Examples of GOP Leadership

state attorney generals and secretaries of state were in on it too, and need to be taken to task just the same.
Yep, there were people who signed the fake elector's docs and their enablers in the statehouses and republican party. In some places they will be charged with state crimes too. Willis in Georgia appears to be going for conspiracy and the fake electors there as well as Trump and Lindsey if she can get him! Jack will spend less than 1% of his time putting Donald away and that will break the ice and make prosecuting the J6 Whitehouse bunch a lot easier, with no deals for Donald's ass, who else ya got to offer? ;-) Some of these assholes will make shit up about them and tell it to a jury to get time off! :lol: They are just those kinds of people, and they will stab each other in the back, lie and cut throats without blinking.
MosCarthy pandering to Gan and Pedobear

mccarthy is a gutless scumbag, chasing prestige amongst a herd of pigs. why would any decent person want to preside over a party of white supremacist christian nationalist domestic terrorists? of course, we're not talking about a decent person, we're talking about mccarthy.
so he will lick the sweat off of gaetz and greene's taints, and empower their hate and bigotry...what a fucking patriot.
mccarthy is a gutless scumbag, chasing prestige amongst a herd of pigs. why would any decent person want to preside over a party of white supremacist christian nationalist domestic terrorists? of course, we're not talking about a decent person, we're talking about mccarthy.
so he will lick the sweat off of gaetz and greene's taints, and empower their hate and bigotry...what a fucking patriot.
He will also visit Donald in the big house for guidance, MTG will insist! :lol: There have got to be a half dozen of them from swing districts who only won by a few thousand votes that should put a damper on things, he needs them as much as the criminal assholes facing possible indictment. The democrats could ally with the moderates or just watch them go nuts and dig their own political graves. Not all congress people are from districts like MTG's where miss peachtree dish can do no wrong, many had to fight hard for their seats in congress and know where this bullshit leads in 2024.
mccarthy is a gutless scumbag, chasing prestige amongst a herd of pigs. why would any decent person want to preside over a party of white supremacist christian nationalist domestic terrorists? of course, we're not talking about a decent person, we're talking about mccarthy.
so he will lick the sweat off of gaetz and greene's taints, and empower their hate and bigotry...what a fucking patriot.

mccarthy is a gutless scumbag, chasing prestige amongst a herd of pigs. why would any decent person want to preside over a party of white supremacist christian nationalist domestic terrorists? of course, we're not talking about a decent person, we're talking about mccarthy.
so he will lick the sweat off of gaetz and greene's taints, and empower their hate and bigotry...what a fucking patriot.
Remember, character counts and zero is also a number! :lol:

Trump's 'Toxic' Wing Causes Chaos In House

98,661 views Nov 28, 2022
A divided House GOP is in disarray as many in the pro-Trump Freedom Caucus threaten Rep. Kevin McCarthy's bid for Speaker of the House. Former RNC chair Michael Steele joins MSNBC’s Ari Melber on the path ahead and the bargaining that could backfire on McCarthy.
oh my motherfucking god...you can not make shit like this up...
if mccarthy loses the speaker position to lindell...i will walk around like an insane person for at least a whole day, laughing insanely while also weeping...jesus h motherfucking christ on a ritz cracker, rolling down a hill in a grocery cart with johnny fucking knoxville...
just when you think trump has done the stupidest thing anyone interested in a career in politics can do, he fucking tops it...
oh my motherfucking god...you can not make shit like this up...
if mccarthy loses the speaker position to lindell...i will walk around like an insane person for at least a whole day, laughing insanely while also weeping...jesus h motherfucking christ on a ritz cracker, rolling down a hill in a grocery cart with johnny fucking knoxville...
just when you think trump has done the stupidest thing anyone interested in a career in politics can do, he fucking tops it...
6 republican moderates could have more control over the democrats than they could over the lunatic republicans in their own party. A lot of members aren't like MTG and only won their districts by a few thousand votes and will be worried about 2024. With Mitch's backing they could ally with the democrats to elect a more moderate speaker however it might be to the democrat's advantage to let them dig their own graves on TV while at war with themselves. All those members would have to do is abstain for the vote and the speaker would be a democrat, so they have as much power as the assholes on the pardon list. Jack will soon be putting the heat on these congressional assholes with grand jury subpoenas, so expect some howling and dancing as the red-hot poker is inserted into their assholes.
Karl is behind a lot of the republican attacks against him, and the election blame he is getting from that faction of the GOP. Karl and Mitch know it is down to double digit days until Donald gets indicted, he might be remained into custody or muzzled until trial, which won't take long with a simple case like this. Donald might have trouble even getting bail and Karl and Mitch are just gonna stand back while the justice system buries him for good. They will need to focus on saving their congress people and senators from Jack's clutches over J6 in the coming year as the conspiracy investigation widens and deepens.
Karl is behind a lot of the republican attacks against him, and the election blame he is getting from that faction of the GOP. Karl and Mitch know it is down to double digit days until Donald gets indicted, he might be remained into custody or muzzled until trial, which won't take long with a simple case like this. Donald might have trouble even getting bail and Karl and Mitch are just gonna stand back while the justice system buries him for good. They will need to focus on saving their congress people and senators from Jack's clutches over J6 in the coming year as the conspiracy investigation widens and deepens.
if they have any sense, which is questionable, they'll let Smith take who he takes, with no resistance...then they could start rebuilding the party with the fucknut moron faction locked safely away.
if they have any sense, which is questionable, they'll let Smith take who he takes, with no resistance...then they could start rebuilding the party with the fucknut moron faction locked safely away.
They are OK with the ones who have republican governors who will replace them, depending on state law, but the ones from some democratically controlled ones could be an issue.

That pardon request list is gonna be looked into and the meetings they had at the WH and on the hill with others before the vote are gonna be of interest, because votes in the congress could be actions in furtherance of a conspiracy, just like the fake elector scheme. The righthand does not need to do what the left hand is doing for conspiracy charges to stick. Trump's cronies and minions are gonna want deals, if they are being indicted for conspiracy, then the people they were in meetings with planning it, are guilty too. They planned and coordinated with the WH to make J6 happen, riot included, even if they never expected it to get that bad.
here we fucking go again, the karen brigade has to talk to the manager before things can be settled...
can someone please slap the motherfucking stupid out of these fucker's heads?
but that's fine, if they continue to refuse, they lose, and the democratic candidates win...if they comply, the democratic candidates win, they're fucked either way, i was just hoping to not have to listen to them sniffle, whine, and shriek about it.