Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Any ideas what to do with couple quarts of green cayenne's?
I'm out of ideas this week.
I was thinking puree them with cumin, cilantro, garlic, add some roasted Ancho peppers for that deep pepper sauce flavor.

Maybe something like this?

Thank you.

How's everyone doing today? Rain should be starting later......supposed to get 2"-3" of it and maybe end in snow. I got the day off with the kids. Gonna smoke that bacon and then who knows.....I forgot I had off so no plans lol
Well, it was a beautiful Fall while it lasted!!

Probably going to make chili today. The meatloaf was good....Between a few dabs and a good meal, I passed out on the sofa early last night. And I just kicked the morning off with a few dabs!! So much tastier than the carts! (and I know what's in my dabs 100%)


Do you have your skis ready?
I'm glad my ride has new ski's all the way around!