What did you accomplish today?

My town does 3 free leaf pick ups in the fall, more than that’s a $50 fee like when you have trash to pick up that doesn’t fit in the can. For one of the most impoverished towns in the state our city sure is out to squeeze as much as it can from its people.
They also charge an extra $50 a month to the water bill during the summer as a watering fee which is a fucking pain in the ass to get lifted, I’ve never once in my life even considered watering a lawn but since my shit ain’t brown I must be watering it, like it doesn’t fucking rain all the goddamn time here.
The battery in my car was nice enough to kick over the car one last time at the store yesterday. Road trip today to pick up a new one after pulling the paper weight out. Have to put something in the trunk to make sure it doesn't latch (battery lives there) or I'll have to jump it to operate the unlock solenoid. Hopefully it has enough left to unlock it today. Come to think of it I should have kept the jumper cables in the car, not in the trunk. :shock:
Knee bends done and dogs out, wife fed em. Vaping (Bad Dawg Freebie) LVTK x Sunshine4 in a OG Arizer Air.
Need to choose some beans to germ as I have several plants very close to chop and I will need to replace them.

Just made a new pot of Black Silk.
I'm with you. I'm considering what to pop. Mine are 2 weeks into flower so I better get popping. What are you thinking about?

Oh and my HUGE accomplishment was ordering the granddaughter's Christmas present (she'll be 3 next month)

It's supposed to arrive Wednesday. I can't WAIT to hear my son's reaction. He's going to hit the ceiling ahhh the joy of grand parenting giving the gifts that give to both parents and child.