New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

It's easier here in Los Angeles, I just go to the local Thai Market and they deal with making sure they have the legitimate versions because most restaurants buy from Thai Town.,_Los_Angeles

If you ever get here don't miss this little hole in the wall near the Bangluck Market
get the crispy pork so good! and let me know I'll meet you and buy you lunch
That looks and sounds great! I might take you up on that lunch some day, looks like we're going to either Vegas or New Jersey first next year. I've been to Thailand over 20 years ago, wasn't that much into food, naive about it, ignorant even. Went to a McDonalds in Chang Mai once, so happy to have found fries. Mistake we made is go to fancy hotel restaurants instead of small local or street food, everything was so cheap already. I remember chewing on a steamed stick of lemongrass or something from a Thai steamboat in an otherwise large empty restaurant in Bangkok with two staff members who brought the food standing ten feet from our table, proudly watching us in anticipation. I looked at my wife and was like "so this is thai food huh?". Should have picked one of the many tiny places with smoke and steam coming out of the entrance.

Did eat a lot of meat and sea food on a stick from street vendors in the south later on but we mostly went to a small place, always packed, where a Thai lady cooked the best chili con carne. Actually, I got a pic of the sign... this is the one:
Still exists :)

"CUISINES: American, International, European, Asian, Thai, British"

Took us quite a few years to figure out we messed that up holiday food-wise. Was still awesome though, 1 month felt like 3 and as usual got myself into a lot of unusual situations.
That looks and sounds great! I might take you up on that lunch some day, looks like we're going to either Vegas or New Jersey first next year. I've been to Thailand over 20 years ago, wasn't that much into food, naive about it, ignorant even. Went to a McDonalds in Chang Mai once, so happy to have found fries. Mistake we made is go to fancy hotel restaurants instead of small local or street food, everything was so cheap already. I remember chewing on a steamed stick of lemongrass or something from a Thai steamboat in an otherwise large empty restaurant in Bangkok with two staff members who brought the food standing ten feet from our table, proudly watching us in anticipation. I looked at my wife and was like "so this is thai food huh?". Should have picked one of the many tiny places with smoke and steam coming out of the entrance.

Did eat a lot of meat and sea food on a stick from street vendors in the south later on but we mostly went to a small place, always packed, where a Thai lady cooked the best chili con carne. Actually, I got a pic of the sign... this is the one:
Still exists :)

"CUISINES: American, International, European, Asian, Thai, British"

Took us quite a few years to figure out we messed that up holiday food-wise. Was still awesome though, 1 month felt like 3 and as usual got myself into a lot of unusual situations.
Joy's Cafe's interior (first picture from that link) is stunningly similar to Sanamluang! What month are you planning your Vegas trip for?
This came out so good, after a whole bunch of spices and ketjaps, trassi, onion and garlic and sambal I still smell the rice through all that.


Got new plates! XL heavy risotto plates.

The Turkish butcher I go for chicken is a clever guy, largest section just next to the meat is baklava. Chicken so much better priced and better quality than grocery chain but you have to walk twice past the baklava which makes it really hard not to get a couple of pieces.
Joy's Cafe's interior (first picture from that link) is stunningly similar to Sanamluang! What month are you planning your Vegas trip for?
I was going through their pics and amazed how little it seems to have changed. Floor does look post-tsunami, which hit a few years after we were there. Not sure yet when we’re going to the US, earliest in April but could be late summer. We got family in New Jersey who may come over first but if they don’t we may have to go there instead.
Step 3: Heat oil in a large skillet over low heat; add garlic and sauté until tender, like the patch of upper-lip hair that you’ve had lasered off multiple times but that keeps growing back because you can’t erase your heritage.
More fried rice, this time pan fried (in olive+sunflower+sesame oil and sweet and spiced ketjap and red onion) + coriander, s&p, cardemom, chili, bit sambal, garlic and ginger, piment, rice vinegar,) with cauliflower and wild salmon. Sauted the salmon steaks prior. Skipped the trassi else it gets too fishy imo.