
I have been reading the comments on the mobilization in articles from Russia. I would say more than half the comments were negative to it.

yeah i got into the office a little while ago, reading some of the articles that i read on twitter and reddit, they're mostly negative too....this is not gonna go well for ol pooty...js
The exodus from Russia accelerates as those with money and brains seek a way out, they are voting with their feet. Confidence in Putin and the Russian government must be at an all-time high, optimism and confidence is overflowing in Russia and flowing across its borders! :lol:

By the time Russia gets to sell its oil again demand should have fallen off significantly and the price low with a crowded market of sellers, in a dwindling market. I think the oil business is going to have some big changes starting in about a decade as EVs predominate and alternative energy sources with green new grids and energy storage increase steadily. Russia's entire oil infrastructure might have to be rebuilt requiring significant capital investments that won't be there and neither will the market. Russia without oil revenue has a bleak economic future. All their foreign assets should be seized and given to Ukraine as compensation at that point and Ukraine could displace them as the European energy supplier during the next decade, they have the proven reserves to do it.

Don’t flog EVs until the tech has improved on both the generation and storage sides.
A timely reminder that the counteroffensive in Kharkiv was fueled by the FIRST wave of newly-trained UA troops…and then there’s the REST of the million or more who signed up in the last week of February. 300k aging re-called troops will certainly toss Putin’s bacon into the campfire: even if both sides were using rocks & sticks, UA would continue to beat the bloody shit out of Putin’s captive army - after all, they’re fighting to save their families, their homes, and their futures.

To do that, annexation (by ANY subterfuge) must be rendered IMPOSSIBLE - the alternative would be the worst extermination event since…well, *you* know
How many do know about the Great Leap Forward?
Don’t flog EVs until the tech has improved on both the generation and storage sides.
I'm not changing many hearts and minds here! The thing is the storage solutions are either becoming at hand or soon will be. However, charging them will require renewables, another contender for energy storage and a green new grid to handle the load. America might be a late adopter, but Europe and Asia won't be. We need to plan these things now and start somewhere, I figure in North America that will be with the suburban second car, used to commute to work in the city. Lithium won't be the only electrochemistry used and Niron magnets should solve the rare earth magnet issue. It's not like we have a choice about this according to the latest research that I posted on the climate change thread. I think the timetable will accelerate and the penalties for noncompliance will be real.
I'm not changing many hearts and minds here! The thing is the storage solutions are either becoming at hand or soon will be. However, charging them will require renewables, another contender for energy storage and a green new grid to handle the load. America might be a late adopter, but Europe and Asia won't be. We need to plan these things now and start somewhere, I figure in North America that will be with the suburban second car, used to commute to work in the city. Lithium won't be the only electrochemistry used and Niron magnets should solve the rare earth magnet issue. It's not like we have a choice about this according to the latest research that I posted on the climate change thread. I think the timetable will accelerate and the penalties for noncompliance will be real.
You tend to tout pie in the sky, like nitrogenated magnets. I looked those up: they rely on very expensive nanostructuring.

When theorizing on the ethics of a coming consumer shift, you would do yourself less harm when you stick to tech whose cradle-to-grave economics are proven and can be usefully modeled.

I agree that climate change is very expensive and becoming exponentially more so. But realistic solutions have strictly realistic components.

So until
1) we have the infrastructure to make the necessary electric energy without fossil carbon or strategic minerals with political choke points
2) we have storage tech in hand, with pricing that has improved energy density and less loss while stored than current batteries
3) the storage and charging tech is not in the hands of a deranged monopolist

cool it. My opinion.
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Baba Yaga at it again.......

i still can't get a handle on this...is putin doing this because they're pissing him off? because he fears they're planning the same for him? or is it even putin? could it someone like the RNA that took out putina?
i still can't get a handle on this...is putin doing this because they're pissing him off? because he fears they're planning the same for him? or is it even putin? could it someone like the RNA that took out putina?

i'm scratching my head as well with this. This is like the 10th or more major money man to have gone the way of the doe doe as it were. Most that have been silenced has spoken against the war, others idk...maybe it's money hard to say......
You tend to tout pie in the sky, like nitrogenated magnets. I looked those up: they rely on very expensive nanostructuring.

