Hello! So I've been tirelessly reading online for some time to discover if it's worth jumping to coco-perlite from soil, with liquid nutrients.
Every post I see practically says soil tastes better and yields only slightly less.
However I've spoken to a few commercial growers, I'm talking legal growers with factories and they all swear by their coco methods giving just as good weed as soil if not better.
Are the commercial growers simply chasing the yield/speed and the quality could be better in the soil? Or is it legit that the coco method can outperform soil with the best professional level of care? What say you!?
Every post I see practically says soil tastes better and yields only slightly less.
However I've spoken to a few commercial growers, I'm talking legal growers with factories and they all swear by their coco methods giving just as good weed as soil if not better.
Are the commercial growers simply chasing the yield/speed and the quality could be better in the soil? Or is it legit that the coco method can outperform soil with the best professional level of care? What say you!?

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