Kevin's House?

If all of team blue were to vote for a moderate Republican they would win if they could get half a dozen votes for themselves.
I don't see any good in helping the GOP out of the quagmire they got themselves into. Biden and the Democratic Congress got a lot of good done in the last two years. It will have to do for now. It took four years of Trump to convince enough people that there is a difference between Democrats and Republicans to vote out MAGA Moron. Its now up to the good people in red states. Maybe two years of the House being run like a Three Stooges comedy act will be enough to get a few more states to turn blue.
Well Joe meeting with Mitch publicly as the first thing he does in the new year is interesting, considering the political dynamic inside the GOP... I guess we will have to see what has been said and how the house vote for speaker goes. There is much to be said for letting them twist in the wind after hanging themselves. Donald will be going down freaking out soon too and other indictments are pending, perhaps a lot of them. Joe and Mitch appear to have something cooked up and both are pretty savvy operators.
I don't see any good in helping the GOP out of the quagmire they got themselves into. Biden and the Democratic Congress got a lot of good done in the last two years. It will have to do for now. It took four years of Trump to convince enough people that there is a difference between Democrats and Republicans to vote out MAGA Moron. Its now up to the good people in red states. Maybe two years of the House being run like a Three Stooges comedy act will be enough to get a few more states to turn blue.
Keeping them divided and confused makes them less dangerous and even more incompetent, if they can't settle on a speaker they can't get anything done including "investigations". It would make it easier to have a compromise caucus, they don't need many and it would appear Mitch is friendly to the idea and hostile to the magats. It might be better nobody control the house than the magats do through McCarthy, who will end up sucking Trump's ass as he goes down. There are many on the magat side who are worried about investigations and indictments over J6 and perhaps other matters, Santos and Gaetz are potentially close to indictment for instance. Their priority will be to obstruct justice if they can and cause as much distraction as they can to try and save their own asses.
I'm sure all the GOP members are still having nightmares about the midterms. They were beat down so bad by President Joe Rob that it inspired a new genre of bully porn. The best example of which features Dark Brandon having carnal relations with Mitch McConnel's mom. (would not recommend watching though)

What's funny is Biden WH staffers came up with Dark Brandon as mockery to 'let's go Brandon' the Righties are using it.
What's funny is Biden WH staffers came up with Dark Brandon as mockery to 'let's go Brandon' the Righties are using it.
I did not realize the red hats were using DB. Everything I've seen has been on the theme that DB was so powerful he was going to help you, and there was nothing you could do about it. (the bully porn thing was a joke. But it's so widespread, I figured it would only be a matter of time before DB showed up in one)