Elons Little Plan

Clearly Joe was the superstar of Obama's Presidency. The glue. It would have been a disaster without Biden. And the American People are well aware. This is why they voted way more for Biden than Obama.
Nope, Obama was a rare talent, so was Trump, in his own unique way... He was smart enough to leverage Joe's experience, contacts and smarts though, Joe was always clean too. Obama would have been impeached over nothing and if he said or tried any of what Trump did, he would have been gone in a flash. Two completely different standards with the racist tea party arising, the precursors of today's GOP, a fascist movement, not a legitimate political party.

The shock of Obama drove America's racists into the GOP and out of the democratic party. Trump drove all the good people out of the GOP completing the process so that only the scum remains, the lunatics, morons and miscreants, the moral failures who lie to themselves and others.
Nope, Obama was a rare talent, so was Trump, in his own unique way... He was smart enough to leverage Joe's experience, contacts and smarts though, Joe was always clean too. Obama would have been impeached over nothing and if he said or tried any of what Trump did, he would have been gone in a flash. Two completely different standards with the racist tea party arising, the precursors of today's GOP, a fascist movement, not a legitimate political party.

The shock of Obama drove America's racists into the GOP and out of the democratic party. Trump drove all the good people out of the GOP completing the process so that only the scum remains, the lunatics, morons and miscreants, the moral failures who lie to themselves and others.

Oh cool, so the Democrat party was full of racists until 2008 and I'm a moron, miscreant and just whatever bad thing you can think of. Cool story.
Even by Obama standards, and he was as clean as a cat's asshole, his biggest "crime" was wearing a tan suit out of season, a fashion faux pas. Joe picked Obama's WH and staffed his administration out, it was part of his job based on his long experience, Joe kept a list of good people and so did his chief of staff.

Idk man, there was mustardgate. Damn elitists, what with their flavorful condiment choices. Truly it was the darkest of times.
The shock of Obama drove America's racists into the GOP and out of the democratic party.

Just thought I would snip that down a bit and share it with you. It was supremely interesting to learn that America's racists resided in the Democratic party until George W left office.

I'm sure one or two moved to Canada to wear blackface with your Prime Minister though.
420 may be a little much, if any of the women have seen this pic....
View attachment 5219904
Wait ‘til they find out he’s dumb as a post…No one’s as frail as the guy/girl who’s been told he/she is brilliant all his life…and then tries to demonstrate it

Hunting for a vid I saw, Musk “warning” about AI: largest pile of empty words from a ‘smart guy’ I ever heard outside a Chump speech. The comments were hyperventilating over his ‘brilliance’ and ‘insight’…but he didn’t…say…*ANYTHING* that even made a LITTLE sense. Wish I could find the bloody thing, it’s hilariously BORING
Oh cool, so the Democrat party was full of racists until 2008 and I'm a moron, miscreant and just whatever bad thing you can think of. Cool story.
Both parties had racists and things could get done as long as black folks didn't get any compromise was possible. However now things have changed, the parties are polarized, and the racists have largely gone from the democrats and migrated to the republicans, like they did in the south.

If you think you are a miscreant because you support Trump, few here will disagree. His supporters are motivated by malicious intent for the most part, but they bite themselves in the ass regularly by electing con artists who manipulate them by appealing true motives and social conditioning. Foxnews does it for profit and the politicians do it for power, it's so easy when you get past the bullshit and the true motives and intentions reveled by their words and behavior. People aren't black boxes, there are causes and effects for everything, conditioning is a factor too and fear drives it all for republicans.
He fired them with cause, which was a pretty key clause. He did keep one very valuable employee which had no replacement pool though: Ligma Johnson, who did actually learn to code.

If you're losing followers it's because the bot purge has begun. If you're leaving Twitter, noone believes you any more than we did when you said you were moving to Canada because of Bush then Trump.
Like the way El Rushbo was moving to Costa Rica if Obama won?
Is that the best card to separate lines with in Canada or is there another benefit that's not ego driven?
Actually few people in Canada are members of political parties, it used to cost 10 bucks. Members have a lot more say on policy than regular folks and pick the candidates, for the most part. So, if you wanna say legalize pot, then join the most likely party to do it, in this case the Liberal party legalized pot federally and ya can mail an ounce for the price of a letter from one end of the country to another. Even government dope is good and about $125 CDN an ounce, less than a C note in gringo money.
Does anyone need more evidence that Musk is a narcissist? He's blaming "activist groups" claiming they are trying to "destroy free speech" because Twitter ad revenues suffered a massive drop. Apparently capitalism isn't working correctly for him so logically it's someone else's fault. I didn't leave Twitter because he posted a ludicrous political conspiracy theory and I see the hate taking over the site, I must have left as part of an activist group because I want to destroy free speech.

That guy is genius.

Elon Musk Appears In Over His Head With Purchase Of Twitter

110,445 views Nov 5, 2022
Ben Collins, senior reporter for NBC News, talks with Alex Wagner about the changes and mistakes Elon Musk is making as he asserts his will upon his newly purchased company, Twitter, and the potential consequences for the midterm election as Musk is dismantling the tools for maintaining order on the site.
Does anyone need more evidence that Musk is a narcissist? He's blaming "activist groups" claiming they are trying to "destroy free speech" because Twitter ad revenues suffered a massive drop. Apparently capitalism isn't working correctly for him so logically it's someone else's fault. I didn't leave Twitter because he posted a ludicrous political conspiracy theory and I see the hate taking over the site, I must have left as part of an activist group because I want to destroy free speech.

That guy is genius.
It became pretty clear when he suggested Ukraine negotiate because his gift of LarStink was starting to cost a few million.
It became pretty clear when he suggested Ukraine negotiate because his gift of LarStink was starting to cost a few million.
he should just hand all that starlink equipment in Ukraine over to the US government, then all he'd have to provide is connectivity...and the government can probably do that better than him, as well.
why do entertainers, athletes, and rich people think that anyone gives a fuck about their opinions on anything except entertaining, playing a sport, or making money? being good at any one or even two of those things doesn't qualify you as an expert on a damn thing, besides entertaining, playing a sport, or making money...and i withhold the expert status in even those limited fields until they've been able to maintain their positions for at least a decade.
fatheaded, ignorant fucks running their mouths in an attempt to stay relevant never help anything, anywhere.
look at joe rogain, and all the ignorance and stupidity he has helped spread...just how many deaths do you think he is directly responsible for, with his shitty advice about everything from covid to education?