What did you accomplish today?

I put cable chains on the ladies car around 5:00 this morning so she could make it to work since the roads were covered in ice. Then I spent the day swapping out the Hummingbird feeder every half hour so they didn't freeze.

I got this picture as it was getting dark. Not the best picture. But you can see the ice. It's amazing these little birds don't freeze solid like an ice cube. I worry about my critters.

I just swapped my drill's chuck for a keyless one. Wasn't even $10 off the shelf.
I was actually looking for one for my drill press but they didn't have tapered ones at the shop.
The Price was right on the ones they had though so I'll be replacing my other electric drills over to keyless.
I put cable chains on the ladies car around 5:00 this morning so she could make it to work since the roads were covered in ice. Then I spent the day swapping out the Hummingbird feeder every half hour so they didn't freeze.

I got this picture as it was getting dark. Not the best picture. But you can see the ice. It's amazing these little birds don't freeze solid like an ice cube. I worry about my critters.

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I was in the Portland area early tuesday morning and it was cold AF already. I slipped and almost fell on my ass on some wood steps where I was taking care of business.
Reminder to self, don’t drive through Portland at 5:30 on a Monday night. Jesus Christ wtf was I thinking.
I was in the Portland area early tuesday morning and it was cold AF already. I slipped and almost fell on my ass on some wood steps where I was taking care of business.
Reminder to self, don’t drive through Portland at 5:30 on a Monday night. Jesus Christ wtf was I thinking.

Fortunately we usually don't stay cold for very long. Warmer air from the Pacific ocean usually keeps that arctic air that drops down over much of the country to the east. It's supposed to get into the mid 40's later today and into the 50s by Tuesday. The white Christmas some hoped for should be melted away by tomorrow. That will be a disappointed for some to have missed a white Christmas by one day.

It's not just Monday night. Getting through Portland at that time is always an exercise in patience.

Just took this photo and I can't wait for it to melt. Looks like snow but it's frozen hard like ice.

I put cable chains on the ladies car around 5:00 this morning so she could make it to work since the roads were covered in ice. Then I spent the day swapping out the Hummingbird feeder every half hour so they didn't freeze.

I got this picture as it was getting dark. Not the best picture. But you can see the ice. It's amazing these little birds don't freeze solid like an ice cube. I worry about my critters.

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Same here. Started a 5 am. So happy it's warming up. Oh merry holidays!
Xmas day where I am & just finished a res-change & defoliation over a few beers.

It’s chilly in the Deep South. But no snow so I’m good.
Merry Christmas.
You're not seeing things. That temp. reading is in C, not F.
How far South are we talking here??

Wednesday is touted to be 37C. As the saying goes..... a snowball's chance.......

'Hope you lot in North America are all nicely bunkered-down for the storm that's hitting you atm.
I’m making chili today because it’s still cold af here. So I put on some pandora to listen to just like always but today I choose my King Diamond station and this has turned into a two hour head banging session. It’s a great way to use some stored up energy from being trapped in the house with family and friends for days.