The Junk Drawer

I like to focus on solutions, and for this is one, meditation is the premier treatment for depression today MBCT is the leading therapy and with most people and addresses the root causes. Stress levels in kids have been going through the roof these past decades and it tracks with the rise of technology, recently it has become acute. They actually lose touch with their bodies in a fundamental way, the online world causes us to live in our minds and disconnects us from our senses. This is very important for emotional health as it allows us to be in touch with the feelings that drive our higher social emotions and thoughts. Depression is a social/emotional disorder, it involves our relationship with ourselves and others.

There are other mindful school programs, but I like this one and it is the most professional IMHO. Have a look and promote mindful schools in your area or support those there.

I want to learn more to be able to promote mindfulness. I am a strong advocate.
I want to learn more to be able to promote mindfulness. I am a strong advocate.
Here is a free online MBSR course, if you take it for 8 weeks and do the exercises, you will know what mindfulness is all about by experiencing the results in your perceptual and cognitive functioning and general level of happiness and contentment. We have two basic mental modes of operation, mental where we live in the past and future, worrying and ruminating for the most part when we live in our heads, this is called default mode processing, or brain idling, or self-referential processing. The other way we can experience consciousness is to live in our senses, inhabit our bodies, the senses work in real time, hence present moment awareness.

This is the modern way to learn about mindfulness, much easier than puzzling through Buddhism. One thing though are morals and ethics, the more you practice the more sensitive your conscience becomes, that little voice becomes louder, and you modify your behavior or suffer! :lol: It is more stress management than stress reduction, it helps you to become less of an asshole and thus get yourself in less shit. Even if you stop meditating you don't forget that! So have some self-compassion, yer all that ya got!

Artemis is being fueled for a possible launch tonight in 2+ hours.
That is the principal difference from 50 years ago: the entire vehicle can be tested without risking a crew. Not sure if this alte kacker will still be up to watch liftoff.
Artemis is being fueled for a possible launch tonight in 2+ hours.
That is the principal difference from 50 years ago: the entire vehicle can be tested without risking a crew. Not sure if this alte kacker will still be up to watch liftoff.
This appears to be one area where Elon's people can do better and have so far demonstrated it, compared to this technological dinosaur and money pit. These contractors have been sucking on the big government teat too long methinks for the booster at least. Other aspects sure, but the booster appears to be a boondoggle that has a good chance of being a most spectacular firework, judging by past performance.
She called you a Kiwi :lol: Burn? It’s sort of like a double insult. Like saying limey to an Irish person.

Is there any ozzie slang for a Tasmanian who dislikes the US so much he’ll rather get in bed with the CCP? Asking for a friend :D

I thought he was in Australia.
This appears to be one area where Elon's people can do better and have so far demonstrated it, compared to this technological dinosaur and money pit. These contractors have been sucking on the big government teat too long methinks for the booster at least. Other aspects sure, but the booster appears to be a boondoggle that has a good chance of being a most spectacular firework, judging by past performance.
SpaceX has been knocking them out of the park. But I wonder if it will stay like that. Shartsip still has not flown and remains unproven. And top management has been a bit volatile lately.

So I’m sorta rooting for the big orange bird.
Here is a free online MBSR course, if you take it for 8 weeks and do the exercises, you will know what mindfulness is all about by experiencing the results in your perceptual and cognitive functioning and general level of happiness and contentment. We have two basic mental modes of operation, mental where we live in the past and future, worrying and ruminating for the most part when we live in our heads, this is called default mode processing, or brain idling, or self-referential processing. The other way we can experience consciousness is to live in our senses, inhabit our bodies, the senses work in real time, hence present moment awareness.

This is the modern way to learn about mindfulness, much easier than puzzling through Buddhism. One thing though are morals and ethics, the more you practice the more sensitive your conscience becomes, that little voice becomes louder, and you modify your behavior or suffer! :lol: It is more stress management than stress reduction, it helps you to become less of an asshole and thus get yourself in less shit. Even if you stop meditating you don't forget that! So have some self-compassion, yer all that ya got!

I have been practicing. I want to teach depressed kids in a live setting, i.e., I want to know how to reach them without shame or fear and without politically bent idiots misconstruing and mischaracterizing mindfulness.

I worry because anything that appears to be "woke" or intellectual will be attacked. It will be wrongly linked to Buddhism and distorted.

