Biden asks if deceased congresswoman is at White House event

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2000?.. The V10 was a rare beast. I had a 2003 (last production of the 7.3 diesel) but those 7.3's were bullet proof. Unfortunately, the EPA put a timeline on Ford to come up with a more "emissions friendly" diesel engine. Enter the 6.0. A disaster for Ford. Here was the problem. The oil and coolant cooler were a "married" cooler. The coolant would get coagulated and start overheating the engine. Soon, the coolant would get backed up into the EGR system and dump coolant into the intake. This would create a "hydrolock" in the cylinder block, and lift the head off of the block. It was kinda hit and miss. Some drove them 100,000 miles with no problems, and others got fucked with problem after problem after the PowerTrain warranty expired. It costs about 18,000 bucks to replace a 6.0. You still got a beast tho.
Yeah I wanted the biggest gasoline engine they had. We were doing a lot of camping in those days and the slide in camper was heavy. I've driven big block ford trucks since the 70's. I've never had a lick of trouble with either the 460 or V10, but maybe I have just been lucky. The V10 is still running like a beast at 22 years old. Here it is on the farm. The worm farm...
4-2-11 worm farm 006 (1).jpg
I can't believe people here still believe that 50% of their country are somehow foreign operatives simply because they have a differing ideological view.

Is it really that hard to accept that in a country of over 300 million, that people can and will have differing ideological viewpoints without being "foreign agents"? Talk about schizoid personality traits. Like, what paranoid delusion do you have to be stuck and what bizarre mental gymnastics do you have to force yourself to believe to truly accept that anyone who has a differing opinion than yours is a "foreign agent" lol. Has anyone considered that they might just have different social priorities than you?
I can't believe people here still believe that 50% of their country are somehow foreign operatives simply because they have a differing ideological view.

Is it really that hard to accept that in a country of over 300 million, that people can and will have differing ideological viewpoints without being "foreign agents"? Talk about schizoid personality traits. Like, what paranoid delusion do you have to be stuck in to truly believe that anyone who has a differing opinion than yours is a "foreign agent" lol. Has anyone considered that they might just have different social priorities than you?
When the purported differing views are based on obvious deception, any argument that they are different in kind but equal in standing is not honest.

Eroding the barrier between church and state, gerrymandering to promote minority rule, selective voter suppression etc. is not an instance of differing social priorities. It is an instance of deliberately undercutting the rule of law: sedition. Soft-selling an assault on democracy is de facto agency against the government.

Do you believe that the Presidential election was stolen?
When the purported differing views are based on obvious deception, any argument that they are different in kind but equal in standing is not honest.

Do you believe that the Presidential election was stolen?
nope, i just think people were sick of trump and it showed. I can have issues with current social climates without it having to do with trump or biden or the last election. I don't vote as I don't believe it really matters at the end of the day. Both sides represent lies and deception in my opinion.

I just find it easier to accept that 50% of the country has differing political views than I instead of creating bizarre theories that everyone that thinks different must be some type of "foreign troll". I mean politics has always been polarizing, russia or not.
nope, i just think people were sick of trump and it showed. I can have issues with current social climates without it having to do with trump or biden or the last election. I don't vote as I don't believe it really matters at the end of the day. Both sides represent lies and deception in my opinion.
Note edit.

The Democrats are committed to doing things legally. The Republicans have gone thoroughly rogue. If you cannot or will not see the difference, you are abetting the foreign propagandists who want to see our republic broken.
nope, i just think people were sick of trump and it showed. I can have issues with current social climates without it having to do with trump or biden or the last election. I don't vote as I don't believe it really matters at the end of the day. Both sides represent lies and deception in my opinion.

I just find it easier to accept that 50% of the country has differing political views than I instead of creating bizarre theories that everyone that thinks different must be some type of "foreign troll". I mean politics has always been polarizing, russia or not.
Calling the truth a bizarre theory was a favorite ploy of Beriya and Göbbels. You are welcoming authoritarian falsehoods using the standard tactic of appealing to false reason. Your lies are unreasonable.

lol. Can you be any more partisan and intolerant?
More propaganda from you. It is not my duty to change your mind, but I will point out your violence against fact. The remarkable bit is that millions have drunk of the same poisoned unreality as you. Your calling my response intolerant speaks more about you than about me.
Calling the truth a bizarre theory was a favorite ploy of Beriya and Göbbels. You are welcoming authoritarian falsehoods.
there's no truth to the claim that 50% of your country are "foreign agents" though. Having these solidified "truths" built up in your mind with zero functional backup or validation is a form of psychosis. you might want to see a professional if you are walking around every day seeing every second person as a foreign agent or operative, after all, paranoia and delusions are one of the main symptoms of schizophrenia.

