I just took 3 ecstasy

Well it’s not really that cheap when you consider the price of an oz of mdma and that these are maybe 200mg, we got 20 for £100 and they were actually really good, the best E I ever had was in Holland and I was told they were a 50/50 mix of mdma and mda, those were fucking awesome
From r/burningman today....
Hi everyone!

Our teeny tiny nonprofit This Must Be The Place showed up with four huge duffle bags stuffed to the brim with 2000 doses of Narcan to gift to everyone. We hoofed it through the camps from 2:00 - 10:00, from the Esplanade to all the way back to the walk in camp but we're sad to report we've officially run out!

We wanted to post this in order to be able to say a massive thank you to all the camps who took some from us, for being so kind to us even though we walked up on you out of the blue. You're now certified life-savers. We heard about some bad batches that were maybe going around, and about some amazing people who jumped into action and used their naloxone to save those people's lives.

It's been a long summer of passing out naloxone at festivals across the country, and we were right to pick Burning Man as the final place to end our journey because everyone we met could not have been nicer and more welcoming (especially the camp that gave us cold brew yesterday morning when we were looking especially dusty, hot, and tired).

If you're reading this and we missed your camp, but still want some, message me on Instagram or email me and I can ship some to you. Our whole goal is to remove the hassle that can come with getting your hands on this stuff, so we want to help in whatever way we can!

Thanks again for being so generous in accepting these gifts. You'll never know how much it meant to us!

- Perry & Ingela

P.S. The Man burns tonight.....there is a live webcam.
Do people really cut cheap drugs with expensive ones, i thought that was a myth.
I know heroine is expensive i presume fentanal is expensive?

You'll understand my reluctance to believe that one, it doesn't stack up, what am i missing?

Eta... Ez were awesome the effects of the ecstacy and the sound of the music was like made in heaven :mrgreen:
Do people really cut cheap drugs with expensive ones, i thought that was a myth.
I know heroine is expensive i presume fentanal is expensive?

You'll understand my reluctance to believe that one, it doesn't stack up, what am i missing?

Eta... Ez were awesome the effects of the ecstacy and the sound of the music was like made in heaven :mrgreen:
It's cheaper than heroine I guess. Shit sounds crazy. 50-100 times more potent than heroine, holy shit. I didn't know that.

It's cheaper than heroine I guess. Shit sounds crazy. 50-100 times more potent than heroine, holy shit. I didn't know that.

It is so cheap.... That is why it is making such a dramatic impact. the money people are making off of it is crazy.

some info out of the New York Post article..........

.......The drug took off because it was cheaper than heroin and became much more readily available, experts say. Even now, a single dose of fentanyl can cost as little as $2.
“It’s absolutely cheaper,” Henderson said. “Think about making something in a lab using these cheap chemicals. You have a room that it can be made in versus an organic product that you have to grow, like poppies, so you need a field, workers, water. You have to harvest it and package it. You don’t have any of that with fentanyl.”
A bag of fentanyl pills hidden within a dog costume illustrates both the elaborate — and disarmingly simple — methods dealers will employ to get their product to market.

A bag of fentanyl pills hidden within a dog costume illustrates both the elaborate — and disarmingly simple — methods dealers will employ to get their product to market.
It’s also much more profitable for dealers. According to one DEA estimate a kilo of fentanyl costing about $4,000 wholesale could reap as much as $1.2 million in revenue — whereas $4,000 of wholesale heroin might bring in just $60,000. More than one million pills can be made from a single kilo of raw fentanyl.

In my option, if you're not getting a pill prescribed by your doctor or you picked it at a pharmacy, you're taking a big risk.
That is how so many innocent people are dying from this. People are taking ONE stinking pill for pain or a headache and then they are dead. Produced in China coming up through Mexio and into the USA.

Yeah, and now, they look like candy in bright colors. At least they got the K9s finally trained. In the beginning i read that if a dog sniffed too much of it they would die from the toxicity. Then, just yesterday, I read of a huge bust in Sacramento make by Rueger, the k-9.
I don’t understand the popularity of fentanyl. A few weeks before my recent back surgery I was in the ER (ruptured L4-L5) and the nurse said she was going to take the pain away. She came back with fentanyl and said you should be feeling much better any minute. I laid there thinking oh this is going to be great I am so sick and tired of months of constant pain……aaaannnnnnnddddddd….: that’s it? Didn’t do a damn thing for pain
I don’t understand the popularity of fentanyl. A few weeks before my recent back surgery I was in the ER (ruptured L4-L5) and the nurse said she was going to take the pain away. She came back with fentanyl and said you should be feeling much better any minute. I laid there thinking oh this is going to be great I am so sick and tired of months of constant pain……aaaannnnnnnddddddd….: that’s it? Didn’t do a damn thing for pain

I was given Fentanyl for a migraine right before a minor surgery. Most of the regular meds were off the table because of fear of bleeding. After the first dose I still had a blinding headache to the point of nausea and had gone from in-pain, to in-pain and nihilistic AF. She gave me a second dose. Yeah, I went to lala land and the headache was gone, five minutes later they knocked me out completely. This was a surgery center, so it was IV and dosed in the micro-grams, but I can see how the first dose did little to nothing. Put me on the edge of thoughts I find completely unacceptable until I got the second dose, but I've always had a bad psychological reaction to opiates.
I don't understand how anyone could take some black market pill that they have no idea what the ingredients are. It's very irresponsible knowing what we do today about some of the labs and manufacturing processes to ingest that garbage.
120mg was 'quite strong' in the 90s when 60-100 was common. The ones I buy nowadays are 240-280mg, which I break in 4 or even 6 pieces. 360mg is way too much man. Take 60mg, then 3-4 hours later maybe take 60mg again. I do that once every 6-8 weeks, sleep normal, no dips. Very cheap indeed nowadays. I used to sell them for 25 guilders, roughly £10. 1000% profit. Now kids sell them to each other for £3 - they even call it candy nowadays.
Well I'm sold ;-)