Godfather OG Outdoor SCROG Grow Journal

A few pics from the last few days.

Screen is looking pretty good (filled) for 52 days into the veg process.
Looking forward to what the next 50 days may bring.


Making a lot of progress at day 67.

I have not fed the plant since planting; sunshine and water and whatever nutrients came with the soil originally.

Been wondering what happened to my bright green plant; it has almost a yellowish green hue to it now. Long story short it’s feeding time (probably long overdue)

I just ordered some FOOP.

Got the home grower starter back and the mist spray.

Anyone have any experience with the products or what I can expect after starting the feeding routine?

I have other questions on feeding schedules etc, but will wait and see if anyone uses FOOP first.



Been away for a few weeks but the plant continues to do well.
Temperatures are in the 100s today so had to roll her into the shade this afternoon. Doubled down on the shock and did some light exfoliating. It always seems to respond well, so I am not overly concerned about the timing.

The plant does continue to produce yellow foliage fairly regularly as well as burning/brown tips on most leaves after a few weeks from initial life. To keep this at bay I periodically trim anything that’s yellow and almost daily gently remove the brown tips from affected leaves.

We should start seeing some flowering stretch and hair production by the end of September, so it’s likely on the final vegetative push.



Well-Known Member
I am not the best writer, nor the best grower, but I thought I’d give both a go with this grow journal. I live in a legal state and am able to grow without issue. I grabbed a clone and thought I’d plop it outside.
The following pictures covers the last two weeks from clone to today.
Today I put the clone outside using a pscrog kit.
I am stoked on giving this a try and seeing if I can fill the screen.
Wish me luck, and/ or send me tips. I am not the newest to this, but it’s been a while since my last grow. All help is appreciated.


Are you going to be growing outside in a pot? What is your median of choice?
Made the mistake of watering in the early AM yesterday and dumping remaining water from my watering can on top of the plant.

This led to light sunburn on some leaves from water droplets remaining and acting as magnifying glasses once the sun got intense later in the AM.

it will survive but it was a rushed rookie mistake, so writing about it so others may learn.

(1) always foliar feed at night no matter how insignificant the water applied may seem

(2) always water at evening before the sun goes down when the sun is pushing 100+ degrees for consecutive days. This way the plant can get a full drink overnight and you don’t risk causing the issue I just had.


How come you aren't training them along the net anymore mate?
I somewhat feel like I am out of room. My initial goal was one main stalk per opening…resulting in 36 prime colas with a target range of 6-9” yielding approx 56- 84 grams dried.

at this point I have branches crossed and double crossed against each other in some areas which I am really trying to avoid.

Any observations from the pictures on what I may do differently?

Thai Fox

Well-Known Member
I somewhat feel like I am out of room. My initial goal was one main stalk per opening…resulting in 36 prime colas with a target range of 6-9” yielding approx 56- 84 grams dried.

at this point I have branches crossed and double crossed against each other in some areas which I am really trying to avoid.

Any observations from the pictures on what I may do differently?
I'd suggest tying those longer branches back down to the top of the net with some small cable ties or plant ties etc as there's no need to pull them back underneath if it's getting too busy. If you don't keep them in check now, the net will not be really performing a great deal of benefit I'd say. The other option is add another net above but I'd avoid going that route yet as I can see you should have no trouble flattering that canopy out mate.
I'd suggest tying those longer branches back down to the top of the net with some small cable ties or plant ties etc as there's no need to pull them back underneath if it's getting too busy. If you don't keep them in check now, the net will not be really performing a great deal of benefit I'd say. The other option is add another net above but I'd avoid going that route yet as I can see you should have no trouble flattering that canopy out mate.
I will take a look and give it a shot. Much appreciated!