I tried to introduce my sister-in-law to mindfulness but it was impossible. Neither she nor my brother-in-law would listen, literally not to a word I spoke. They would have none of it. I couldn't speak because they were too interested in telling me about the power of Jesus. I wasn't allowed to explain that it would enhance their faith, not replace it or blaspheme their religion. They would not listen to the medical benefits. She would never learn that she could reduce her physical suffering through her mind and improve her mental health. It's sad to see people reject good health advice out of fear and tribalism.

More people buy into Dr. Oz.
She called you a Kiwi :lol: Burn? It’s sort of like a double insult. Like saying limey to an Irish person.

Is there any ozzie slang for a Tasmanian who dislikes the US so much he’ll rather get in bed with the CCP? Asking for a friend :D
Bit weird calling me a Kiwi. I'm not a New Zealander. Did she think that i was or did she think that being called a Kiwi is an insult? Perhaps both.
For future reference Kiwi is not an insult like Septic is.

What was the other stuff about?

I don't know, i haven't met any. Good Old Commie work perhaps?
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I have been practicing. I want to teach depressed kids in a live setting, i.e., I want to know how to reach them without shame or fear and without politically bent idiots misconstruing and mischaracterizing mindfulness.

I worry because anything that appears to be "woke" or intellectual will be attacked. It will be wrongly linked to Buddhism and distorted.

I tried to introduce my sister-in-law to mindfulness but it was impossible. Neither she nor my brother-in-law would listen, literally not to a word I spoke. They would have none of it. I couldn't speak because they were too interested in telling me about the power of Jesus. I wasn't allowed to explain that it would enhance their faith, not replace it or blaspheme their religion. They would not listen to the medical benefits. She would never learn that she could reduce her physical suffering through her mind and improve her mental health. It's sad to see people reject good health advice out of fear and tribalism.

More people buy into Dr. Oz.
Few walk the path. I'd like to see it introduced into schools; mindfulness breaks the religious connection with Uncle Sid. It is evidence based, mind body science and a discipline. It's like PE call it EE Emotional education, we train the intellectual facilities, but not the emotional ones, the thing that drives us and defines our lives. Happiness has no ulterior motive, it is an end, and we do everything in life to attain it, most often mistaking pleasure for it and confusing the two. Besides it creates "liberals", kills bigotry dead and could change most societies for the better in a generation. The right would rightly suspect it of having a pernicious effect and they would be right. However, many advise prayer before meditation, God used the breath to blow life into man and when you focus on it you focus on him.... I could make a fucking fortune with this shit! :lol: Fucking conscience!
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^ this is a really good watch for those interested in the region. It might give some insight into Australian foreign policy and politics and probably learn something about American politics that you were not aware of as well.

Will learn a lot about my politics as well instead of trying to pigeon hole me.
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Feeling kinda vindicated about that bitcoin exchange blowing up, I crap on crypto at every chance and that whole situation highlighted some big pitfalls I ramble about. They should have just left it as a way to buy drugs on the internet, it was good at that from what I hear. It should never have been treated as legitimate currency as it just isnt.

Sorry you lost your video game gold, maybe the beanie baby investment will act as a hedge.
Few walk the path. I'd like to see it introduced into schools; mindfulness breaks the religious connection with Uncle Sid. It is evidence based, mind body science and a discipline. It's like PE call it EE Emotional education, we train the intellectual facilities, but not the emotional ones, the thing that drives us and defines our lives. Happiness has no ulterior motive, it is an end, and we do everything thing in life to attain it, most often mistaking pleasure for it and confusing the two. Besides it creates "liberals", kills bigotry dead and could change most societies for the better in a generation. The right would rightly suspect it of having a pernicious effect and they would be right. However, many advise prayer before meditation, God used the breath to blow life into man and when you focus on it you focus on him.... I could make a fucking fortune with this shit! :lol: Fucking conscience!
My Catholic school taught meditation in years 7 and 8.
Interestingly i spoke with my daughter over dinner and she went to a Catholic school for a year or two (she didn't like it) and they did meditation before math.
"If an object ever did reach the speed of light, its mass would become infinite. And as a result, the energy required to move the object would also become infinite: an impossibility."

Balance. Hardcoded in our universe/sim.

The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light.

What freaks me is when there is a huge explosion somewhere and are fortunate to catch lights dark matter up and it looks organic.
The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light.

What freaks me is when there is a huge explosion somewhere and are fortunate to catch lights dark matter up and it looks organic.
If you ever get the chance to look at the late-summer Milky Way through good binos in a really really dark sky —

it looks like a violent storm faintly lit from inside. A Cat 5 hurricane at a timescale such that it looks frozen. I’ve never gotten that effect from even slightly light-polluted skies. But from a true dark location, it is hair-on-end awesome.