January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


Well-Known Member
Do you think Trump's minions 'leaked' that so the people who 'searched' Trump's offices can get their stories straight and/or flee.
Jack seems to be delaying indicting Donald over the docs and doing everything he can to rattle him in the meantime. Who knows what rats Jack is shaking loose, Meadows was in on the documents fiasco too and it will take a long time to debrief him about a lot of crimes involving others than Trump. Usually they would just bust everybody in sight over this shit and let the judge sort them out.


Well-Known Member
Trumps remaining shit stain is the entire GOP, just a few, those with sense lost control of the base and are sitting in the house with outright traitors and criminals.

Is this the last gasp of Trumpism?

4,070 views Jan 6, 2023 #Trump #GOP #MorningJoe
The New Yorker's David Remnick and historian Doris Kearns Goodwin discuss the House GOP's chaos over Rep. McCarthy's bid for speaker, how it ties to January 6 and if the public is witnessing the last gasp of Trumpism.


Well-Known Member
i'm more concerned about this judge Howell....she smells of trump appointee, or at least has a whiff of magat....
No question that between the Republican senate stuffing of judges (after screwing Obama out of his nominations) for Trump and this new Republican house
She is solid, no complaints from the usual suspects like Glenn about her.
The problem is you can say that about damn near anyone, right up until the moment that they get activated in this long term troll that the Republicans have been using to maintain just enough power to slow meaningful progress in our nation for at least the last handful of decades.


Well-Known Member
No question that between the Republican senate stuffing of judges (after screwing Obama out of his nominations) for Trump and this new Republican house

The problem is you can say that about damn near anyone, right up until the moment that they get activated in this long term troll that the Republicans have been using to maintain just enough power to slow meaningful progress in our nation for at least the last handful of decades.
Then she fooled a lot of shrewd people, I haven't heard the lawyers say anything bad about her, only good from what little I know. She won't get in the way of a Trump indictment or conviction and her rulings on the matters have been good so far. She runs the grand juries in DC investigating J6 and Trump, so Jack will be dealing with her a lot.

Indictments of Trump will likely go to another DC judge and some of them are tough. These are the people who sentence top secret cases like those documents they found at Mar A Logo and they have given others very harsh sentences for far less than what Donald did. Donald's equal treatment under the law could begin with criminal indictment in DC and it might shock many including Donald. These federal judges take such national security matters very seriously.


Well-Known Member
Then she fooled a lot of shrewd people, I haven't heard the lawyers say anything bad about her, only good from what little I know. She won't get in the way of a Trump indictment or conviction and her rulings on the matters have been good so far. She runs the grand juries in DC investigating J6 and Trump, so Jack will be dealing with her a lot.

Indictments of Trump will likely go to another DC judge and some of them are tough. These are the people who sentence top secret cases like those documents they found at Mar A Logo and they have given others very harsh sentences for far less than what Donald did. Donald's equal treatment under the law could begin with criminal indictment in DC and it might shock many including Donald. These federal judges take such national security matters very seriously.
It is all fun and games until you find out your kid is neck deep in scam loans to Trump and you just happen to step down from a SCOTUS job. So we will see. I am not holding my breath for any particular outcome.

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The son of former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy helped Donald Trump in 2005 secure nearly $700 million in loans to construct a skyscraper in Chicago, despite Trump’s reputation for defaulting on business loans, the New York Times reported on Tuesday evening.

According to the report, Justin Kennedy, who ran the German bank’s commercial real estate team and was close with the president’s daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, was willing to overlook Trump’s shoddy history as a debtor, getting the future president to personally guarantee $40 million of the loan. Both Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump currently work in the White House.

The Times reported that Trump was able to convince Kennedy and other top executives that “the Chicago development was a guaranteed moneymaker,” and further signaled “the Trump family’s commitment to the project” by informing the bank that Ivanka would be in charge of the operation.

Justin Kennedy’s role in helping to breathe life into Trump’s business empire before he was president has continued to breed rumors and conspiracies about the alleged “White House charm offensive” carried out by the Trump family to help convince Justice Kennedy to retire and make way for Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the bench.

In Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump and an Epic Trail of Destruction, finance editor of the New York Times David Enrich described how Justin Kennedy was “drawn to Trump’s risk-taking and glamour” while he was shepherding lucrative loans to Trump’s private businesses, even after the bank’s clients took massive losses when Trump’s Atlantic City casinos went bankrupt. After Trump’s election, the family reportedly set their sights on persuading Justice Kennedy to step down so the president could appoint a second justice to the bench.

“Trump’s flattery was part of a coordinated White House charm offensive designed to persuade the ageing justice – for years, the court’s pivotal swing vote – that it was safe to retire, even with an unpredictable man in the Oval Office,” Enrich wrote.

As Law&Crime previously reported, Justin Kennedy was apparently not the only member of the Kennedy family with the White House’s ear.

Washington Post deputy editorial page editor and columnist Ruth Marcuswrote in her 2019 book Supreme Ambition: Brett Kavanaugh and the Conservative Takeover about a suspicious scene in which Kennedy’s other son, Gregory Kennedy, allegedly met with White House counselor Kellyanne Conway during a dinner just days after the president’s inauguration.

