XXL Budbox,2 600w HPS,10 White Sharks,Lets have fun


Well-Known Member
Ok so heres a pic update i will write up on it in a bit

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Pic 9

Pic 10

Pic 11

Pic 12



Well-Known Member
Ok so hi all sorry for the delays in posts but i finally got my internet back up at home so i will be back on 24/7 as i was before....

Plants have been flowering for 1 week and 5 days so 12 days....and i dont wanna tempt fate but i think all my plants are female....

So an update on the pics....

Pic 1 - group pic of all of them in the tree, they fill up a good side of the tent and ive got big hopes for the outcome, even with all the probs i had.

Pic 2 - is 1 of the plants i took out the tray and photo'd side on to show nodes and branch growth, which as you can see is coming along nicely.

Pic 3 - Looking down on 1 of the plants

Pic 4 - If you look where the plants branch off i have tried to take some pics of white hairs appearing on ALL of the plants, this is good isnt it?

Pic 5 - More pics of some white hairs on the nodes/branches

Pic 6 - This is 1 plant i took out of the tray, the same as pic 2 and i think she looks pretty massive, this one was 90cm tall.

Pic 7 - This pic is my sexy plant, i just love the look of her

Pic 8 - This is a plant that i had to trim back a bit more after the watering incident so its a bit smaller, and still growig beatifully

Pic 9 - This pics a bit blurred but it is right at the top looking down on the biggest plant.

Pic 10 - This is a look through under the canopy at all the branches.

Pic 11 - Ive tried to show some more white hairs

Pic 12 - Again ive tried to show some more white hairs

All in all i think they have recovered pretty well when you consider how bad they were not too long ago, i just wish that hadnt of happened and i'd be 4/5 weeks into flowering, however it did so im only 12 days in but i'm still hoping they'll come out nice...

This weekend i upped the nutes a little to 175ml each of A + B so 350ml total in a 90l tank, it still only came up 1.6ec so im gonna up again next weekend, they have never shown any signs of nute burn so i thik ive got it ok....

But please all could you comment im very nervous about having any male/hermie plants so what should i look out for...i wanna chop them if they are male ASAP so i need to know, also what do people think of the grow so far, even with the watering incident i think they look pretty good and hopefully i might get close to the 500gr/m2 target i had...

1 last thing is i was thinking i might add a second 600w cooltube for the last 4/5 weeks of flowering to get some nice dense nugs and you can never have enough light...but am i right in also saying they stop growing in height about 3 weeks into flower? Because i think i might run out of height soon ive got about 50cm i can play with......:peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good to me.... Go read FDD's "It's All Bullshit" Thread and you will relax a bit.... That's what I would say at this point.... Just feed them and Relax and if your plants need more light, then give them more. I know some growers that never want their plants closer than 24 inches to the light, so if you can't cover that then maybe you should get more light... And yes I said they don't want it any closer than two feet.... Light is harmful......


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good to me.... Go read FDD's "It's All Bullshit" Thread and you will relax a bit.... That's what I would say at this point.... Just feed them and Relax and if your plants need more light, then give them more. I know some growers that never want their plants closer than 24 inches to the light, so if you can't cover that then maybe you should get more light... And yes I said they don't want it any closer than two feet.... Light is harmful......
Hey Lost, i been doing a bit more research on the female and male flowers and i think i can honestly say so far all my plants are female as they all have white hairs growing out of the flowers,i just checked them thoroughly and its like white hairs galore, and also they have no male signs at all but i am keeping an eye out for them.....

As for the light i have it in a cooltube so i can have them closer as i have also read its not so much the light but the heat the light emits, the more lumens the better as far as i can make out....but i believe they stop growing vertically after about 3 weeks flowering so hopefully ill have the space..

