Terrorism in North Carolina?

The wings are fast and it it would take me too long to figure out how to set the camera to capture in still life form. I took the pic but it's really not of value other than the memory of seeing it.

You're confusing me for a Yellowstone tourist..I'm not one of the morons who feels the need to get out of my car and get close to a herd of wild elk, deer etc. I sit and wait like everyone who lives here for them to pass.

I'm talking about park squirrels and hummingbirds not buffalo.
i know, but even those squirrels are now dependent on handouts, they've grown up for generations now expecting those hand outs as part of their diet...they aren't wild animals anymore, and would die if anything happened to their source of food. they no longer behave like wild animals. they've been turned into a menagerie of skittish pets.
the best thing you can do for any animal is look at it from a distance, and then go the hell away.

just to clarify, i'm not a peta weirdo...i'm an entirely independent weirdo. i don't think eating animals is murder, but i think mistreating them should land you in hell, after a stop in jail. human intervention is just that, intervention, and all experiments are effected by those conducting the experiments.
The squirrels here are competent whether or not w3 put seeds out. It’s a wild world with plenty of predators and competing squirrels. They even leave for weeks and I might see a couple a day but soon enough they drift back and we might be able to spot a dozen from one chair. There are literally millions of nut-bearing hardwoods I can see off the back deck.
Had a little run in with Whisky Jacks, (Grey Jays), at our cabin a year ago Oct when we went up for the thanksgiving close-the-cabin-for-winter trip. Very friendly birds.


Not my beer can but my hand.


Here's a picture I wish I'd taken. Took Alan McFadyen ages to get this one. The perfect kingfisher dive shot.

Alan Mcfadyens perfect kingfisher dive photo.jpg

That's just a funny pic off the web. Not so funny for the rodent hanging by his nuts tho I bet. :)

When we get a squirrel hanging around we catch them in this and take them up to the neighbours quarter section about 4 miles away and let them go. Lots of them up there so they can go do their thing in freedom. I shoot the weasels.

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Live traps are the way to go. Those little guys are just doing what comes natural.
Live traps are the way to go. Those little guys are just doing what comes natural.

We had one here for years that lived in the soffit around the carport. I bet there's 50 lbs of dog food stashed up there yet. Started ripping into bags of chicken feed out there so he got relocated. All sorts of stuff like dried mushrooms and other edibles hung up in the rafters out there. He's take stuff from the compost and put it up there for winter. Drove the cats nuts.

Had that trap set and forgot about it for months then found a mummified weasel in it. Poor guy. I got no problem shooting them as they get under the house and dig out insulation to make their dens with but I don't want them to suffer. Last one I got was winter and it had turned white so froze it to skin later for fly tying material.

Another muskrat showed up in my dugout so got it last fall. Fed it to the dog and it was all gone by morning.

We had one here for years that lived in the soffit around the carport. I bet there's 50 lbs of dog food stashed up there yet. Started ripping into bags of chicken feed out there so he got relocated. All sorts of stuff like dried mushrooms and other edibles hung up in the rafters out there. He's take stuff from the compost and put it up there for winter. Drove the cats nuts.

Had that trap set and forgot about it for months then found a mummified weasel in it. Poor guy. I got no problem shooting them as they get under the house and dig out insulation to make their dens with but I don't want them to suffer. Last one I got was winter and it had turned white so froze it to skin later for fly tying material.

Another muskrat showed up in my dugout so got it last fall. Fed it to the dog and it was all gone by morning.

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The worst terrorists I deal with here are the woodpeckers. Those fuckers have pushed me too far, :bigjoint:
Is anyone here actually from Moore County NC? I am and there was a lot of speculation, such as the perpetrators we're trying to stop a drag show that was coming up. Luckily I was not one that lost power, but the temps really weren't that low all the time like the guy in the video said, it was pretty mild overall. The worst part was actually was people not being able to work for most of the week.