No one was happier about the outcome of the election than his father, Gregory Kennedy said, according to the book. Anthony Kennedy had been nominated by President Ronald Reagan in 1987, and Marcus wrote that Anthony Kennedy wanted to be replaced on the high court by another Republican.

“That’s good to know,” Conway replied, according to the book. “That happiness has consequences.” In a footnote, Marcus said Gregory Kennedy denied that account.


Ursus marijanus
Trumps remaining shit stain is the entire GOP, just a few, those with sense lost control of the base and are sitting in the house with outright traitors and criminals.

Is this the last gasp of Trumpism?

4,070 views Jan 6, 2023 #Trump #GOP #MorningJoe
The New Yorker's David Remnick and historian Doris Kearns Goodwin discuss the House GOP's chaos over Rep. McCarthy's bid for speaker, how it ties to January 6 and if the public is witnessing the last gasp of Trumpism.
if my contention that that man is an effect is right, the end of the personality cult will mean no change to awful GOP policy and behavior. Same overthrow party; different or no mascot.


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Capitol Police Arrest Ashli Babbitt’s Mother On Two-Year Anniversary Of Riot


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Chris Hayes: How Jan. 6 is the original sin of the Republican speaker chaos

47,673 views Jan 6, 2023 #january6 #msnbc #republicans
Chris Hayes: It is so grimly fitting that this is happening on January 6. We are in this position precisely because the Republicans refused to stamp out MAGA extremism after the insurrection. When it was clear to all how dangerous it was. Instead, they lost control of it.


Well-Known Member
Monkey see....

Live: Brazil’s Lula declares security operation after Bolsonaro supporters storm federal buildings
Hundreds of supporters of far-right ex-president Jair Bolsonaro stormed Brazil’s Congress, the Supreme Court and the Presidential Palace on Sunday, a week after President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's inauguration. Follow FRANCE 24's live coverage of the events.
  • Far-right Bolsonaro supporters managed to gain access to the Presidential Palace, the Supreme Court, the Senate as well as the Chamber of Deputies. Many have refused to accept President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's victory and have been calling for a military intervention.
  • The area around the parliament building in Brasilia had been cordoned off by authorities, but Bolsonaro supporters broke through the police line, marched up ramps and gathered on a roof of the building. Video footage showed members of the crowd roaming inside.
  • The president, known as Lula, announced a federal security operation in Brasilia. He was speaking while on a visit to the city of Araraquara, which has been hit by deadly storms.
  • Bolsonaro is in the United States, where he travelled a few days before Lula’s inauguration ceremony.
  • Authorities later said security forces had managed to retake control of the Supreme Court.


Ursus marijanus
Monkey see....

Live: Brazil’s Lula declares security operation after Bolsonaro supporters storm federal buildings
Hundreds of supporters of far-right ex-president Jair Bolsonaro stormed Brazil’s Congress, the Supreme Court and the Presidential Palace on Sunday, a week after President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's inauguration. Follow FRANCE 24's live coverage of the events.
  • Far-right Bolsonaro supporters managed to gain access to the Presidential Palace, the Supreme Court, the Senate as well as the Chamber of Deputies. Many have refused to accept President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's victory and have been calling for a military intervention.
  • The area around the parliament building in Brasilia had been cordoned off by authorities, but Bolsonaro supporters broke through the police line, marched up ramps and gathered on a roof of the building. Video footage showed members of the crowd roaming inside.
  • The president, known as Lula, announced a federal security operation in Brasilia. He was speaking while on a visit to the city of Araraquara, which has been hit by deadly storms.
  • Bolsonaro is in the United States, where he travelled a few days before Lula’s inauguration ceremony.
  • Authorities later said security forces had managed to retake control of the Supreme Court.
sounds oddly familiar


Well-Known Member
Monkey see....

Live: Brazil’s Lula declares security operation after Bolsonaro supporters storm federal buildings
Hundreds of supporters of far-right ex-president Jair Bolsonaro stormed Brazil’s Congress, the Supreme Court and the Presidential Palace on Sunday, a week after President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's inauguration. Follow FRANCE 24's live coverage of the events.
  • Far-right Bolsonaro supporters managed to gain access to the Presidential Palace, the Supreme Court, the Senate as well as the Chamber of Deputies. Many have refused to accept President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's victory and have been calling for a military intervention.
  • The area around the parliament building in Brasilia had been cordoned off by authorities, but Bolsonaro supporters broke through the police line, marched up ramps and gathered on a roof of the building. Video footage showed members of the crowd roaming inside.
  • The president, known as Lula, announced a federal security operation in Brasilia. He was speaking while on a visit to the city of Araraquara, which has been hit by deadly storms.
  • Bolsonaro is in the United States, where he travelled a few days before Lula’s inauguration ceremony.
  • Authorities later said security forces had managed to retake control of the Supreme Court.
I believe he is in Florida and Joe needs to give him a call and an ultimatum, call off your supporters in the capitol, get on the media and order them to withdraw from the capitol or ICE will arrest and deport you back to Brazil ASAP by presidential order.