September 24th

Yeah they were just amazed by it.

I don't get these poster giving you grief. I come from an era where people had differing political opinions but at the end of the day we all hung out and had a beer and laughed and joked. These young ones have a "My way or the highway" attitude. They don't realize that they're the problem with what's wrong today. Screw them and their opinions.
Hang on... Im watching the BoneHead in Cheif ..... and I'd like to address your statement.
@xtsho ... Yeah it's had to have an adult conversation on here without being called a nut job conspiracy theorist. Thinking out the laws of physics and questioning some things seem to be frowned upon if you didn't hear it from CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc. If something doesn't add up to me, Im gonna question it.
@xtsho ... Yeah it's had to have an adult conversation on here without being called a nut job conspiracy theorist. Thinking out the laws of physics and questioning some things seem to be frowned upon if you didn't hear it from CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc. If something doesn't add up to me, Im gonna question it.

You can't have an adult conversation with children that think defunding the police is a good idea.
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That's kind of a big issue for children, but at least you are smart enough not to try your lame shit on adults.

Adults are smart enough to know that stupid crap like defunding the police is 100% stupid. I don't need to tell them anything. It's the ignorant children pushing that crap.

I don't have to try anything with adults. The real adults are already on my side. We don't care what the kiddies without a clue have to say. The tide is turning our direction which is for the better.
I read that. Fascinating. Can you link me some chemtrail and fake moon landing stuff?
No. But it is kinda strange that in 1967? that we just strapped up and went... now we can't seem to get of fthe ground with an unmanned rocket, just to orbit the moon, much less land on it. We've been delayed more than a week now due to hydrogen leaks, fuel mixture problems, etc. But in 1967 we nailed it on the first try. Not saying that we didn't do it, but now we are suddenly nervous that the World has instant access to the internet, and they better not fuck it up.
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I have one question.

Got a site that is not conspiraporn?
See.. that's what's wrong with your loaded question. Anything I send you is going to be Conspiraporn to you. You think a major news outlet is going to try and prove otherwise?.. no. Their ratings would tank, and they would be reprimanded by the higher ups. Don't even try to paint me into that corner.
See.. that's what's wrong with your loaded question. Anything I send you is going to be Conspiraporn to you. You think a major news outlet is going to try and prove otherwise?.. no. Their ratings would tank, and they would be reprimanded by the higher ups. Don't even try to paint me into that corner.
The link you posted has no bibliography. It does have a buy-our-book! link.

That makes two strikes against even displaying the rudiments of information discipline.

Also, vids are never admissible primary sources. They are not subject to peer review, a basic prerequisite for any science or engineering publication.

It is why I asked. Your “sources” are lies.
The link you posted has no bibliography. It does have a buy-our-book! link.

That makes two strikes against even displaying the rudiments of information discipline.

Also, vids are never admissible primary sources. They are not subject to peer review, a basic prerequisite for any science or engineering publication.

It is why I asked. Your “sources” are lies.
Im not asking you to believe me. This is what I believe happened. We were lied to, put in danger, and killed thousands of our own people to start a war in a false flag event. .. and if you think your own government is not beyond "collateral" damage to adhere to thier political agenda, you are part of the problem... I changed the video source above.
Im not asking you to believe me. This is what I believe happened. We were lied to, put in danger, and killed thousands of our own people to start a war in a false flag event. .. and if you think your own government is not beyond "collateral" damage to adhere to thier political agenda, you are part of the problem... I changed the video source above.
You'd be more believable if you didn't make false claims.
Im not asking you to believe me. This is what I believe happened. We were lied to, put in danger, and killed thousands of our own people to start a war in a false flag event. .. and if you think your own government is not beyond "collateral" damage to adhere to thier political agenda, you are part of the problem... I changed the video source above.
Belief is not an admissible part of rational inquiry. I do not ask your opinions. I wanted to see if you bothered to comb verifiable evidence away from manipulation. It seems that … no.

It is a universal principle that if someone posts references that have bad information integrity to support a hypothesis, that someone cannot find and present sound ones.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

You changed a vid to another vid. That is not how it works.
Belief is not an admissible part of rational inquiry. I do not ask your opinions. I wanted to see if you bothered to comb verifiable evidence away from manipulation. It seems that … no.

It is a universal principle that if someone posts references that have bad information integrity to support a hypothesis, that someone cannot find and present sound ones.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

You changed a vid to another vid. That is not how it works.
I just supplied you with opinions from world renowned physics, architecture engineers, and scientists.... what more do you want?
You'd be more believable if you didn't make false claims.
Science is not false claims... if that where the case, all you quad vaxxed morons would be singing a different tune. "TRUST THE SCIENCE, TRUST THE SCIENCE, GET YOUR SHOTS!!, YOU"RE KILLING THE REST OF US!!!!! OH DEAR GOD!!!!!!"
I'll state that I have no doubt that 9/11 was a terrorist attack committed by religious fanatics that hate America and it's predominant Christian religion. I'm not religious myself and find this nonsense ridiculous but it is what it is.

Saudi men that we allowed into the United States and trained them how to fly the planes spent years preparing to do what they did. They were successful. It was a terrorist attack. It was not an inside job although there was a foreign government that had knowledge they didn't share.

All of the conspiracy theories have been debunked over and over.