Is Martha's Vineyard a sanctuary city for hypocrites ?

I'm one of those guys.

You guys wonder why I said heck with it all, and decided to grow weed.. unfortunately before it was legali..monopolized, and why I'm here posting on the political forums, lol.
Rightoid chuds getting ecstatic over an asshole politician wasting 12 million dollars of tax money to kidnap and traffic immigrants from a completely different state.

All tax dollars are theft, if they

a) actually were the property of the people taken from
b) were not willingly exchanged for an alleged service with no coercion involved by the individual owner of the dollars

Biden, Trump, De Santis et al, all think some theft is necessary and are okay with extorting the serfs, they just have different hustles they like to employ to curry favor from their particular fans / useful idiots. Puppet show to advance control over everyone.
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And no one should be forced to pick up arms for a political ploy or manifest destiny colonization to steal resources as private security pawns. Be it public or private in reality. And the vineyard is home to many a war profiteering hypocrite. The actual citizens are compassionate.

The first part of your statement is inspiring. The second part is partially true, but not a universal sentiment.
Jimmy Carter pardoned all the draft dodgers...

That strikes me as ass backwards. The people who started the war(s) are the people that need to seek forgiveness and ask to be pardoned.

Just like when some pompous ass Governor wants to pardon "weed criminals" as if he's doing them a favor. It's inverted, the real criminals are the people who made weed illegal, arrested them, prosecuted them, jailed them etc.

The Orwellian slave speak is all around us, if you just open your mind up. I know you can do it...but will you? It's a tough admission to make, but you were used like millions of other guys. Fact is, the draft dodgers were the ones that were real heroes, refusing to go along with the horse shit. The illegal weed growers, real heroes too.
Glad I didn't get drafted over weapons of mass destruction that never really existed, and have to go watch over 1000s of acres of poppy fields like my other classmates from school had to (the ones that didn't die or get blown up by landmines anyway).
Glad I didn't get drafted over weapons of mass destruction that never really existed, and have to go watch over 1000s of acres of poppy fields like my other classmates from school had to (the ones that didn't die or get blown up by landmines anyway).

During the middle east USA Empire aggression weren't those guys willing participants and signed up for that shit?
I wasn't around when they came to school, but yeah I'm sure they all got duped into it somehow. I've seen how they trick you into thinking your some kind of a badass, and try to recruit kids.
I had to change my reaction to this from "wow" to "angry". Fucking NBC has zero regard for these immigrants, and comparing them to trash really shows their lack of empathy.
So I understand this correctly. You’re incensed someone used a poorly conceived garbage metaphor but have nothing to say about DeSantis’ actions that actually treated people like garbage?

Hypocrisy, indeed.