1 last thing the pic of the plant on its own looks pretty much the same as the one in the greenhouse seeds video on you tube, which i have been watching thoroughly, hopefully i can yoield as much as he did, ie 500grams off 1 plant, but im realistic and even 50 grams would be enough:-P:-P:-P:-P


Well-Known Member
If you read further you will see that some growers believe and this is straight from high times two months ago, that the light has degrading factors at too close a range.... I am well aware of heat damage, and I run my lights in a cooltube as well.... You can see how the plants leaves closest to the light are fully messed up and it is not hot at that point by any means of the word.... I think you are doing great though and definitely do not expect an indoor plant to yield 500 grams without it being aboslutely huge and probably alone, not amongst other plants.... 50 grams per plant is more like it, but with how lush your veg looks, I would say you might pull a couple ounces per plant.... Like I said, all looks good


Well-Known Member
Ok some more pics, sorry bout the quality i didnt have my camera but i can see loads of budding sites with white hairs growing all over the place...

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

I will write up a post in a bit just gonna get a shower



Well-Known Member
Ok so hi all again i can confirm now that all my plants are female, ive got white hairs growing out of every bud-site which i pretty cool considering the stress they went through after the no-watering incident. This has put a big smile on my face which i needed so its all good, and also as its the 1st time ive ever grown i think its coming along nicely......

In reply to LOST i see what you mean bro about the lights, but if they grow to the top of the tent then ill have no choice, but would you agree that they stop growing vertically in about week 3 of flowering??? Also i know for a fact i wont yield 500gr/plant but i was hoping to get near to that for all of them but we'll see, id be happy with anything decent as this is just a trial run before i do the 4 tray setup (props to Al. B Fuct) when i move out.

Apart from that the pics are pretty blurry which makes it hard to describe them, but they are all pics ive tried to take of white hairs unsuccessfully lol, but they are shooting out of everywhere, and i love it........

Anyways seems this thread died a bit when my plants did, but now its all back up and running again if anyone wants to comment please do as i need the advice/support.....and if anyone knows anything about Canna PK 13/14 let me know as i will be using this in week 5.......:peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
You are doing good and yes most vert growth is slowed by week 3/4 of flower..... As far as the Canna, no idea, I use Connoisseur for my whole flower cycle as the base then Enggy's Fulvic and Humic and Barricade, Sensizym, B52 and a little Superthrive here and there.... Weed is genetically bread to do it's thing as long as you give it food.... We don't make it great with all the additives, It was born great


Well-Known Member
Lookin real good man. i like your whole set up. but that room thingy sucks ass in my opinion they recalled them where i live because they were killing plants due to a chemical that they use to make it with but idk gj though



Well-Known Member
You are doing good and yes most vert growth is slowed by week 3/4 of flower..... As far as the Canna, no idea, I use Connoisseur for my whole flower cycle as the base then Enggy's Fulvic and Humic and Barricade, Sensizym, B52 and a little Superthrive here and there.... Weed is genetically bread to do it's thing as long as you give it food.... We don't make it great with all the additives, It was born great
Thanks for your help LOST im gonna give the canna PK a try in week 5 ive seen a lot of people do it with no adverse effects and i use canna nutes anyway so hopefully be ok, and ur right cannabis was born great im in the process of learning that the best thing to do is to feed them, give them the right conditions and sit back........

Lookin real good man. i like your whole set up. but that room thingy sucks ass in my opinion they recalled them where i live because they were killing plants due to a chemical that they use to make it with but idk gj though
Hey Insane thanks for the comments, as for the tent i really havent got a choice i was supposed to moe into a 3 bedroom house on Dec 1st but because of christmas etc ive delayed it until Feb 1st, by which time this grow will be finished and so will the tent, although i might use it as a mother/cloning room not sure yet......but when i do move i will have a whole bedroom properly sealed off running 4 tables for a perpetual harvest, runnig 4x600w 1 over each table........and also i think it was hydrohut's that got recalled not the Budbox's and i havent seen any signs of death by chemicals lol but ill keep an eye out.

1 question though insane, do you buy your flood tables as a kit or do you just buy the trays and make your own fittings etc, and if you do just get the trays where do you get them from????

Anyways i took some better pics on my cam this morning i will post a couple as they are better but i will post a bigger set of pics tomorrow when i do the res change etc........

