Terrorism in North Carolina?

I wouldn't obey it either. They can impose a curfew but legally enforcing it is another thing. Kind of like mandatory evacuations in the face of hurricanes or wildfires. More of a suggestion than anything as far as I'm concerned. Having said that, I would definitely flee an approaching wildfire or CAT 5 hurricane if I was in the path. I wouldn't recognize some arbitrary curfew.
the "arbitrary" curfew is there to keep thieves, rapists, looters, and other assorted assholes from causing trouble. that seems like a fairly legitimate reason to impose a temporary curfew...and where the hell are you going to go?
Whoever did it probably did have foil in their hand when they smashed through that gate. What kind of real terrorists would be dumb enough to have something vandalized, without paying some junkie some pills to do it for them instead so they don't get caught red handed?

Probably just some punks that got into daddies gun safe, got drunk, drove through the gate and had some fun. Maybe not though, it does seem like a smooth operation.
1. couple of hunters just sighting in their deer rifles for the upcoming season
2. couple of rednecks pissed off at Duke power for their constant rate hikes
that is a possibility, i don't assume for a minute this was some sort of organized thing. it could be, but at this point, till they at least get some solid leads, we're all just guessing. it might be peta, it might be maga, it might be drunk redneck assholes, it might be some mentally disturbed person who thinks the transformers are giving everyone cancer....they're all equally valid suspect to me, until the F.B.I. gets something to go on.
that is a possibility, i don't assume for a minute this was some sort of organized thing. it could be, but at this point, till they at least get some solid leads, we're all just guessing. it might be peta, it might be maga, it might be drunk redneck assholes, it might be some mentally disturbed person who thinks the transformers are giving everyone cancer....they're all equally valid suspect to me, until the F.B.I. gets something to go on.
come on now, we all know it's those bigly wind turbines that cause cancer.

my point is that our grid is extremely vulnerable and this would not have been a practice run when they could have done real and lasting damage to way more than 40k in podunk, north carolina if they wanted to
How do you know they are Antifa?
that's actually a pretty good question...i watched the video. i don't see any shirts, hats, armbands...with any logos on them, i don't hear anyone claiming to be antifa, i don't see any banners that say antifa. this is just some pissed off kids shouting at and assaulting an old lady, as far as i can see. if one of them wasn't black, you could just as easily claim they were magats...
come on now, we all know it's those bigly wind turbines that cause cancer.

my point is that our grid is extremely vulnerable and this would not have been a practice run when they could have done real and lasting damage to way more than 40k in podunk, north carolina if they wanted to
it could be "organized" but just at a local level...some dumbass militia guys who think they're making a point. but again, it's all guesses, it could be the flying spaghetti monster expressing his displeasure with our society...R'amen
When I wear my mask to shoplift grass seed from home depot, I shout "Maga 2024 bitch!"

Beware the claims of your auntie fa.
a crow with a long piece of aluminum foil in its' claws could do as much damage
I was gonna reply with some disbelief until I found this.

It would be worse if the squirrels could shoot at switches or transformers. In response, the big manufacturers of hunting arms design around the three-squirrel rule, that being the minimum number of organized squirrels needed to cycle the action of a hunting rifle or shotgun.

Military arms are designed around a lesser standard, since old campaigners know that sometimes the tactical margin can be two-squirrel narrow.
it could be "organized" but just at a local level...some dumbass militia guys who think they're making a point. but again, it's all guesses, it could be the flying spaghetti monster expressing his displeasure with our society...R'amen
could be the airing of grievances at an early Festivus celebration. . it's middle of hillbilly, north carolina after all
Could be very highly organized. They will probably have to reset a bunch of systems everywhere, and reboot. As they reboot, russian ruski or crashoverride malware will come online, and then they can shut down all the grids surrounding that one too.

No one will ever know its running.. spreading.. and the stupid FBI will find the bait eveidence that leads them on some goose chase, and thinking they figured it all out.
that's actually a pretty good question...i watched the video. i don't see any shirts, hats, armbands...with any logos on them, i don't hear anyone claiming to be antifa, i don't see any banners that say antifa. this is just some pissed off kids shouting at assaulting an old lady, as far as i can see. if one of them wasn't black, you could just as easily claim they were magats...
And shit, as Candace Owens and Herschel Walker have shown, pretty easy to find some diversity for your hate groups.
the "arbitrary" curfew is there to keep thieves, rapists, looters, and other assorted assholes from causing trouble. that seems like a fairly legitimate reason to impose a temporary curfew...and where the hell are you going to go?

Down to the store for beer.

Do they shut down all the businesses? Is the McDonalds drive-thru closed? What if I work the graveyard shift? How do they check if I'm out driving down the road? Do they pull everyone over and check to see why they're out and then verify the reason given? Do they have resources to do that? I don't see how they can even enforce it.

What could very likely happen is they'll find out it was some stupid kids driving around drunk with guns looking for something to shoot that would make a big bang.
that's actually a pretty good question...i watched the video. i don't see any shirts, hats, armbands...with any logos on them, i don't hear anyone claiming to be antifa, i don't see any banners that say antifa. this is just some pissed off kids shouting at and assaulting an old lady, as far as i can see. if one of them wasn't black, you could just as easily claim they were magats...

Everyone that actually lives here in Portland knows it was Antifa/Antifa affiliated individuals. It's no secret. It happened just down the road from my house. I can walk to the location in under ten minutes. I know what happened and who was responsible. If some people on the internet want to think otherwise they're free to do so. It changes nothing especially the facts. All I care about now is that those jerks are no longer running rampant vandalizing everything in sight any longer and nobody wants them back.