
that equals the complete state of Duma in the federation, take that out and the whole United Russian Party would collapse....
yeah, that was kind of my point...they would no longer exist as a state, and therefore, the threat of them obtaining this tech would be void...
NATO could finally do something useful and step in to seize all the nuclear weapons and delivery systems spread across the country, and destroy them, so we never get held hostage by them again.
A new and it looks like, a very effective tactic for drones this winter fighting Russians, it was kinda obvious. Even in daylight they can drop right down on a chimney and drop a grenade or mortar round right down the chimney if nobody is outside freezing their ass on watch! How long will it take them to cover the chimney openings in chicken wire? A few drones with hand grenades could make mess of a section of the front and second lines on cold nights with the Russians huddled around their makeshift stoves inside dugouts.

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A new and it looks like, a very effective tactic for drones this winter fighting Russians, it was kinda obvious. Even in daylight they can drop right down on a chimney and drop a grenade or motor round right down the chimney if nobody is outside freezing their ass on watch! How long will it take them to cover the chimney openings in chicken wire? A few drones with hand grenades could make mess of a section of the front and second lines on cold nights with the Russians huddled around their makeshift stoves inside dugouts.

The UK does not respond well the nuclear threats from Putin... Make an agreement to just use them on specified targets like rail bridges inside Russia leading into Ukraine and even into Belarus from Russia. Trap them inside Russia and cut them off in Ukraine, leave, surrender or die, it would end it pretty quick IMHO if a few road bridges were taken out too. These are legitimate military targets that will directly affect the outcome of the war, most are in the middle of nowhere with no civilians around.


and a lot more other nations in that area too, that are starting to rise up.....Kazaks are just one...there are rumbles in Chech republic, Azerbajin, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbecks, and i think one more can't remember......they're just waiting for the Russian Federation to fall and crumble.....
Inexperience, she should have hired an American consultant, she obviously needed professional help with handling bribes in modern times! :lol: Even Donald and Kush did better than this!:lol: Bags of cash how crass, amateur hour.

Qatar bribery probe rocks European Parliament | DW News

A vice president of the European Parliament has been charged with corruption over allegations that World Cup host Qatar paid huge bribes to influence EU policy. Eva Kaili has been stripped of her powers after investigators reportedly found bags of cash in her home. She's one of four people arrested so far in connection with the scandal.
Inexperience, she should have hired an American consultant, she obviously needed professional help with handling bribes in modern times! :lol: Even Donald and Kush did better than this!:lol: Bags of cash how crass, amateur hour.

Qatar bribery probe rocks European Parliament | DW News

A vice president of the European Parliament has been charged with corruption over allegations that World Cup host Qatar paid huge bribes to influence EU policy. Eva Kaili has been stripped of her powers after investigators reportedly found bags of cash in her home. She's one of four people arrested so far in connection with the scandal.

people say FIFA is corrupt, another one in those fold is the Olympics
people say FIFA is corrupt, another one in those fold is the Olympics
Them Arabs got cash and grease a lot of European palms with it, American too, but they are more experienced at dealing with it! I mean 2 billion from the Saudi's and that is just what we know about and Trump might not even have gotten a cut, all legal too, now that is a slick way to sell out yer country! :lol: It pays to have crooked lawyers and accountants these days, ya can't just roll up with a dump truck full of cash and drop it in the driveway!
Them Arabs got cash and grease a lot of European palms with it, American too, but they are more experienced at dealing with it! I mean 2 billion from the Saudi's and that is just what we know about and Trump might not even have gotten a cut, all legal too, now that is a slick way to sell out yer country! :lol: It pays to have crooked lawyers and accountants these days, ya can't just roll up with a dump truck full of cash and drop it in the driveway!

also make you wonder how china and russia got the winter olympics too huh......Socha is Putins territory, while Xi had a sky jump near a nuke plant...
also make you wonder how china and russia got the winter olympics too huh......Socha is Putins territory, while Xi had a sky jump near a nuke plant...
It makes me wonder about the reliability of Swiss bank accounts for hiding crime these days. Years ago the way to take a bribe in Europe was for it to go to a numbered Swiss bank account, end of problem. Since the drug wars and terrorism perhaps that has changed and they are sharing suspect data with the EU, including politicans who might be on the take or avoiding taxes.
It makes me wonder about the reliability of Swiss bank accounts for hiding crime these days. Years ago the way to take a bribe in Europe was for it to go to a numbered Swiss bank account, end of problem. Since the drug wars and terrorism perhaps that has changed and they are sharing suspect data with the EU, including politicans who might be on the take or avoiding taxes.

tax haven are all througout the world....Panama, Cypus, and that's to name a few......

wiki has kept a good list of them