Just think, Trump will be stumping at rallies while the J6 panel is doing weekly public hearings, what do you think will happen? Donald is the ugly face of fascism in America, the safety of democracy is the number one issue and abortion might not be far behind in reality. Much depends on what the ladies do and the republicans are worried about that whole woman's wrath thing as they got a taste of in Kanas, women are still registering in record numbers, especially in red and swing states...
Once Trump and idiots like you destroy the republican party and leave a smoking ruin, the way will be wide open to destroy the rest of you with law and regulation. It's not some kind of revenge, it's a constitutional duty.

There's still 2 months to go Cletus and plenty of history to be made. Have faith in Donald, he's fucked up everything he owns or controls and he owns you, but yer fucked up already, which is why I suppose he owns you. I dunno if an African ever had as heavy a chain on him, as you have around yer own neck and it's getting jerked real hard by your master.