
Well equipped, US trained Ukrainian soldiers using US tactics, sophisticated US weapons, assisted by US contractors - vs - Antiquated Soviet era military reinforced with sheep herders and invalids from around the country.

What could go wrong for pootin?
Not that its a proxy war...


How Ukraine could achieve victory against Russia, according to experts
+ Ukraine is gaining ground against Russia in both north and south, as potential path to victory emerges
+ Ben Hodges, a former US general, believes both attacks will converge on Crimea via Kherson and Mariupol
+ Mark Hertling, also a former US general, agreed that Crimea is the goal - but warned it will be 'a tough fight'
+ Pair spoke as Putin called up 300,000 reservists, annexed territory and threatened nukes as his invasion fails
Odd, they never mention taking out the Kerch bridge to cut off and trap the Russians in Crimea, after possibly splitting them in the south, or going the long way through Luhansk and Donbas.

One reason not to destroy the Kerch bridge would be partly political, all the Russians and Russian loyalists are using it to flee Crimea. This would depopulate the region of Russian sympathizers and loyalists and leave an escape route for Russian troops, but perhaps not their equipment, tanks would be worn out getting there without rail transport and everything could be out of fuel.

The Magats are fighting a headwind on Ukraine and abortion, we shall see if hate, fear and stupid can overcome everything thrown at it. There is no choice in November, just sanity and stupidity, the Magats control the republicans and Trump controls them, even from a prison cell. McCarthy will visit regularly for instructions, and they will be simple, GET ME OUTTA HERE! Think that's absurd? What have the past few years been?

In all the turmoil of war, Russian desperation and political infighting in Moscow, what would happen if Vlad's kompromat on Trump got released to the press? :lol: Donald's still got his face stuck to Vlad's ass, but hasn't been saying much, with the top-secret documents case and all. You'd think he would have thrown Vlad under the bus by now, since he's obviously a loser, or soon will be. Vlad is in as much shit as Donald right now, in his own way, he's never been closer to losing his power and even his life. Sooner or later, someone armed will organize against him and assassinate or overthrow him, because things are about to get much worse in Russia, politically, militarily and economically. After the election things will definitely get worse for Trump as the indictments drop in DC and Georgia.
That might come, but after they clean up the Kherson pocket, but maybe not, the Russians moved a lot of forces out of there to support their defense of Kherson, a lot of artillery and rocket launchers are supporting their troops on the other side of the river. Taking as much of Luhansk and Donbas as possible might be more important from a strategic/political perspective. However, it would divide the Russian forces in the South and chop them into smaller groups that can't mutually support, and it would make resupplying the Russians in the south problematic. Everything would have to come in via the Kerch bridge and that would make them very vulnerable to being cut off completely with the Ukrainians on the shores of the sea of Azov. The remaining Russians and Russian loyalists in Crimea would flee over the Kerch bridge while it was still standing. To stay in southern Ukraine and Crimea could mean being trapped there as the Ukrainians advanced on them. A repeat of Kherson only on a much grander scale.

From a tweet by MTG, I'll spare you the spin, but it illustrates why Ukraine is a good catch for the EU considering the oil and gas resources there. I expect EU membership long before NATO membership, the Russians won't be back anytime soon after they are defeated and ejected from Ukraine. They won't be just burned; they will be immolated and not shy but terrified of trying again for a long time.
The cost of bringing down a drone must be less than the cost of the drone, a million-dollar SAM bringing down a cheap $10,000 suicide drone won't work for long. SAMs are made for manned aircraft, so something small and cheap would be needed, if electronic means can't do the job something light and truck mounted, firing cheap missiles or even a high-performance rocket boosted killer drone, but it's gotta be cheaper per kill than the drone it's killing.

Raytheon is not known for its low-cost solutions; this one might come out of some engineer's garage!

How industry is helping the US Army and allies counter the drone threat

1,297 views Oct 3, 2022 Brought to you in partnership with Raytheon Missiles & Defense

Counter-unmanned aircraft systems (C-UAS) technology is now a key priority for militaries worldwide. For Raytheon Missiles & Defense, a holistic approach is crucial, with a need to incorporate the systems into a wider air defence architecture.

Among the many developments in modern warfare dramatically illustrated throughout the war in Ukraine is the prevalent use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).

