New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

"Heavy Duty Mayo is what restaurants and deli's use for their sandwiches, etc. It has more egg yolks as well as corn syrup. This makes the product heavier, richer, and is made mostly for applications where mayo is a primary or significant secondary ingredient (as in salad dressings and sauces) where the increased egg (and subsequent lower relative water content) allows for a richer, less 'watery' finish."

For those looking to take it even heavier there's Extra Heavy Duty Mayonnaise.


And lets not forget about Double Egg Mayonnaise.

Heavy duty mayo sounds better than mayo ‘light’.

My parents usually had a bottle of, literally translated, 'lettuce sauce' on the table. 2 parts yoghurt, 1 part mayo, 1 part 'pickle wet' (or lemon juice or vinegar), and some dill or thyme or finely chopped shallot or chives. Used on salad but the salad was often on baked/fried potatoes. Using lettuce sauce instead of mayo with fries was one of the most crazy things people did back then food-wise. Times sure have changed. Nowadays there’s pizza bitterballs…

Local tv show did some lab tests on rice and unsurprisingly the main grocery chains sell crap that doesn’t match the label. So many different ones at the asian shops here so I went with the “Extra super quality” Thai jasmin rice cause that sounds great but it’s actually really good.

Cooked with turmeric and herb bouillon

Cooling off in fridge, to be nasi tomorrow. Got some new sesame oil that smells like the missing ingredient for my satay sauce.
Local tv show did some lab tests on rice and unsurprisingly the main grocery chains sell crap that doesn’t match the label. So many different ones at the asian shops here so I went with the “Extra super quality” Thai jasmin rice cause that sounds great but it’s actually really good.
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Cooked with turmeric and herb bouillon
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Cooling off in fridge, to be nasi tomorrow. Got some new sesame oil that smells like the missing ingredient for my satay sauce.
Aroy-D is a good brand. I buy their coconut milk in boxes when I can find it. The Thai Hom Mali rice logo is supposed to be what you look for and coupled with that brand you got legit Thai Jasmine rice, good choice.
Aroy-D is a good brand. I buy their coconut milk in boxes when I can find it. The Thai Hom Mali rice logo is supposed to be what you look for and coupled with that brand you got legit Thai Jasmine rice, good choice.
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That was the mission, get real thai jasmine rice. Except for one jasmine rice from Cambodja they all had the logo. It’s a good tv show, like a mini doc about a product to create awareness. They take 5-10 products from Unilever and other major suppliers/brands here and then basically check how genuine or how bs they are by going to in this case asian shops in NL but also Thailand. Usually ending up at a producer/factory willing to open their doors and show how it’s done properly. They go to Spain and go “look this is what we sell as Tapaz in NL”, or in this case “pandan rice”, which is about preparing it and not an actual rice variant, which is jasmine rice. That’s as usual just the start, it always gets worse. In this case it turns out grocery chains including “fair trade“ pandan rice contains as little as 5% jasmine rice and the rest is just plain white rice. It’s all a (marketing) scam, needless to say “pandan rice“ costs more than the rice actually in it. With so many things the quality slowly goes down and I don’t notice it till I get the real thing again. Like eating oven baked cookies without palm oil…
That was the mission, get real thai jasmine rice. Except for one jasmine rice from Cambodja they all had the logo. It’s a good tv show, like a mini doc about a product to create awareness. They take 5-10 products from Unilever and other major suppliers/brands here and then basically check how genuine or how bs they are by going to in this case asian shops in NL but also Thailand. Usually ending up at a producer/factory willing to open their doors and show how it’s done properly. They go to Spain and go “look this is what we sell as Tapaz in NL”, or in this case “pandan rice”, which is about preparing it and not an actual rice variant, which is jasmine rice. That’s as usual just the start, it always gets worse. In this case it turns out grocery chains including “fair trade“ pandan rice contains as little as 5% jasmine rice and the rest is just plain white rice. It’s all a (marketing) scam, needless to say “pandan rice“ costs more than the rice actually in it. With so many things the quality slowly goes down and I don’t notice it till I get the real thing again. Like eating oven baked cookies without palm oil…
It's easier here in Los Angeles, I just go to the local Thai Market and they deal with making sure they have the legitimate versions because most restaurants buy from Thai Town.,_Los_Angeles

If you ever get here don't miss this little hole in the wall near the Bangluck Market
get the crispy pork so good! and let me know I'll meet you and buy you lunch
Local tv show did some lab tests on rice and unsurprisingly the main grocery chains sell crap that doesn’t match the label. So many different ones at the asian shops here so I went with the “Extra super quality” Thai jasmin rice cause that sounds great but it’s actually really good.
View attachment 5201836

Cooked with turmeric and herb bouillon
View attachment 5201846

Cooling off in fridge, to be nasi tomorrow. Got some new sesame oil that smells like the missing ingredient for my satay sauce.

I buy rice by the 25 lb bag at the Asian market. It's like 1/3 the price they charge at regular grocery stores buying it that way. I'm lucky though. I have more full scale Asian markets around me than regular American grocery chains.
yees and I though Philippines eat a lot of rice.. A 2-pound bag last my household forever.
I know even if I cook just a cup of rice up, half of it is getting wasted. We actually had rice and fish last night and the rice was great. (I'm trying to drop a few kilos to make life easier for the heart. It is still scary to do minimal movements and feel the pressure build in my neck and arms going tired).
Then again I'm pretty sure the rest of my family is just as far on the spectrum as I am. Hell, I think my wife might even be more full of shit.
I've outgrown most of my food hangups except vegetables like peas, beans, cauliflower etc.... those are still an insurmountable no!

I love rice with roasted potatoes and margarine.
(I'm trying to drop a few kilos to make life easier for the heart. It is still scary to do minimal movements and feel the pressure build in my neck and arms going tired).
Then again I'm pretty sure the rest of my family is just as far on the spectrum as I am.

I love RICE with roasted POTATOES and MARGARINE !

There's a lot of people that don't like mustard. I'm a mustard lover myself. I eat sliced bread with mustard. I love the stuff. I don't like honey mustard though. It's too sweet. I like the tart, tangy, and spicy stuff. I really like mixing the powdered mustard myself for a sinus clearing delicious condiment. One of my go to dipping sauces is dijon mustard mixed with horseradish.

I had a roommate way back in the day that didn't like mustard. He'd put ketchup on a hot dog. Drove me crazy. :mrgreen:

It was quite amusing watching my soon to be wife first trying English mustard. She’s American so slathered her sausage in it while meeting my parents for the first time.

Her face almost came off while my parents laughed watching her ear it lol