Yeah, I agree completely. I'm just scared is all. Scared, and dejected about this great country I love.
How can we all be so damned ignorant. It's not propaganda, this is me, it's from me, from what I
see, not what people say. I read somewhere, like you said, that we should shhh, don't say the CW word.
I have kind of been quiet here, but sometimes, i shoot off my yap. I see a lot of like-minded ppl in RIU.
It uh...encourages, emboldens me. But yeah, gotta exercise restraint, and don't lend credence to the
horror that I really thought was coming since the 70s. I could see this kind of disintegration of our ppl,
TV, vid games, smarty phones, computers, the fucking interwebs, this insane, self-destructive impulse
of the working class to vote against their own interests. None of it make sense to me. In the 60s and
during Watergate, I got real hopeful, thinking we'll go further from here, this is great. Ppl in power
can't get away with shit, too many in the 4th estate making money by exposing the corruption of the
powerful. Yay, i thought, but it just went downhill from there. Roger Ailes, Accuracy In Media, Fox News,
Newt Gingrich and "liberal media", and hate-mongering, WHOA, wtf is goin' on. Well, okay, but it worked,
the ppl signed on to this shit. It's right back to third grade, where all the kids just had to pick on the weird,
weak kids. How the hell can ppl say the election reported on by major news outlets, like we've watched
being reported on TV for more than 60 years was stolen, and believe that he won by 10 million votes?
Why do they say we eat babies? Why does he get away with calling the media, notwithstanding all of it's
faults, "the enemy of the people" How in the living hell does that crap even wash? WHY! I'm not happy at all. Sorry.![]()
No worries … literally. It is easy to get dragged down by it all. It is harder but more rewarding to be alert but not super engaged (unless a life in the family is in the balance, and that is an exception.) Hanging loose is a skill that takes practice.
In one sense, it was easier in the time to which you refer. We got news twice a day: the paper in the morning, and evening news on TV, and you had to go to full-honk tabloids to read up on nonsense.
We are in a more frenetic multichannel info ecosystem now, with almost all of it a pitch or clickbait or some other way to get lizard brain reaction. Gotta ride out the noise and protect an inner place of quiet that belongs entirely to you. Not easy (with pros assailing your warning systems five different ways) but empowering.
At times like that, I either descend into a good book and a glass of sencha tea, or I put a black vinyl manhole cover onto the spinny thing and listen to an orchestra playing music older than I am, stuff that roars defiance at an absentee God. We find ways to fortify against all the ambient screaming — sometimes sleepy, and sometimes cathartic.
you live in a fantasy world...the civil war was about money, not slavery or states
it won't happen. you have some retired military, some retires leos, and a bunch of militia gravy seals.
trump riled up every one of them, and the ones that were willing to start shit, came, started shit, left, and are now being systematically tried and convicted, some to serious time.
the militia ring leaders are in jail, and the republican politicians that enabled them are all looking to skyward for dropping subpoenas and indictments.
no organization, no leadership, no competition for the national guard, sherrif's departments, and police departments they would be going against.
all they could possibly do is earn themselves life in a cage, killing some law enforcement in the first surprise attacks they could muster. then they would be destroyed. that simple.
Hang loose, bruddah. Hawaiian.… uh?
It’s a useful skill in these pre-trying times.Hang loose, bruddah. Hawaiian.
I was as anxious as anyone. I decided to place my trust in Garland. Now, I think justice will happen. It has to. I view it as a study in human nature, infuriating, yet fascinating. It's my multi-course meal. Watching Individual 1 break down is delicious. A new taste treat every day.It’s a useful skill in these pre-trying times.
Smith seems to have the fire down below, as the song says. i really look forward to act 3.I was as anxious as anyone. I decided to place my trust in Garland. Now, I think justice will happen. It has to. I view it as a study in human nature. Infuriating, yet fascinating. It's my multi-course meal. Watching Individual 1 break down is delicious. A new taste treat every day.
yeah, but he does have potential.he's playing you, Roger.
yeah, but he does have potential.
he's smarter than the usual troll, by a little.
he could redeem himself, with the proper inspiration.
any event, no matter how unlikely, is at least remotely possible.
when i joined this website, i wasn't a magat by any means, but i was more apolitical, and just accepted some things without any examination.I stopped thinking that exposure to new and innovative from like minded pot smokers was's not; their thinking chrystalized as much as the plants they grow (meth).
I pretty much stick to a line or two if that doesn't elicit pause for just a second? Then a wall certainly won't.
16 years. Think twice about plans to kidnap a State Official.
‘Driving force’ in plot to kidnap Mich. governor sentenced to 16 years
I pay for this WaPo shite now because they've nagged me and won't supply a proper hyperlink..I mean look at it^^^^^^^^
It's like a cop show, the bad guy is an asshole for 50 minutes and only gets it in the last few minutes. Or better yet, law and order, with the second half about to begin in court.Smith seems to have the fire down below, as the song says. i really look forward to act 3.
I opened their page in a private browser, normally they tell I am a naughty boy.Meanie.
They didn't even give you the nice little box..must be like the blue check mark have to pay a certain amount.