The King Grows

I use a 35 pint GE Dehumidifier for my grow room. I bough a 3ft hose at Lowes and cut off the male end. I connected it to the dehumidifier and took a 5 gal bucket and used a 1 1/4 hole saw to cut a hole in the lid and put the hose in the bucket. I can go 1 or 2 days without dumping the bucket in my bathtub depending on what % setting and how humid it is. I use an A/C in tandem with it. Makes it easier to control temp and humidity that way.View attachment 5151020

I ended up going with a 70 pint Quest. I should have gone bigger because it barely keeps up when I am in late flower. I am adding about 40L of water/day via watering so it definitely has its work cut out.
Nice project you got going on. Im limited to 4 plants so I use a 4X4X7ft grow tent. I do have some setups that I have been throwing around but I just setup my tent in one of my spare rooms in my house.

I bought stuff to make a RDWC system with a 27 gal reservoir but havent finished making it yet. I was planning on doing 4 DWC buckets instead. I have ziptied tomato cages on to the 5 gal bucket net pot lids. BUt I decided to go organic soil in 5gal fabric pots this grow because of the summer heat. I dont feel like dealing with root rot even with Hydroguard idk if it can handle 26-27C in a hydro setup. Ill wait until September or October to start that grow.

You're in Canada so its probably colder plus that garage floor should keep it cool too.

Good Luck Ill check back later see how everything is going.

My next grow won't start until August but will be a Zombie Kush pheno hunt from the 5 seeds I currently have. It will be in living soil and I will use my automated watering system. I probably won't spend a lot of time in veg. Last time I went 31 days and my grow got out of hand. Probably thinking 20 days this time.
I ended up going with a 70 pint Quest. I should have gone bigger because it barely keeps up when I am in late flower. I am adding about 40L of water/day via watering so it definitely has its work cut out.
I run 4 lights over a 5x16 table in a very similar setup to yours. Right now I have 210 pints of dehumidification and sometimes it barely keeps up. Shocked me.

Ok so after finally getting home and then visiting with family from out of town I finally had a chance to deal with the weed situation.

After everything had dried for 10 days, it was ready to be processed. My wife doesn't trim but she did cut down the branches to fit into large zip lock bags. When she was done she had 57 bags. :shock:

This week I trimmed it. I was worried the terps would have been deteriorated from staying on the branches so long while being untrimmed but 5hey are very strong and I am very happy about that.

All said and done the grow was a success. I was shooting for 2.5lbs and would have been thrilled with 3lbs. But I got considerably more than 3lbs. :bigjoint:

Black Cherry Punch (4 plants)
1,234 grams/2.72lbs

Fuel Og (4 Plants)

Total 2,154grams/4.74lbs

The fuel Og was trimmed last. I am sure I have another .5lb I could be trimming but I am sick of trimming so it's in the trim bin slated to be turned into bubble hash.

So I ran 3x spider farmer sf4000 with about 450watts each at about 90% power so.....

(3x450)x.9= 1,215watts
2,154grams ÷ 1,215watts = 1.77grams /watt
Round 2 Zombie Kush by Ripper Seeds in Living Soil.

Today I made my soil:
-7.5cu.ft. Sphagnum Peat Moss

-2cu.ft. Sheep Manure Compost
-1cu.ft. Mushroom Manure Compost
-1cu.ft Sea Soil Fish Compost
-2cu.ft. Worm Castings

-4cu.ft. Coarse Perlite
-2cu.ft. Rice Hulls
1cu.ft Charged Bio-Char (not traditional airation but...)

Fertilizer Amendments:
10 Cup Kelp Meal
10 Cup Neem Cake

Mineral Amendments:
20 Cups Basalt Rock Dust
10 Cups Oyster Shell Flour
10 Cup Gypsum

Slight game plan change. I was going to run Zombie Kush but at the last second I changed my mind and went with the Kmintz.

Both strains are by Ripper Seeds out of Spain. These seeds were ordered directly off of their site. It's the third or fourth time I have ordered from them and they always send lots of cool free swag.
So 4 of the 5 seeds have grown into seedlings. I hate losing any seeds but honestly, 4 plants is probably a better fit for this grow.

I also figured I would throw up some parameters I am running at. Here they are. :bigjoint:

Btw, CO² is turned off at the bottle. The seedlings don't use much and what gets trapped in my sealed room is more than enough for them.
The seedlings stretched a little more than I like to see but it's not a big deal. Other than that they seem to be doing well. Watering has been kept to a minimum by letting the top inch or so completely dry out. The last thing I need to do is overwater them right out of the gate.

I also planted the clover cover crop in the 20 gallon fabric pots about a week ago and it has come up nicely, today I loosely spread straw I gathered from my wife's uncles wheat field after he combined it.

Then I rigged in the irrigation system. I will remove the drippers from the pots until I am ready to plant the weed plants in them. I only placed them in there today to ensure everything reached all the pots.

So far so good.

Today I had quite a few nice white roots shooting out of the bottoms of my 4" pots. I decided to transplant directly into the 20 gallon fabric pots with the "living soil". I also sprinkled some myco in there for shits and giggles.

I had to turn on the other lights and I am running them at 45% power giving each plant ~400μmol each.

So tap water so far. Haven't checked ph or anything. This just seems so wrong. I am used to micro managing my grows but I haven't done shit this grow...... Well I did throw in some earthworms that I stole from my wife's garden but that's it.

I think they look ok? They could probably use some cal mag though. :eyesmoke:

Yesterday I ordered some Gaia Green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4. 10kg of each. I also ordered a bag of Bokashi Pro-Gro. Ordered from, gotta love that they will send heavy items for free on orders over $99.

Boosted my co² levels to 600ppm. Probably get them to 800ppm by the end of this week. All the plants have 6 nodes. I will top them at 8 or so.

Once the food arrives, I will probably top dress each 20 gallon pot with 5 tablespoons each per week. The directions say 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil once a month but I would rather give a little bit every week rather than a shitload all at once. As for the Bokashi, I will have to look into that a little more before I decide on how much to give each plant.
Well we tried to simplify things since my last grow which was absolutely crazy fast and productive. But it was just too much for my wife to handle while I was away at work.

The plants are about a month in to veg now and are looking good and healthy. They are however growing at about half the rate my last grow vegged at. The last grow had been scrogged and was flipped after only a month of veg time. I am guessing my veg time this grow could be as long as 50-60 days by the time I scrog them.

But the wife is super happy with the current workload.

Once again all four plants are K-Mintz from Ripper Seeds.

Plant #1
Started life with 3 Cotyledons and then went through a pretty messed up looking stage where I almost culled it.

Super happy I didn't!!!

It ended up growing twin stalks and bushed right out. No topping on this one.

Plant #2
This one is my favorite so far. I think it has a good amount of stretch in between the branches to be suited for my style of growing. It is also the biggest plant in the room. The branches are developing faster and it is just a really solid looking plant.

Plant #3
Similar to plant #2 but just a little smaller and the branches aren't developing as quickly.

Plant #4
Very bushey but short. Could it be the most indica in the room? Could it be the strongest pheno in the room? Who knows. One of the joys of growing from seed. :bigjoint:

I fed them each a ¼ cup of Bokashi Pro-Gro and a ¼ cup of Gaia Green 4-4-4.

CO² is set at 750ppm, lights are at 55% with each plant getting 500-600μmol each. Temp at 81⁰f, humidity at 78%, VPD at about 0.80KPa

She is a pretty simple little grow this time.