Thanks for the comments all keep em coming it can only help :peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
i buy them and make them, i get them from a hydro store in my area, if your going to do a 4 flood tray do 2 1000watts in the middle of each so that way you have less electricity running and you will still get a great yield every time and remember to watch out for algea


Well-Known Member
i buy them and make them, i get them from a hydro store in my area, if your going to do a 4 flood tray do 2 1000watts in the middle of each so that way you have less electricity running and you will still get a great yield every time and remember to watch out for algea
I might have to look for some flood trays cos the kit i got cost £150 but if i could get the trays for about £50 each i could knock up the frames for less than £10 a tray which saves me money, also about the lighting, electricity is not a problem for me i have a 60 amp supply, more than enough for about 10 lights but i was thinking i might do 4 x 1000w lights or would this be overkill do u reckon?? Lemme know what you think, however im still with this grow right now i just wanna finish it and get something smokeable......anyways what lights you using and if this isnt your 1st grow how much you usually yield per sq.meter??

Thanks for the comments bro :peace::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your help LOST im gonna give the canna PK a try in week 5 ive seen a lot of people do it with no adverse effects and i use canna nutes anyway so hopefully be ok, and ur right cannabis was born great im in the process of learning that the best thing to do is to feed them, give them the right conditions and sit back........

Hey Insane thanks for the comments, as for the tent i really havent got a choice i was supposed to moe into a 3 bedroom house on Dec 1st but because of christmas etc ive delayed it until Feb 1st, by which time this grow will be finished and so will the tent, although i might use it as a mother/cloning room not sure yet......but when i do move i will have a whole bedroom properly sealed off running 4 tables for a perpetual harvest, runnig 4x600w 1 over each table........and also i think it was hydrohut's that got recalled not the Budbox's and i havent seen any signs of death by chemicals lol but ill keep an eye out.

1 question though insane, do you buy your flood tables as a kit or do you just buy the trays and make your own fittings etc, and if you do just get the trays where do you get them from????

Anyways i took some better pics on my cam this morning i will post a couple as they are better but i will post a bigger set of pics tomorrow when i do the res change etc........

Thanks for the comments all keep em coming it can only help :peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:

glad to see your back up and running, things are looking swell!

you check out my new update?


Well-Known Member
update on what crippled?? Ive had a look at your toke n talk thread me personally i only smoke in rizla and sometimes the odd blunt, bongin it just dont appeal to me i just smoke socially, and even now im windin it down a bit...........


Well-Known Member
umm right now im still in flower part its only the 2nd week. But how many trays are you going to have and you said 4 1000w lights right? your ganna need a mh and a hps 1 for each growth cycle(veg flower)
you will get a massive yield with that...


Well-Known Member
Hey insane, i was planning on flowering straight from rooted clone to keep the plants short and i will be copying Al. B Fuct's "get a harvest every 2 weeks" method which i think best suits me. This means 4 trays with a 2 week spell in each, resultig in a perpetual harvest every 2 weeks. However he uses 2 x 1000w lights 1 over two trays, but i was thinking of having 1 light over each tray but im still undecided on whether to use 4 x 1000w lights or 4 x 600w lights. They will all be HPS bulbs as all of the trays will be in flower.......

Any opinions anyone its not urgent but good to know......also im posting some pics right now i changed the res and kept it the same today, 175ml of each A + B so 350ml total making it a 1.6ec nute mix, as recommended in the youtube video by greenhouse seed co...........i actually took about 50 pics and chose the best ones as my camera skills have been poor in recent posts but have a look and lemme know what you think................


Well-Known Member
Ok so heres the pics lemme know what you think everyone........

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Pic 9

Pic 10

Pic 11

Pic 12

Pic 13

I tried to get some nice budshots and i think i got a few, my favourite pic is pics 11 and 12 cos they jus look sexy, but lemme know what you guys think, also would everyone agree that the plants are cofirmed female plants now????? Im still looking out for male homones as they were feminzed seeds which tend to hermie so i hear but there isnt any light leaks/stress so im hoping for the best, anyway please comment all.................:peace::peace::peace::peace::peace: