Littering. I can't take it anymore. What is wrong with people?

Let's say you get cancer, lose your job or your wife leaves you, takes the house/condo. Your forced to sleep in your car for awhile. Meanwhile (as if your life doesn't suck enough, with no home or shower, or fridge, or sink, or toilet) people on a cannabis forum are advocating to get you arrested for sleeping in said car. WTF, am I in an alternate universe?
I walk our neighborhood and like many of my neighbors pick up the trash that people leave behind when possible.
Don’t forget the cutoff soda can for ashes / roaches.
Yeah i was one of those idiots using a soda can as a pipe also. Cerwin vegas came later ( 1989 ) with MB Quart in my lowered mini truck - KMC rims. Boomin down the street LULZ
I don't think many people over 40 can say they never smoked out of a can or a aluminum foil pipe or bowl stuffed into a apple. Honestly compared to the old "lamp part" pipes they might have been nearly as safe.
I always come home with more trash than i generate. I always took extra trash bags whenever we went out on family outings. I noticed my adult children now doing the same thing when they head out. I'm so proud.
It really makes me wonder why everyone doesn't instill this mindset in their offspring?
I don't think many people over 40 can say they never smoked out of a can or a aluminum foil pipe or bowl stuffed into a apple. Honestly compared to the old "lamp part" pipes they might have been nearly as safe.
In Africa, we old people smoked out of broken-off bottle necks. I can still make one with a lighter and a bit of spit.
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I shoot hoops a little bit at our local park. There is a bench next to the court and a trash can 10 feet from it.

I want to put up a sign. "What make you think you can play ball if you can't hit that trash can just 10 ft. away? Forget about it. Go home, losers."

It drives me nuts. Ive seen people literally standing next to a trash can and drop the trash on the ground.
Well perhaps Karma will have it’s way. Reincarnate into a turtle then choke on their own trash. Would be funny