute companies put dye in there products to make your plant look very green. All those supplements are a waste of money. They do not affect THC content at all. Stop promoting garbage.
what jacks do you use and what hydro system are you growing with?
A lot of nute companies put dye in there products to make your plant look very green.
Really? What would they use? Chlorophyll maybe? Come on man...your complaining about the bullshit these companies promote and you make this comment? Your no better then these companies if you go around spouting NON-TRUE statements like this. Nutrients give different results in every room due to the fact of the grower and his practises, not the products. JAS