Examples of GOP Leadership

putin CAN'T do that, unless he decides suicide is the way. The only way out for him is to win, and there is fuck all chance of that. I think it will keep him trying up until things disintegrate around him, though. there will be no peace until putin is out of office, how ever that happens.
The idea is to break the economy and military power of Russia whatever asshole is running the place, the next one could be worse than Putin, but I think not. The more he throws in and the harder he fights, the more complete the job of destruction. The weaker they get and the more shit and chaos in Russia, the better the chances places like Belarus have to be free and it will provide long term security for Ukraine and Europe. Vlad can fight until the last tank, missile and mobik if he wants, Uncle Sam would be fine with that and probably the Ukrainians too. As I said, they are in the punishment phase of the war now and Ukraine wants to do the punishing and get some battlefield justice, so by all means fight to the last mobik.

Let's talk about the presumed Speaker of the House....
so there are different factions within the republican party, and mccarthy decides to look for support from the fucking magats...when a piece of shit tells you that they're a piece of shit, believe them.
i find it telling that mccarthy is the best candidate they can come up with for speaker...the party is truly crumbling from within.
Jack the Giant Killer will document and throw it all in his lawyer's face during his plea hearing when Donald is trying to get conditions of release, and Jack is requesting he be remained into custody until trial. Not many get released when indicted for what Donald did anyway and if he is, it will be with a ball gag in his piehole. There is no provision for ex-presidents under the law, he has to be treated like everybody else and get the same kind of sentence. Once Donald enters the criminal justice "machine" he is on the countdown clock to a fast conviction over the docs and obstruction, bye Donald. Jack is not fucking around and is working through the holidays and weekends too it appears.
Well let’s unwrap the Donald ….

Cognitive - difficulty thinking and understanding, paranoia , making things up , delusions , inability to do simple math , verbal diarrhea.

Behavioral : aggression, self-care , meaningless repetition of words, lack of restraint , goofy dancing ,
Irritability .

Mood : anger , assholeness , mood swings.

Also Common: micro-penis , baby hands , straw hair , urine fantasies , fat.

Medical Condition - Asshole Alzheimers / ADHD ( Asshole DickHead Dumbass ).

Joe: This Is Your Republican Party; This Is Why You Keep Losing Elections

63,088 views Nov 28, 2022
Former President Donald Trump held a pre-Thanksgiving dinner at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida with Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, and white supremacist Nick Fuentes. The Morning Joe panel discusses the dinner and the larger GOP refusal to call out Trump's actions and its impact on elections for Republicans.
Sure, they are waiting for Jack to take care of Trump for them and after he has Trump safely tucked away for them, they will attack him. They will defend Donald for his base when he is in prison and muzzled and won't speak about an ongoing legal matter! :lol: Most elected republicans would love to have Trump off their backs and out of their lives, they just need someone to do it for them, but can't appear to be happy about it in public. Without him backstopping them the magats will lose power in congress and the moderates are more likely to prevail. As the republicans attempt to put lipstick on the pig with Mitch holding him down while he squirms. The last thing they want is a long drawn-out Trump trial and fortunately for them it will be a short one and a slam dunk at that.

Charlie Sykes: GOP Waiting Around For Someone Else To Take Care Of Trump For Them

15,751 views Nov 28, 2022
Former President Donald Trump distanced himself Friday from a pre-Thanksgiving dinner at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida with Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, and white supremacist Nick Fuentes. The Morning Joe panel discusses.
They will grow more frantic, his purpose is not to whine, but to whip up his fan base and if he and they could, tear the country apart, good luck with that. Once he is indicted all such posts will stop, one way or another because the judge owns his ass then. A couple of weeks I figure, and it will be legal shock and awe for Trump and his enablers as the kinpin goes down before everybody else, except the J6 rioters and he will beat some of them to be first in the crowbar hotel. Next up all the other assholes involved including congress people and that is where Jack is gonna spend 99% of his time, after he flushes Donald fast.
He has only attuned Jack Smith to the smell of blood. The more TFG attempts to intimidate, the harder and faster Smith works. The GOP will have an indicted candidate as presidential front runner while his business is monitored and he has a current $ 4 B personal deal with the Saudis while the GOP promises to hammer on Hunter.

let's see, a translation from trumpanzee to english...
"this very accomplished prosecutor makes me shit my pants, i'm terrified i will finally have to pay for at least some of the thousands of crimes i have committed in my life. i know i tried to destroy democracy and install myself as president for life, but is that any reason to put me in prison?
i know that no other presidents did anything like what i did, not even Nixon, but i'll keep bringing them up in a lame attempt to deflect my own guilt upon those who faithfully carried out their responsibilities while in office."...
there, i think i captured the nuances....
It's very telling, who hadn't replied by printing time, and who had.
Jack will have questions for some of them, Hawley made the motion, Ron Johnson was suppose to give Pence the fake electors and Chuck Grassley was ready to count them, while Pence swung on the front fucking lawn! MTG and other house members were in on WH meetings where conspiracies were discussed and they furthered the conspiracy by their actions in the house on J6, they had meetings among themselves then too, before the votes and Trump was reaching out to senators on that day and talking to Gym Jordan too. Jack will have lots of rats too, when the Kingpin is gone on a separate crime. If you were one of Donald's cronies or minions in one of those meetings looking at 20 years and a fortune in legal fees and needed a deal for time off, whose ass would be worth the most? I'd say Jack would want senators, congress people and government employees in that order and he doesn't need to offer deals for Donald over J6 but will get the info and testimony as a byproduct anyway.
Jack will have questions for some of them, Hawley made the motion, Ron Johnson was suppose to give Pence the fake electors and Chuck Grassley was ready to count them, while Pence swung on the front fucking lawn! MTG and other house members were in on WH meetings where conspiracies were discussed and they furthered the conspiracy by their actions in the house on J6, they had meetings among themselves then too, before the votes and Trump was reaching out to senators on that day and talking to Gym Jordan too. Jack will have lots of rats too, when the Kingpin is gone on a separate crime. If you were one of Donald's cronies or minions in one of those meetings looking at 20 years and a fortune in legal fees and needed a deal for time off, whose ass would be worth the most? I'd say Jack would want senators, congress people and government employees in that order and he doesn't need to offer deals for Donald over J6, but will get the info and testimony as a byproduct.
state attorney generals and secretaries of state were in on it too, and need to be taken to task just the same.