
Belaruski Hajun, an independent Belarusian military monitoring media outlet has reported that they received photo proof that a Russian MiG-31K interceptor jet, which was flying over Belarus, escorted with a fighter jet, conducted a training flight while carrying a X-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic missile.

Hopefully this isn’t a “ Kherson “ training mission.

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That might be full of Vodka the way this things going...
This war might end in the traditional European way, like before WW2, with an armistice, a Russian withdrawal and peace negotiations. However, there is the problem of Vlad being a reliable partner for peace, but if he left all of Ukraine there would be little cause for war and Ukraine couldn't attack Russia unless they kept firing missiles into Ukraine, but no fighting on their turf. All Vlad has to do is leave Ukraine including Crimea and not attack them with drones and cruise missiles to have peace. He can even retain power if he can, while he does it, but he will have to step on a few hardliners necks to do it.

Lots of peace or truce talks in the air, but nobody is forcing Ukraine to the table while Russia is still on its soil. This is a way out for the cornered rat, he won't like it and there will be blood running out of his asshole, but he either leaves or gets the bum's rush with a lot more corpses. His entire army is destroyed, and nearing collapse, mutiny or coup and the economy is crashing on the rocks as his allies flee. It's not like Vlad has a choice, his own people will kill him and talk peace if he does not, or the army will simply leave Ukrainian territory and make the best terms they can with the Ukrainians while rebelling against Moscow.

This could be an indicator of imminent Russian military collapse in Ukraine, there is heavy fighting in the east with Russian conscripts be slaughtered daily and if they capture the northeast, they cut their supply lines there too and cripple their defense in the Donbas. The Russians are already cut off from resupply in the south of Ukraine and Crimea, and the Kerch bridge is too damaged for rail traffic.

Joe probably offered him a green light in central Asia for soft power, to exploit markets and get oil. It would be more profitable to gather the gold laying on the ground (or under it) there than to face certain death and destruction in the direction of Tawain. Pick up the Asian pieces of Vlad's dissolving Russian empire by offering those automatous republics trade deals and rail lines. They can be continental kings in their own back yard with a huge hinterland for resources and energy, just play by the rules and do it with soft economic and business power, no invasions. China can offer them alternative access to global markets and lots of economic benefits to raise standards of living and quality of life and China is good at building railways and infrastructure, probably pipelines too.
This could be an indicator of imminent Russian military collapse in Ukraine, there is heavy fighting in the east with Russian conscripts be slaughtered daily and if they capture the northeast, they cut their supply lines there too and cripple their defense in the Donbas. The Russians are already cut off from resupply in the south of Ukraine and Crimea, and the Kerch bridge is too damaged for rail traffic.

it seems to me that we have reliable information that the russians are planning to use a wmd in Ukraine, a nuke or chemical weapons, and this is their one and only warning about it...