Forums Say Soil is Best, Commercial Growing Pro's telling me Coco is best.


Well-Known Member
Hello! So I've been tirelessly reading online for some time to discover if it's worth jumping to coco-perlite from soil, with liquid nutrients.

Every post I see practically says soil tastes better and yields only slightly less.

However I've spoken to a few commercial growers, I'm talking legal growers with factories and they all swear by their coco methods giving just as good weed as soil if not better.

Are the commercial growers simply chasing the yield/speed and the quality could be better in the soil? Or is it legit that the coco method can outperform soil with the best professional level of care? What say you!?:wall:
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Well I just changed from coco to soil myself to find out. I was growing in 3 gallon hempy style buckets and as @Creature1969 said you can grow trees fast. I switched to soil sips and the growth rate is near as fast, but I am using 17 gallon totes. The amendments do smell some, not a problem for me. I don’t expect to be able to taste the difference but without clones done both ways I had no way to judge, so figured I’d do it myself. Even when I come up with my own conclusion I’m sure someone on here will tell me I’m wrong, so just do it yourself and see. Taste is a personal preference and no one else can tell you what you think.
Well I just changed from coco to soil myself to find out. I was growing in 3 gallon hempy style buckets and as @Creature1969 said you can grow trees fast. I switched to soil sips and the growth rate is near as fast, but I am using 17 gallon totes. The amendments do smell some, not a problem for me. I don’t expect to be able to taste the difference but without clones done both ways I had no way to judge, so figured I’d do it myself. Even when I come up with my own conclusion I’m sure someone on here will tell me I’m wrong, so just do it yourself and see. Taste is a personal preference and no one else can tell you what you think.
I've ran the same strain both ways, and my conclusion was, I didn't notice a difference in taste, but there was a difference in smell. The organic one stunk more, and I grew it in a sip, so growth was similar.
With soil you can do alot of bullshit that doesn't work in coco. Like adding 10 different fertilzers in 3 different ways amending and top dressing. Will it grow good weed? Sure but may 3 fertilzers would have sufficed. Coco is simpler. You can try a different brand of fertilizer or change the ratio of coco and perlite but thats pretty much it.
You see that in a lot of hobbies. People doing it overly complicated to a point that outsiders get the impression that the hobby turned into something different.
The grow journals in my sig are all in coco, I used 1.5, 2, and 3 gallon pots in my various journals here if you want to see what various pot sizes produce on the same feed regimen. For a new coco grower, using 3 gal pots and fertigating twice daily in flower is perfect. Coco is way more of a time commitment, than using 7 gal or greater pots of soil, but it's consistent, easy to fix any nutrient issues, and produces bud that's equal to any media. I like to add fulvic acid, amino acids (corn steep liquor), and seaweed extract to my nutrient solution, using Maxigro/bloom as a base. Try 1 EC and 6.3 PH, and feed to plenty of runoff every single time you feed, and don't start multifeeding until the roots have fully filled out a container. Good luck!
Coco is faster in veg but requires more water/feed cycles
Soil has more of a buffer for error
Think u got it backwards. Coco makes for easy fix of issues since u water more frequent. When coco is done traditionally its considered hydroponic which is the easiest to fix. Folks overfeed coco. I only fed mine once or twice a week depending on plant. If u use octopots u can put your nutes in the reservoir and then wait til it needs to be filled. Keep it kiss all the way.
Think u got it backwards. Coco makes for easy fix of issues since u water more frequent. When coco is done traditionally its considered hydroponic which is the easiest to fix. Folks overfeed coco. I only fed mine once or twice a week depending on plant. If u use octopots u can put your nutes in the reservoir and then wait til it needs to be filled. Keep it kiss all the way.
If you are only feeding once or twice a week, you aren't practicing traditional hydroponics.
Only major drawback with coco is you ain’t going anywhere. Not unless there’s someone you really trust to dump the feeds in. I know this because come salmon fishing time here there’s a lot of anxiety about it.
Only major drawback with coco is you ain’t going anywhere. Not unless there’s someone you really trust to dump the feeds in. I know this because come salmon fishing time here there’s a lot of anxiety about it.

Blumats. You can get a 6 plant kit for around $60. Length of time you can be away is determined by size of reservoir.
I grow in soil atm because I am still learning, but the results I see with coco are usually more substantial by an order of magnitude at least vs 1:1 in soil.