Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

If everyone that chooses to avoid the vaccine would also agree to avoid seeking treatment in a hospital this wouldn't be an issue. Unfortunately that's not the case, and people like ya'll, the "SmArT' ones, caused hospitals to collapse. It is utterly confounding how ya'll are so proud of being ignorant and don't see the selfishness of what your group represents.
Oh look, sarcastic memes! You must be super informed! Oh wait, no, that would mean that you would have done your own research (aka reading), which you aren't supposed to do in 2022.
Or was told by a doctor while they were explaining why a family members cancer surgery and treatment was being delayed, again.
If everyone that chooses to avoid the vaccine would also agree to avoid seeking treatment in a hospital this wouldn't be an issue. Unfortunately that's not the case, and people like ya'll, the "SmArT' ones, caused hospitals to collapse. It is utterly confounding how ya'll are so proud of being ignorant and don't see the selfishness of what your group represents.
I avoided the hospital, no problems. Just felt bad for a few days. I'm actually not ignorant at all, I studied the topic thoroughly. Are you upset that I did my own research (aka, reading)?
I avoided the hospital, no problems. Just felt bad for a few days. I'm actually not ignorant at all, I studied the topic thoroughly. Are you upset that I did my own research (aka, reading)?
Congrats on getting through it, I'm glad you did without issue. LOL at did your own research, exactly what the doctor mocked while explaining why treatment was delayed. I don't have an issue with any of you individually, but people in your camp has fucked people that didn't have the luxury of choosing, and my family in particular.
Congrats on getting through it, I'm glad you did without issue. LOL at did your own research, exactly what the doctor mocked while explaining why treatment was delayed. I don't have an issue with any of you individually, but people in your camp has fucked people that didn't have the luxury of choosing, and my family in particular.
It's so weird to me that a doctor would mock people for reading. It's such a strange world we live in these days.

When I did have to take my daughter to the hospital's ER related to a brain concussion, the biggest hold up was the fact that they wanted to give her multiple covid tests due to the fact that she had a neurogenic fever related to the head injury (she tested negative on the first one, and they decided that they wanted to do a second test to "really rule out covid"). We told the ER doc that she her issues were related to the concussion she had been diagnosed with by a different doctor, and we were scoffed at. The ER doc said that it "was highly unlikely" When my daughter's primary doctor came back from vacation a few days later, we got an additional diagnosis confirming the brain concussion. Honestly the only reason we even knew that the neurogenic fever was a thing before going to the ER was because we read up on it (aka, we did our own research). It was nice to have the primary care physician reassure us after the fact that we did exactly the correct thing, and that the ER doc handled it inappropriately.
I think the thing that steered me away was the short term "testing" on humans. Even the latest booster has not been tested on humans before being released... well, I guess some of you are being tested as we speak. But, who knows what's going to happen to your body with such little research or testing?... it took 15 years for them to dial in Polio, and fucked up alot of kids in the process. I just didn't want to be a lab rat.