What did you accomplish today?

Went to my niece's wedding in Blacksburg Va. Home of the VT Hokies.

She was not born in a barn but she was married in one.
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Lots of collage kids. Of the guests, the guys were dressd in appropriate suits or fasionable casual wear.
The girls wore some of the most inapropreate dresses I have seen at a wedding.

Most looked like floosies. Dresses cut so low in the front you could see their navel. Others with slits up the side that revealed
enough to make staring worth while.

There were 2, 1 was 55+ and the other in her 20s, that looked like they were ready for a gangbang as their dress looked more
like a chemise than a dress.

Side boobs were everywhere and tattoos were on full display, some were full sleve HQ tatts.

I was fortunate to have a family with "crybabbies" sit accross from us at the reception afterward.
The little rug rats were throwing shit around the table, smart phones, makeup, compacts and sippy cups too.
When I was asked to pick up maskara from the floor I was tempted to offer to stuff it up the kids grandmas ass as she was the one
giving the little shit projectiles. It was the mom and dad that kept shoving a phone in the brats paws.

The reciption was catered by a local BBQ resturant. There was an open wine and beer bar with a tip jar and a sign that gave a vinmo address to
give a tip electronically.

I abstained from drinking and it's a good thing I did. Had I been imbibing it is certain I would have gotten abrasive when
one of the bimbetts triped over her own feet and spilled her beer on me.

It was a nice wedding if I must say so.

She was one of the most beautiful brides of the many I have seen.
In her mid 20s with long blond hair and a svelte athletic figure.

She will go far in life. She and her husband graduated at the top of their class from Virgina Tech last year.
They have already paid for their own wedding and bought their first house. Without family finantial assistance
or dowry so to speak.

Not my niece but strikingly similar.

Did not want to go but glad I did.

We left without perusing the BBQ buffet.

Edit to add:

The Grooms best man was actualy the "Best Woman".
His sister was the best "man/woman/person"?

When asked what was up with that, the simple answer was "They are close, they talk to each other everyday".
I did not press for any further answers to the many questions just created.
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Went to my niece's wedding in Blacksburg Va. Home of the VT Hokies.

She was not born in a barn but she was married in one.
View attachment 5195949

Lots of collage kids. Of the guests, the guys were dressd in appropriate suits or fasionable casual wear.
The girls wore some of the most inapropreate dresses I have seen at a wedding.

Most looked like floosies. Dresses cut so low in the front you could see their navel. Others with slits up the side that revealed
enough to make staring worth while.

There were 2, 1 was 55+ and the other in her 20s, that looked like they were ready for a gangbang as their dress looked more
like a chemise than a dress.

Side boobs were everywhere and tattoos were on full display, some were full sleve HQ tatts.

I was fortunate to have a family with "crybabbies" sit accross from us at the reception afterward.
The little rug rats were throwing shit around the table, smart phones, makeup, compacts and sippy cups too.
When I was asked to pick up maskara from the floor I was tempted to offer to stuff it up the kids grandmas ass as she was the one
giving the little shit projectiles. It was the mom and dad that kept shoving a phone in the brats paws.

The reciption was catered by a local BBQ resturant. There was an open wine and beer bar with a tip jar and a sign that gave a vinmo address to
give a tip electronically.

I abstained from drinking and it's a good thing I did. Had I been imbibing it is certain I would have gotten abrasive when
one of the bimbetts triped over her own feet and spilled her beer on me.

It was a nice wedding if I must say so.

She was one of the most beautiful brides of the many I have seen.
In her mid 20s with long blond hair and a svelte athletic figure.

She will go far in life. She and her husband graduated at the top of their class from Virgina Tech last year.
They have already paid for their own wedding and bought their first house. Without family finantial assistance
or dowry so to speak.

Not my niece but strikingly similar.
View attachment 5195971

Did not want to go but glad I did.

We left without perusing the BBQ buffet.

Edit to add:

The Grooms best man was actualy the "Best Woman".
His sister was the best "man/woman/person"?

When asked what was up with that, the simple answer was "They are close, they talk to each other everyday".
I did not press for any further answers to the many questions just created.

Worked in Blacksburg off and on for 40yrs on emiission control....great f'ing town !
Working on a gadget at the moment.....just about ready to give my " Day Of The Dead " whirlygig a spin....getting ready for our party ( I can contribute a shit-ton
of " crossed-over" [ love that euphemism] loved ones pictures. Also just snapped a pic of a modest sized Blue Haze. The crop is getting there,


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Love that f'ing oak....I have 3 towering f'ing giants directly in front of my home ,
must be 100yrs old..................." strong as a f'ing oak "...
Strong? Yes, but the last on my list is thrice the size of the Oak I took down.
She took a bad lightning strike last summer & acted like she'd pull through but unfortunately the leaves tell the truth. :(
Gloomy , misty , windy, dark day . Cleaned my sluice out near the gorge this morning and dug up an antique iron soldier ( found one before...his head must of been blown off in battle)............Got my " male " kite out " later and let him air his privates out......
also , after really looking at it , I started restoring our " mummy " who lives on the lakeshore scaring the kids. Hasn't had a makeover in yrs. Carpe f'ing Diem stoner dudes.


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Gloomy , misty , windy, dark day . Cleaned my sluice out near the gorge this morning and dug up an antique iron soldier ( found one before...his head must of been blown off in battle)............Got my " male " kite out " later and let him air his privates out......
also , after really looking at it , I started restoring our " mummy " who lives on the lakeshore scaring the kids. Hasn't had a makeover in yrs. Carpe f'ing Diem stoner dudes.
Nice box delta!
Nice box delta!

Thanks comrade......my stoner dude wife just surprised me with a 5ft wing span , 3D , classic WWII Mustang fighter plane. I really get a rush outta the kites going so high that ya can't see em...way up soaring in the cool draft with the nimbus and thunder heads . I want to use super light copper wire for kite string......a piece of light weight metal attached to kite.......tied off on a long steel pipe sticking above the lake's surface !
Oh yea !...............hopefully ( with camera rolling ) KA-FUCKING- FUCKING BOOM !
Who's stoned on his ass......................me......sorry for overshare.


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