Marijuana Seeds

I ordered seeds from shipped to Arizona, but have not got them yet. I ordered about a week ago, and have not got them yet. I hope I get them soon. I will keep you guys posted, peace.
I was a bit Iffy on \ordering for the first time,,,But i ordered Big Bud, PPP, and Hindu Kush, from Nirvana on Friday and my order was sent in two days,,,I received it in 6 daysfrom my order date,,Great service from these guy,s.I will definitely order again.
Ive grown mainly clones, but the guy I bought clones from got busted, so now Im wondering, this nirvana seed bank, if I order them from canada, do you think they will get seized when they go through customs?
Ordered 5 feminized Himalayan Gold from Attitude. Went with discreet shipping that included a t-shirt. Took exactly one week from order and we got our 5 free G13 labs skunk seeds too!
lol ok great, I understand why that kind of info cant be revealed. also, what about Ive heard good things about them, anyone with first hand experience?
Wow, BC BUD DEPOT not recommended? I was going to place a large outdoor this year with BC GOD Bud. I read their FAQ and they said ' we would not ripe you off because that would be known around the world.' Althougt I tend to trust a user at rollitup. org with over 1500k post and a staff than a retailer!.. I problem is trying to get a strain that will grow in B.C Canada. And an outdoor seed that grows well away form the cost, with the frist frost happaning in October...
Well there IS nirvana... and hemp depot. Both reliable for U.S. consumers.
Attitude has GREAT customer service. And the TRACKING is really a great addition.
Hemp Depot lost an order and Brad was a dick and a half. In fact, I have found, that most of the people who say HD is good never had to deal with customer service (AFTER the sale) or never had a lost package. (I can deal with seized packages BUT I have very little "faith" in lost packages!)

I just sent and received 2 orders from Attitude. The 1st one arrived in 5 days (to the US) and the 2nd in 7.... BUT by seeing tracking you can see that BOTH times the delay was with the USPS coming into US.. The DAY I ordered or the day after at the longest, the order was posted!

Nirvana had to stop for awhile and change steath because for awhile they were getting intercepted. I believe they are back but that is a risk.

The only netherlands based seedbank that has always gotten through was Online Alien.

Again, it has not been tested, but guaranteed delivery SHOULD be worth its weight in the extra cost! And as I said, the tracking puts your mind at ease!


BTW, order from who you want, I am not endorsing anyone, I am merely giving my history... I get no benefit from whomever you order from :eyesmoke:


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i just ordered some auto white moscow and some auto grreat white shark from any info on this retailer please?

diclaimer: anything i say or represent is only because i want to be a part of starwars episodes and learn the tricks of obi 1 canobi its all lies and has no baring in this case in fact please delete yourself now and exit the building
ok i ordered the seeds last night when i get them il post a review!! if i dont soon that means things didnt go well and im probably arrested! wish me luck hope everything goes well:blsmoke:

Anything i say is a lie i dont exist and have no logic
A friend reports successful, stealth U.S. shipping from both these two sites:
Marijuana Seeds (cannabis Seeds) High Quality Low Prices and Attitude in 3-4 weeks.

I would like to report: 1 good transaction! I ordered from and I got my stealth package yesterday.

I ordered on the 22nd (saturday) and they shipped on the 24th (monday). I received them on the 4th. That's approximately 10 days from the Netherlands to California. SWEET!

The prices are unmatched imo. The quality of the beans has not been determined yet, but they look good so far. I even received 5 free Super Silver Haze Beans.

I've got a nice variety germing as we speak. I'm so excited.:mrgreen:
Seedsman is "supposedly" a reputable bank but I have no personal info on them....
I await the report!
Good Luck! Peace

i just ordered some auto white moscow and some auto grreat white shark from any info on this retailer please?

diclaimer: anything i say or represent is only because i want to be a part of starwars episodes and learn the tricks of obi 1 canobi its all lies and has no baring in this case in fact please delete yourself now and exit the building
I would like to report: 1 good transaction! I ordered from and I got my stealth package yesterday.

I ordered on the 22nd (saturday) and they shipped on the 24th (monday). I received them on the 4th. That's approximately 10 days from the Netherlands to California. SWEET!

The prices are unmatched imo. The quality of the beans has not been determined yet, but they look good so far. I even received 5 free Super Silver Haze Beans.

I've got a nice variety germing as we speak. I'm so excited.:mrgreen:

Great!! The KEY will be the quality of the seeds..... The problem I have with is that I "believe" they are all F2s. Many years ago I received 5 free white widows for signing up to their newsletter... The seeds were marijuana and they germinated.
But at this point, in my life, I want seeds from a REPUTABLE BREEDER (IE Shanti, GHS, Barneys Farm etc) and I want the seedbank to send THOSE seeds in the original breeder packs to ME! My time of wasting grow space w/seeds of unknown origin and unknown quality are Loooooong gone.... BUT... I don't look down my nose at ANYONE who grows, be it bagssed, freebies, or unknown seeds.... When it is finished, it it didnt hermie and ruin your grow space, then you are AHEAD!!

The ONLY think I take exception to is the quote you started your message with...
Originally Posted by Green4Good
A friend reports successful, stealth U.S. shipping from both these two sites:
Marijuana Seeds and Attitude in 3-4 weeks.
3-4 weeks to receive seeds is NOT good by any stretch of the imagination!! unless they sent cash and consider the entire time from sending the cash to receiving!

I hope your seeds are KILLER!!! Peace
I only quoted him because it was his link that got me started.

I germed 5 ww, 5 haze, & 8 bagseed. Some of the beans in my bagseed have been there for about 10 years. Just misc extras found in quality stash. After 1½ days: 3 ww, 1 haze & 0 bagseed have cracked.
I've ordered seeds from three times now & all three times I received my seeds (plus extras for free) in under a week. They are totally legit. I purchased White Widow, Northern Lights, & BC Sweet Tooth. 10 seeds for $50.00 (free shipping), plus they give you 5 extra free each time so technically I guess it's really 15 seeds for $50.00.