However, the UAS threat is nothing new and has been increasing globally for some time, explains Abel Ghanooni, Senior Director for Short Range Air Defense Programs at Raytheon Missiles & Defense.
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Ret. Major General says Ukraine tricked Russians on battlefield
292,017 views Oct 6, 2022 Retired Major General James "Spider" Marks breaks down how Ukraine has been so successful in their counteroffensive against Russia.
I think Tucker Carlson needs to get the facts, so some reporting from Ukraine might be in order, he can go Nazi hunting with a camera crew! He recently had a weeklong special from Hungary right next store! I'm sure the Ukrainians can arrange a tour of the front so he can see the action close up! :lol: Rupert's a real prick, so he should send him to boost ratings! Tucker Live from Ukraine, so far...
Odd, they never mention taking out the Kerch bridge to cut off and trap the Russians in Crimea, after possibly splitting them in the south, or going the long way through Luhansk and Donbas.

One reason not to destroy the Kerch bridge would be partly political, all the Russians and Russian loyalists are using it to flee Crimea. This would depopulate the region of Russian sympathizers and loyalists and leave an escape route for Russian troops, but perhaps not their equipment, tanks would be worn out getting there without rail transport and everything could be out of fuel.

I know that you’re kind a hung up on dropping that bridge, but consider this scenario from a world-opinion perspective.

Ukraine could leave the bridge intact while isolating and then retaking Crimea, allowing Russians (not just army) to bug out without reprisal, then take possession of the full span. (Not necessarily annexing its eastern anchor.) “We did not practice unnecessary destruction. Oh and we possess Putin’s Pride.” Definite win in the news.

They could expand a part of the east causeway into a toll booth, exacting a high toll on nonresident eastbound traffic. Call it a reconstruction assessment.
I know that you’re kind a hung up on dropping that bridge, but consider this scenario from a world-opinion perspective.

Ukraine could leave the bridge intact while isolating and then retaking Crimea, allowing Russians (not just army) to bug out without reprisal, then take possession of the full span. (Not necessarily annexing its eastern anchor.) “We did not practice unnecessary destruction. Oh and we possess Putin’s Pride.” Definite win in the news.

They could expand a part of the east causeway into a toll booth, exacting a high toll on nonresident eastbound traffic. Call it a reconstruction assessment.
It's the fear of its destruction, not the actual act that would be most beneficial, if the Ukrainians arrived on the shores of the sea of Azov. There is a critical rail junction in northern Crimea that could be taken out with HIMARs and that would serve the same military function of cutting the logistics for the Russians remaining in the south and western Crimea. So not blowing up the bridge might be more beneficial from a political and military perspective, fear of its destruction should do the work of making the Russians withdraw and their sympathizers to flee to Russia.
It's the fear of its destruction, not the actual act that would be most beneficial, if the Ukrainians arrived on the shores of the sea of Azov. There is a critical rail junction in northern Crimea that could be taken out with HIMARs and that would serve the same military function of cutting the logistics for the Russians remaining in the south and western Crimea. So not blowing up the bridge might be more beneficial from a political and military perspective, fear of its destruction should do the work of making the Russians withdraw and their sympathizers to flee to Russia.
The rail junction has none of the symbolic value. If hitting it would have the necessary logistical effect, that would be a better solution imo.
It also avoids trashing the highway, which would be how civilians evacuate.
The rail junction has none of the symbolic value. If hitting it would have the necessary logistical effect, that would be a better solution imo.
It also avoids trashing the highway, which would be how civilians evacuate.
The idea is to get the hardliners and pro-Russians out of there of their own accord, they know what they did! If the war and sanctions haven't changed minds in Crimea by the UN referendum, nothing will, they already had a majority that were pro Ukraine and that will be much larger. All those abandoned homes will end up being given to people from other parts of Ukraine who had their home destroyed by the Russians.
they have their own tucker carlson, apparently :lol:
Several Bagdad Bobs in what looks like a game show set, I expect bells to ring and prizes to be handed out. Tuck should pay a visit as a guest; he'd fit right in and can explain it to his fans for a week when he gets back from Moscow. I think Tuck should visit Ukraine though, more drama, higher ratings, more profit for foxnews. Tuck is disposable and Rupert is a prick, it might be a good way to get out of his contract... :lol: