Worst president ever.The Biden administration’s big new plans for floating offshore wind turbines
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The Biden administration’s big new plans for floating offshore wind turbines
Floating turbines could open up vast new shorelines to offshore wind.www.theverge.com
They just took down two huge Ashes around my building. I know they've been treating and wrapping.All of the Ash trees in my area died long ago and many of the other trees on my property are not looking healthy.
I had heard about that's why I was interested in what would happen to your island..scary times.
Arctic System Collapse? Devastating new research.
10,246 views Sep 18, 2022 The arctic region is a key driver of global climate patterns. In the summer of 2022, three peer reviewed research papers were published, all of which showed the systems that have kept the arctic stable for thousands of years are now collapsing far more quickly than previous analysis and modelling had suggested. A fourth paper, published at the same time, shows us what the consequences are likely to be. This video assesses all four.
That’s cool. I checked out an apartment complex with solor for powering the complex. The first of its kind in California. The guy told me you usually don’t have to pay for any electric and sometimes get credit: Unfortunately I don’t like the location it was built. It blows my mind not more apartments have solor. It should be mandatory for new construction in California.this is good news, with the coming incentives, it should be a very popular choice.
Yeah right, leave no trace.Humans are the problem. Once humans destroy themselves the earth will adjust and things will go on just as they had before we were here.
they should also require gray water reservoirs on the roofs of all new construction that has plumbing. water from rain traps and recycled tap water could be used to flush toilets, water gardens...That’s cool. I checked out an apartment complex with solor for powering the complex. The first of its kind in California. The guy told me you usually don’t have to pay for any electric and sometimes get credit: Unfortunately I don’t like the location it was built. It blows my mind not more apartments have solor. It should be mandatory for new construction in California.
Right, we waste everything. The apartment complex I live at currently dose not even provide recycling bins. I see water irrigation lines going off wasting water all over the place and we always comment … take a picture and send it to Gov Newsom.they should also require gray water reservoirs on the roofs of all new construction that has plumbing. water from rain traps and recycled tap water could be used to flush toilets, water gardens...