September 24th

I would’ve thought the hijackers would’ve been vaporized. No?
I’m not a conspiracy nut. I’m a nut, yes. View attachment 5199724

Through a combination of innovative DNA-mapping techniques, help from the FBI's crime lab and dumb luck, the scientists have now ID'd four of the 10 New York hijackers. The remains of the nine hijackers from the Pentagon and Pennsylvania crash sites have also been confirmed; six other hijackers have yet to be identified.

What's left of the terrorists—which, all told, likely amounts to less than 24 pounds of flesh and bone fragments—are sequestered at undisclosed locations in New York and Virginia. They are "stored as evidence in a refrigerated locker in sealed containers and test tubes," says Richard Kolko, a spokesman for the FBI.
Totally understand… no judgement here. … 9/11 was an inside job anyways….. liberals heads exploding in 3.2.1…

I'm pretty liberal. Hell In was born in Portland Oregon and have lived here most of my life. No exploding head here.

As far as being an inside job well there is some truth to that. We trained those terrorists how to fly the planes. So yes there was some inside connections. It wasn't intentional. The US is the best at everything so it is no surprise that pilots train here in the US.

I've talked to some real conspiracy theory nut jobs out here in the PNW and they swear that the government was behind it. They like to point out the chemtrail activity in the days prior. There are some crazy people out here that's for sure.

On a side note knowing that you're in Oklahoma. About ten years ago we were returning a bunch of beer cans at the machines they used to have outside of grocery stores. A couple walked up and asked what we were doing. I told them that the cans had a 0.05¢ deposit on them and the machine counted them and then gave you a ticket that you could take inside the store and get the money. They seemed amazed. I talked to them for a few minutes. They were from Oklahoma. They walked away saying that they need those where they're from. Really nice people. They sure were amazed at the bottle/can return machines though.
That should give you plenty of time to service my requests for links.
Most of the links that I've researched over the years have been taken down. Even If I did send you one, you'd just call BS anyways. But watch Loose Change... it's got some very interesting contradictions in there. I've learned that trying to have an adult conversation in the Politics section is pointless..we even got way off track. Im gonna go mow.

@xtsho ... yeah, we've never had beer can return deposit machines here. We drink alot of beer, so yeah, they could prob get thier teeth fixed with all that spare change LOL!
Im just stating some facts if I may your honor... I see opinions are not allowed. Im just a free thinker that applies science, and physics to make a decision on the possibility of an event occurring. Humans are by nature easily influenced to believe what they are told by the MSM. There are times when they are true, and other times there are false flags that you have to look at the facts, and decide if it was really possible that a man in a cave half way round the world orchestrated the biggest attack on US soil by assigning suicide pilots who have never been inside the cockpit of a commercial airliner and somehow flew them into WTC 1 and 2 with such precision. You think you could just hop in the seat of a 747 at 30K ft and swing er' around to hit a building 100 miles away with accuracy?View attachment 5199693

You lost me as soon as I saw MSM.
Most of the links that I've researched over the years have been taken down. Even If I did send you one, you'd just call BS anyways. But watch Loose Change... it's got some very interesting contradictions in there. I've learned that trying to have an adult conversation in the Politics section is pointless..we even got way off track. Im gonna go mow.

@xtsho ... yeah, we've never had beer can return deposit machines here. We drink alot of beer, so yeah, they could prob get thier teeth fixed with all that spare change LOL!
That rather speaks for itself, then.

Through a combination of innovative DNA-mapping techniques, help from the FBI's crime lab and dumb luck, the scientists have now ID'd four of the 10 New York hijackers. The remains of the nine hijackers from the Pentagon and Pennsylvania crash sites have also been confirmed; six other hijackers have yet to be identified.

What's left of the terrorists—which, all told, likely amounts to less than 24 pounds of flesh and bone fragments—are sequestered at undisclosed locations in New York and Virginia. They are "stored as evidence in a refrigerated locker in sealed containers and test tubes," says Richard Kolko, a spokesman for the FBI.

For an average sized adult, cremation can take two to three hours at a normal operating temperature of between 1,000 and 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

With the temp being closer to the 2000 mark. I believe I learned 1800. There's always bone that has to be pulverized before packing cremains.

I'm not surprised there were didn't take two to three hours for the towers to fall. They would've had to have a steady 2-3 hours.
Most of the links that I've researched over the years have been taken down. Even If I did send you one, you'd just call BS anyways. But watch Loose Change... it's got some very interesting contradictions in there. I've learned that trying to have an adult conversation in the Politics section is pointless..we even got way off track. Im gonna go mow.

@xtsho ... yeah, we've never had beer can return deposit machines here. We drink alot of beer, so yeah, they could prob get thier teeth fixed with all that spare change LOL!

Yeah they were just amazed by it.

I don't get these poster giving you grief. I come from an era where people had differing political opinions but at the end of the day we all hung out and had a beer and laughed and joked. These young ones have a "My way or the highway" attitude. They don't realize that they're the problem with what's wrong today. Screw them and their opinions.
Yeah they were just amazed by it.

I don't get these poster giving you grief. I come from an era where people had differing political opinions but at the end of the day we all hung out and had a beer and laughed and joked. These young ones have a "My way or the highway" attitude. They don't realize that they're the problem with what's wrong today. Screw them and their opinions.
Are you seriously attacking my request for documentation?