When theorizing on the ethics of a coming consumer shift, you would do yourself less harm when you stick to tech whose cradle-to-grave economics are proven and can be usefully modeled.

I agree that climate change is very expensive and becoming exponentially more so. But realistic solutions have strictly realistic components.

So until
1) we have the infrastructure to make the necessary electric energy without fossil carbon or strategic minerals with political choke points
2) we have storage tech that has improved energy density and less loss while stored than current batteries
3) the storage and charging tech is not in the hands of a deranged monopolist

cool it. My opinion.
Look again at Niron magnets, there 3 different production methods and one of them is cheap, they are also about 30% more powerful than rare earth magnets. There are several battery technologies that are now hitting the market and more to come. Every automaker on the planet bet the farm on EVs and charging infrastructure is part of Biden's plan. America might be slow to adopt EVs, but they will soon stop making ICE vehicles anyway, however if Europe and other places adopt them it will reduce global demand for oil over the next decade, reducing prices overall. We won't get there all at once for sure and there are still engineering problems to solve, but the net effect will be dwindling fossil fuel energy prices over the next decade and the trend should accelerate.
Look again at Niron magnets, there 3 different production methods and one of them is cheap, they are also about 30% more powerful than rare earth magnets. There are several battery technologies that are now hitting the market and more to come. Every automaker on the planet bet the farm on EVs and charging infrastructure is part of Biden's plan. America might be slow to adopt EVs, but they will soon stop making ICE vehicles anyway, however if Europe and other places adopt them it will reduce global demand for oil over the next decade, reducing prices overall. We won't get there all at once for sure and there are still engineering problems to solve, but the net effect will be dwindling fossil fuel energy prices over the next decade and the trend should accelerate.
Link to the iron magnet claim. Everything I’ve seen is speculation. Niron Corp is in earliest venture capital acquisition. Wake me when they have domestic manufacturing and an online catalog with specs and prices.
Link to the iron magnet claim. Everything I’ve seen is speculation. Niron Corp is in earliest venture capital acquisition. Wake me when they have domestic manufacturing and an online catalog with specs and prices.
I posted it already in the climate change thread and it appears to be a viable business with a bright future since permanent magnets will be important. However, slumber away, I'm not selling stocks here.
I followed that link, and no.
I imagine they are keeping R&D close to their chests and re not publishing much about it in journals since they left the academic world. It often happens like that; they leave the lab and get capital. They did however mention a low-cost method of producing it by heating iron with nitrogen fertilizer basically. Much more practical than bombarding iron with nitrogen ions in an accelerator! It is the production breakthrough that makes the difference. The theory is solid, and the people are professional, I keep an eye out for things that could make a difference and this is one of them IMHO.
I imagine they are keeping R&D close to their chests and re not publishing much about it in journals since they left the academic world. It often happens like that; they leave the lab and get capital. They did however mention a low-cost method of producing it by heating iron with nitrogen fertilizer basically. Much more practical than bombarding iron with nitrogen ions in an accelerator! It is the production breakthrough that makes the difference. The theory is solid, and the people are professional, I keep an eye out for things that could make a difference and this is one of them IMHO.
They did not prove concept. It’s pure pie-in-the-sky salesmanship.

So, inquiring minds need a link to something more earthbound, assuming you did not oversell.
They did not prove concept. It’s pure pie-in-the-sky salesmanship.

So, inquiring minds need a link to something more earthbound, assuming you did not oversell.
I posted the sources, so draw your own conclusions as I have mine. As I said, it is proven in theory and practice and production hurdles have been overcome. It is a way out of the rare earth magnet issue and economics will determine utility in the end, there should be a lot more industry interest than me, since there is big money involved here. They also don't appear to want for investors either, but engineering interest could see new products and applications and it is being largely touted to them.
I posted the sources, so draw your own conclusions as I have mine. As I said, it is proven in theory and practice and production hurdles have been overcome. It is a way out of the rare earth magnet issue and economics will determine utility in the end, there should be a lot more industry interest than me, since there is big money involved here. They also don't appear to want for investors either, but engineering interest could see new products and applications and it is being largely touted to them.
You stated that there are three production methods and one of them is cheap.

The links you posted do not support that.

So either provide or concede.