Right and Left-wing extremists are a vast minorty at the end of the day and just a vocal outlier. I hardly see any in day-to-day life, so to assume that every second person is a "foreign extremist" is a bizarre, worrying thought loop to be trapped in and I hope you can find peace from the big bad foreign agents following you everywhere in your head.

"My Violence against fact". Give me a break. My words aren't violence against fact as there is negative 5 million proof that your country is 50% Russian operatives (that's your clear psychosis). So, you're telling me that you think there is nothing partisan or intolerant about seeing 50% of your country as your sworn enemy and "foreign operatives"? Wishing for the removal of 50% of the country from the gene pool based on their political views alone is the definition of intolerant and partisan. I have seen you guys talking daily about culling republicans. Wake up to yourself.

The thing is, if you are allowed to have your opinion that they have gone rogue, they are allowed the same of you. There is no right and wrong in opinion sadly.

until you can show me a shred of validity that there are over 160 million "Russian spies" in the country, it's a clear paranoid delusion, and nothing but.
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there's no truth to the claim that 50% of your country are "foreign agents" though. Having these solidified "truths" built up in your mind with zero functional backup or validation is a form of psychosis. you might want to see a professional if you are walking around every day seeing every second person as a foreign agent or operative, after all, paranoia and delusions are one of the main symptoms of schizophrenia.

Right and Left-wing extremists are a vast minorty at the end of the day and just a vocal outlier. I hardly see any in day-to-day life, so to assume that every second person is a "foreign extremist" is a bizarre, worrying thought loop to be trapped in.
You should read Göbbels and Stalin. You’ll feel right at home. They too meritlessly impugned the sanity of the sane.

Currently, the extreme right is heavily populated, as the culture war attests. Maga is frankly fascist. Seventy-four million voters chose an obvious liar who was dismantling the machinery of a free society. His henchpeople continue the program. It is no coincidence that the words freedom and patriot are being repeated incessantly by those who believe in anything but, and alt-news organizations have emerged to say the lies you quote.

There is no extreme left in USA. Point out one elected or appointed official who is working toward the collectivization of the means of production. That is the diagnostic for the radical left.

You are behaving precisely like a myrmidon of the foreign subversion specialists.
You should read Göbbels and Stalin. You’ll feel right at home. They too meritlessly impugned the sanity of the sane.

Currently, the extreme right is heavily populated, as the culture war attests. Maga is frankly fascist. Seventy-four million voters chose an obvious liar who was dismantling the machinery of a free society. His henchpeople continue the program. It is no coincidence that the words freedom and patriot are being repeated incessantly by those who believe in anything but, and alt-news organizations have emerged to say the lies you quote.

There is no extreme left in USA. Point out one elected or appointed official who is working toward the collectivization of the means of production. That is the diagnostic for the radical left.

You are behaving precisely like a myrmidon of the foreign subversion specialists.
"there is no extreme left" says the man that believes that every second person in the country is a "Russian right wing foreign operative"

You have to be kidding me lol.
Then point out specific examples. Reference them using text journalism.
I'm done. The second anyone on the left or right tells me that "there isn't an extreme left in America, only the extreme right (insert buzz word such as fascists, racists, bigots, cultists)" or "there's no extreme right in America, only extreme left (insert buzz word such as commie, marxist, groomers)" it's obvious that there is no rationality in the argument in any way shape or form.

Anyone that is trying to convince me that they are dead center and only the extreme right (or left) exists is being incredibly obtuse and deceptive.
lol. Can you be any more partisan and intolerant?
They are like this with most people.
I'm a drunk, communist, right wing, socialist, russian, troll according to Canni and Hanni.

It gets bloody funny after awhile.
Basically their conservative beliefs are correct and anything to the Left or Right of that is (see above).
If u get Canni on the back foot far enough its a lying, drunk, communists, right wing,socialist, russian, troll. And maybe love China.
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