Biden asks if deceased congresswoman is at White House event

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Yeah I wanted the biggest gasoline engine they had. We were doing a lot of camping in those days and the slide in camper was heavy. I've driven big block ford trucks since the 70's. I've never had a lick of trouble with either the 460 or V10, but maybe I have just been lucky. The V10 is still running like a beast at 22 years old. Here it is on the farm. The worm farm...
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You have a worm farm?
They are like this with most people.
I'm a drunk, communist, right wing, socialist, russian, troll according to Canni and Hanni.

It gets bloody funny after awhile.
Basically their conservative beliefs are correct and anything to the Left or Right of that is (see above).
If u get Canni on the back foot far enough its a lying, drunk, communists, right wing,socialist, russian, troll. And maybe love China.
You left off VICTIM
When you are 80 and you lose more and more contemporaries each year, it's not all that surprising that he would misremember something like that. How many friends, colleagues and close supporters do you think he's lost over the past few years? 100? 200?

I've engaged in mocking Trump for his own personal gaffes. Like when he lost control of his bowels on the golf course. These are understandable for an old man who is always in the public eye. Yet, despite that gaffe, most Republicans would rather have Trump in the WH and even say he's qualified to be prez. I wouldn't disqualify Trump for his old man gaffes. He's not qualified for two reasons. A: He lost; B: He attempted to overthrow our government. but there are more reasons C: He's a Russian asset; D: He committed an abuse of power that caused him to be impeached; E: He stole government secrets, etc.

That said, I certainly find it satisfying to point and laugh at the old man on the golf course in poopy pants. You can have your juvenile moment too. So, go ahead, have your juvenile snicker. After all, we all have a juvenile living inside.

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That picture is photoshopped
I think it's sad when any parent loses a child. I also think it's sad when you can't remember how your child died. For some reason Biden thinks his son died in Iraq when in fact he died of cancer. Seems to be more and more obvious that Biden is slipping mentally.
Only time will tell that.

And the fact that you are okay with the presidents mental state, leaves me to stop the reply's with you. You hate trump so much that you would be okay with this. We are not close to the same. Good day, Sir.
American patriot here
Obviously you are on a different page
Good riddance
I think it's sad when any parent loses a child. I also think it's sad when you can't remember how your child died. For some reason Biden thinks his son died in Iraq when in fact he died of cancer. Seems to be more and more obvious that Biden is slipping mentally.
See what I mean about shitting on everyone? His ass kissers do the same. After they wash their faces, that is.
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I think it's sad when any parent loses a child. I also think it's sad when you can't remember how your child died. For some reason Biden thinks his son died in Iraq when in fact he died of cancer. Seems to be more and more obvious that Biden is slipping mentally.
I got two words for ya, "We are fucked!"
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