Alpaca poop especially during flower

On the Fence

Active Member
My neighbor has Alpacas and goats and I gave her 2 Sour Diesel clones for her first time growing and she mentioned Alpaca poop. I had nothing to offer but I'll look into it.
How do you use it and can it be used on my 5 week in flower plant that is doing fine as is?
I don't want to introduce any critters to my indoor environment.
My wife has a small plastic worm farm too. Again I don't bother because of fear of critters fear.
The manure needs to be composted first.
I'd be asking questions like what they feed the alpacas, do they give them antibiotics? De worming pills? I'd want to know all the inputs before adding anything to my garden.
I'll ask what she feeds them. She is pretty organic in nature.
It is my understanding that it does not need to be composted first although she does have a mix of chicken and Alpaca compost pile.
You can buy it in bags.
There is huge tax and utility breaks if you raise them for some reason. Changes to AG vers Single family. We get the same breaks raising flowers too. We have mineral and water rights and water rights change depending on what we grow or raise. Interesting. Lots of our neighbors raise them and other weird things like EMU's and Yaks. LOL We are lucky to live here in unincorporated Douglas Co. but we are not allowed to grow commercially or outside or in a living space. Just weird.