Of all the possible choices you could use as a reference, you picked Daily Kos? Ok. That article was too filled with opinion and very little specifics.
This is the most info that I could really glean from that opinion piece:
"While holding a medical license, Mehmet Oz, widely known as Dr. Oz, has long pushed misleading, science-free and unproven alternative therapies such as homeopathy, as well as fad diets, detoxes and cleanses. Some of these things have been potentially harmful, including
hydroxychloroquine, which he once touted would be beneficial in the treatment or prevention of COVID. This assertion has been thoroughly debunked."
Hydroxychloroquine is harmful eh? Hmm, not according to this study:
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has been shown to be at least somewhat effective in treating patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Recently the US Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warnings of fatal ...