Was Trump stupid for claiming credit for "the vaccine" , will Democrats use that to fuck him in his fat ass as their own vaccine regret intensifies?

Private prisons as well as companies profiting from prison-slave labor should be, forever banned.

Ban "victimless crimes" and incentivize ideas that embrace personal responsibility and individual freedoms and there won't be a need for so many prisons! ;)
Bullshit get out with your dumb hot takes and false equivalence.
Its just how it is. Any government takes away rights. Remember the draft? They just tell you that your going to fight in a war. Is that a removal of rights? You know how you have to get a driving licence for anything? Why is that? Money?? Turns a right into a privilege. Don't get me started on parking fees...Haven't even the right to leave my property on roads that i pay for for a limited amount of time without paying for the right to park it even though i pay to register and insure it to use the roads that as previously said- i pay for.
If you think governments of all persuasions are not all about restricting and removing rights from the citizens then you need to pay more attention.
You haven't even the right to leave your own country and return without asking for permission. And pay for the privilege to apply.

Did you know that you have to actually pay to renounce your citizenship? Even your citizenship is not free for you to do as you like with.
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Pretty limited view of society and even responsibilities of individual persons and their relationship to the rest of us.

By the way, other people paid for almost all the roads, not you as an individual.
Pretty limited view of society and even responsibilities of individual persons and their relationship to the rest of us.

By the way, other people paid for almost all the roads, not you as an individual.
Is it?

I said pay not paid. And yes we all do that have a license that we paid for..
I do believe all forms of government operate through coercion. That's what they are, sort of inherent in their design. You guys have these false dichotomies where "they took muh rights" is all equal, it isnt.

There is all this talk about rights, but what about responsibilities? What even is a right? You say the government takes them, do they also grant them? Are the things you call rights just government granted protections?
They are the same. They are politicians and work for whoever pays them the most. OK one party is further right than the other conservative party but other than that they are two conservative parties controlling Americans life and backed by often the same donors money.

America has been drifting further and further to the right because they are both conservative parties. Both parties are war mongering for profit.

Weak sauce is a very lame saying. Guess it's nice and conservative language.

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Michelle Obama is not a politician, genius.

More weak sauce.
Its just how it is. Any government takes away rights. Remember the draft? They just tell you that your going to fight in a war. Is that a removal of rights? You know how you have to get a driving licence for anything? Why is that? Money?? Turns a right into a privilege. Don't get me started on parking fees...Haven't even the right to leave my property on roads that i pay for for a limited amount of time without paying for the right to park it even though i pay to register and insure it to use the roads that as previously said- i pay for.
If you think governments of all persuasions are not all about restricting and removing rights from the citizens then you need to pay more attention.
You haven't even the right to leave your own country and return without asking for permission. And pay for the privilege to apply.

Did you know that you have to actually pay to renounce your citizenship? Even your citizenship is not free for you to do as you like with.

It is how it is he says, then he supports that ambiguous statement with word diarrhea.

Two thumbs up my guy.
Try out apnews.com or Reuters.com for a non-biased information source.

The problem with online researching is most websites that are free are spreading propaganda. And they do it really well because they look legit and have about 80% of their stories are correct, so when they slip in the bullshit it gets absorbed as actual information.

For example I don’t trust “the Hill”.

Another one is “the Nation”.

Of course almost everything on the right wing ends up being propaganda lately, but one that does a good job for a right leaning perspective is the Houston chronical.

Thank you to @hanimmal for making me part with a buck to get WaPo (which I still think should be free if you're a Prime member; which they are slipping on by promising 2-day then sending a nondescript EM it's going to be an extra day).

I do believe all forms of government operate through coercion. That's what they are, sort of inherent in their design. You guys have these false dichotomies where "they took muh rights" is all equal, it isnt.

There is all this talk about rights, but what about responsibilities? What even is a right? You say the government takes them, do they also grant them? Are the things you call rights just government granted protections?
That then begs the question of which is more important to hold sacred, a right or a responsibility?

Your post implies that we should not be allowed to have rights until and unless we bow down to our masters, and uphold our imposed "responsibilities".
That then begs the question of which is more important to hold sacred, a right or a responsibility?

Your post implies that we should not be allowed to have rights until and unless we bow down to our masters, and uphold our imposed "responsibilities".

Are you even capable of NOT moving the goalposts or…?