Hey Peeps,
My first attempt at reversing a female with STS & I'm happy with the results, but is there an easy way to collect pollen ?

Real answer is no...not yet. Not until i or someone else develops a diy vacuum concept that will not destroy 80% of the pollen collected in the filter.
It really isn't long before you have a ridiculous amount of pollen. Drying is important and i did a post on that at OG but i hate that place now
Maybe cylindrical separation like they do for uranium...they separate by weight...literally, it's fkn nuts. Someone crunch the equation for a grain of pollen to fall from spinning air vortex suspension
Edit, theoretically you can make a big cylinder and pollen will just drop and pile in the middle. Only things the weight of pollen will survive to drop there, but idk the math
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Real answer is no...not yet. Not until i or someone else develops a diy vacuum concept that will not destroy 80% of the pollen collected in the filter.
It really isn't long before you have a ridiculous amount of pollen. Drying is important and i did a post on that at OG but i hate that place now
Interested in what you have to say about drying the pollen ?
That bag idea is dope!...you can put the oven on warm...between off and 150. Put pollen and flour on glass tray and keeping temp below 115degrees dry it to <=20%RH. then mix flour and pollen and put in vials (which should have been in oven too) and they are ready for any temp ultra long storage. Obviously freezer is best but youve given it the best shot to still be useful 2+yrs from now.
Yeah well the bag idea seems to be working, it's dry it's nice and opened at the top for ventilation and collect anything that falls,, I just wonder if a white paper bag would work better and let a bit more light in it was just a stupid notion I had the other day when I was pissed off trying to collect pollen
Best pic ive found of a pollen grain "exploding" from absorbing water. So when you see people say "water kills pollen" that's what they mean. Think about this though, they can be hydrophobic so that's how they survive brushes with animals and humans and traveling cuz it isnt a snap hair trigger. In the above pic only 2 have popped open but they're all literally sitting in water. Those water plump hairs during flowering are the plant equivalent of being 'moist' lol.
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My little fem reversal experiment :-)
I took the same cut 3x and treated it with Sts.
It worked really well!!!

Was afraid to stand there without pollen at first....
The picture shows pollen from about 4-5 mini flowers that were open....
In other words: I think I'll even have TOO MUCH pollen, I'm looking forward to it :D

That moment hitting the plant & seeing the pollen floating was just toooooo beautiful (:
tasted blood

Kiss to all !
