Kevin's House?

As far as I know, anyone could be elected. Jeffries could get it if some republicans would vote for him, he's closer to winning than Kev. Chances of crossing over are slim though and there would be all sorts of challenges.

Given past behavior, I think it would be a mistake to expect the Republicans to honor any commitments they make.

What is happening now is the dysfunction of one party in a two party system..plain for the world to see just who log jams and won't get along in the sandbox.

The world is watching THE SPECTACLE- no rules, tits and guns. A twelve year olds wet dream. Pathetic.
You have it backwards. Jeffries is the favorite and no Dems are giving up seats or changing the selection.
I believe some Dems have said that they may be willing to do something bi-partisan once they are content w/watching the Rep. party shit all over themselves,this disfunction can't continue and Mr. Jeffries is firmly the Dems. leader any negotiation will have to go through him w/his blessing.If this goes on all next week will be entering strange territory without a properly seated house.
Just a thought,something must be done,it's vital to our nation to have a functioning house,I'd love to see Jeffries by default but the Reps will never allow it.

Not one vote will be given..give us the moderates and we'll work out a deal or we can sit for another 60 days like they did in Civil War.

But the most notorious case of a prolonged Speaker election came in 1856, when the 34th Congress required 133 votes to come to a decision. With the slavery debate taking a key role in contemporary political consciousness and the recent dissolution of the Whig Party, the chamber was deeply divided and it took two months for a Speaker to be elected.

majority has some some rule; the majority currently goes to the Dems..anyone can be Speaker.

It was bad Trump ju-ju to have the office before it's yours.
The biggest factor to me is that the burn the house down faction CANNOT be given any of what McCarthy promised them,and w/him not in the seat those agreements do not have to be honored. Those clowns do not want to govern in any sense and should be relagated to spots in the house where you need a pair of binoculars to see them,even though Kevin is a sorry ass puke.
I believe some Dems have said that they may be willing to do something bi-partisan once they are content w/watching the Rep. party shit all over themselves,this disfunction can't continue and Mr. Jeffries is firmly the Dems. leader any negotiation will have to go through him w/his blessing.If this goes on all next week will be entering strange territory without a properly seated house.

Name them.
Ummm, wait a sec..if you sell your soul but don't get what you it because he looks buffoonish now?
He sold his soul when he went to kiss trump’s ass after Jan 6th. He thought he needed trump to get the SOTH and tried to whitewash over what trump did (after admitting it was trump’s fault).

trump can’t help him now even if he wanted to and it doesn’t look like McCarthy is going to be speaker. Ergo, McCarthy sold his soul for nothing.
The biggest factor to me is that the burn the house down faction CANNOT be given any of what McCarthy promised them,and w/him not in the seat those agreements do not have to be honored. Those clowns do not want to govern in any sense and should be relagated to spots in the house where you need a pair of binoculars to see them,even though Kevin is a sorry ass puke.

And today..Happy J6! Forever, firmly imbedded, in the anals of our history.

Where was everyone two years ago today?

I'll start it off..I was watching on TV..on slowdown from a mod for being concerned about my country. Loose lips sink ships:wink:
If there is no way for Jeffries to actually gain the seat(can't see the Reps. accepting that),I see the next best solution as the Dems giving up some votes to put someone in the seat. In exchange for the elimination of the deal brokered w/the burn it all down faction,those wierdo's can't be given a snifff of the power McCarthy surrendered and the house will be paralized to actually conduct business under that scenario.The removal of the Santos seat and Jim Jordan doesn't get appointed to head any committees.
McCarthy is too busy trying to make deals with people who are obviously not negotiating in good faith.

Makes me think McCarthy doesn’t have the chops for the job, anyway. Nancy wouldn’t waste time with clowns like boebert and Gaetz.
He sold his soul when he went to kiss trump’s ass after Jan 6th. He thought he needed trump to get the SOTH and tried to whitewash over what trump did (after admitting it was trump’s fault).

trump can’t help him now even if he wanted to and it doesn’t look like McCarthy is going to be speaker. Ergo, McCarthy sold his soul for nothing.

I love how he sits erect and moves king-like..pinch don't! I'm enjoying every moment of 'no speaker has been elected'.:lol:
Great minds think alike:wink:
It’s the right play. The Democrats should be playing the long game and help McCarthy get elected speaker. With all of the concessions he’s had to give to the maga crowd, the next Congress is going to be a shit show. Let Jordon go after Hunter Biden, let the investigation of the investigation begin and watch them destruct. The mountain of evidence the J6 commission released and they want to pick that scab? Let ‘em.

It may be 20 years before you’ll have to worry about a Republican majority in the house. Within 10 years trump and most of his supporters will be dead. Hopefully sooner.
Aside from keeping these GQP away from their security clearances, what is actually the problem with 1/2 of a third of our government being screwed with by their insurrectionist members?

If they can't pass anything anyways, I say let them linger in their own stupidity while everyone else gets back to work. And when something actually happens, and they are still fucking about, the Republicans can deal with the blowback at that point. This is not on the Democrats to fix yet another Republican quagmire until it is necessary to stop/recover from a disaster.
He sold his soul when he went to kiss trump’s ass after Jan 6th. He thought he needed trump to get the SOTH and tried to whitewash over what trump did (after admitting it was trump’s fault).

trump can’t help him now even if he wanted to and it doesn’t look like McCarthy is going to be speaker. Ergo, McCarthy sold his soul for nothing.
Remember, according to a recent poll 76% of republicans still love Trump and back then it was 90% and there was a midterm election coming, Trump could have primaried Kevin himself FFS! Trump owns the base or a big enough chuck of it to fuck them forever and still does. J6 did nothing to change the base, those who were disgusted just left the party and concentrated the assholes even more.

The objective of the democrats is to keep them disorganized, divided and confused for as much of their 2 year term as they can, or at least until Jack gets going on them with grand juries and indictments over J6. Good luck trying to investigate Jack for investigating them, he must be watching this shit while reading the highlighted testimony of their treason in the J6 transcripts. Some of these fuckers like Santos are gonna be indicted and be replaced by democrats and their margin might thin to the point of breaking.

I think the democrats should cut a deal with Kevin, he has no values and would do it, it might be temporary and come a price, but Kevin would be speaker for awhile in a minority government with the democrats. However, the base would lose its mind and Kevin might have to retire from politics and probably move out of the country along with the republicans who went along with him. It might be better than him giving in to the hostage takers in his party, because many of them are J6 criminals who might eventually go down for their crimes.
It’s the right play. The Democrats should be playing the long game and help McCarthy get elected speaker. With all of the concessions he’s had to give to the maga crowd, the next Congress is going to be a shit show. Let Jordon go after Hunter Biden, let the investigation of the investigation begin and watch them destruct. The mountain of evidence the J6 commission released and they want to pick that scab? Let ‘em.

It may be 20 years before you’ll have to worry about a Republican majority in the house. Within 10 years trump and most of his supporters will be dead. Hopefully sooner.
In this instance, I suggest that the long game have no element of “peace in our time”. The Democratic Party has zero debt to the party of gleeful obstruction.

The biggest flaw with the “help those snakes slither right” idea is that there are no moderate Republicans. The term has become a true oxymoron. Were that not so, a bipartisan solution could perhaps be considered.
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The problem is nobody is getting back to work until a speaker is elected and Jeffries is not going to be speaker in this Congress.
It’s the right play. The Democrats should be playing the long game and help McCarthy get elected speaker. With all of the concessions he’s had to give to the maga crowd, the next Congress is going to be a shit show. Let Jordon go after Hunter Biden, let the investigation of the investigation begin and watch them destruct. The mountain of evidence the J6 commission released and they want to pick that scab? Let ‘em.

It may be 20 years before you’ll have to worry about a Republican majority in the house. Within 10 years trump and most of his supporters will be dead. Hopefully sooner.

I think we should let them continue; they've painted themselves into a corner..history needs to repeat for the Confederacy- this is the long game.
In this instance, I suggest that the long game have no element of “peace in our times”. The Democratic Party has zero debt to the party of gleeful obstruction.

The biggest flaw with the “help those snakes slither right” idea is that there are no moderate Republicans. The term has become a true oxymoron. Were that not so, a bipartisan solution could perhaps be considered.
Sure, that approach has worked so well for the Republic so far.
In this instance, I suggest that the long game have no element of “peace in our times”. The Democratic Party has zero debt to the party of gleeful obstruction.

The biggest flaw with the “help those snakes slither right” idea is that there are no moderate Republicans. The term has become a true oxymoron. Were that not so, a bipartisan solution could perhaps be considered.

This is true + McCarthy has nothing to offer Dems.