Is Biden really that bad?

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I can't believe they let Joe ramble on for so long about maga this and that, and completely ignore all the issues. Nothing about crime, zero about inflation, gas, or the border. Not a word about education, only hate. It really did sound like a hate speech. The desperation is setting in. Democrats know they have no issues to run on, so they just insult the other side. Its pathetic and childish on every level. Even with the election 2 years away, and an endless supply of merry witch hunts.......democrats are still losing sleep over Trump.
Joe is staying on point with the danger your MAGA Republicans pose to our freedom.
Odd that MAGA Republicans are upset that the POTUS is calling for peaceful political action and for people to vote this November:confused:
Joe is staying on point with the danger your MAGA Republicans pose to our freedom.
Odd that MAGA Republicans are upset that the POTUS is calling for peaceful political action and for people to vote this November?
This is great, you guys and your big talking point of one day with a few radicals looking to kill Mike Pence. Good luck comparing the rest of us to those guys. Its a riot, keep it coming. Tell me more about radical maga life. What else do we do? Do we tear down statues? Do we demonize police across America? Do we have KKK meetings, lynchings, what?
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