Was Trump stupid for claiming credit for "the vaccine" , will Democrats use that to fuck him in his fat ass as their own vaccine regret intensifies?

His life has long been interjected in politics. His laptop story was suppressed to aid a particular political outcome wasn't it ?
The poor bugger, that doesn't sound fair on him. I have no idea about his laptop story. Does it matter if he isn't in public office? Its not like a former prez with classified docs at home is it?
1) Tannery - Tanneries existed under government and freely polluted other peoples land. Sometimes pollution sources have BEEN government associated or driven. There is no "system" that will keep EVERY bad actor from polluting land, water or air which isn't exclusively theirs.

2) Pederasts . See answer above, similar circumstances, different topic. There are many instances where pedos ARE some government functionary, no?

3) Private security. Actual market competition and consumer feedback can keep a private security firm from mimicking governmental coercion based security models. Governmental security models (policing) are already the thing you fear. We already have a domineering extorting control based "security entity", which you can't not pay unless you want to suffer violence from them. They hold a monopoly on the use of force, which is why they can't possibly be an actual security provider, if the first thing they do is prevent competition and force you to pay them, whether you want them or not.

In a free market, consumers would be dumb to pay somebody who doesn't provide the service they want. They'd have actual choice, rather than what exists today, "pay us or else".

Oh here we go with the erotic libertarian fan fiction again…
The poor bugger, that doesn't sound fair on him. I have no idea about his laptop story. Does it matter if he isn't in public office? Its not like a former prez with classified docs at home is it?

I'm probably not the one to ask about which dipshit, Biden or Trump. is smellier.

The poor bugger, that doesn't sound fair on him. I have no idea about his laptop story. Does it matter if he isn't in public office? Its not like a former prez with classified docs at home is it?
I'd say, yes it matters if the FBI is used as a political weapon. Don't know about the laptop story, which the FBI suppressed? Might wanna look into it.

I'd say, yes it matters if the FBI is used as a political weapon. Don't know about the laptop story, which the FBI suppressed? Might wanna look into it.

But he wasn't running for an election.

Of course the FBI and the CIA are political weapons. Look at what they are doing to Assange and the worlds press.
I thought you were talking about Hunter. Decided to move on eh?
Biden and Trump are two very old conservative white males. Neither excite me or represents my views. But one is most definitely preferable to the other.

Yes, as matter of point of view some slaves preferred one master over another. Not much has changed in that regard.
I'd say, yes it matters if the FBI is used as a political weapon. Don't know about the laptop story, which the FBI suppressed? Might wanna look into it.

If the FBI was actually a political weapon Trumps kids would be in prison
So there is your proof it’s not :hug:
You saying the government stopped your freedom is bs
Peoples concerns and common sense stopped it
You demanding others serve your beliefs is the very thing you claim to oppose
So everyone has to fuel your vehicle, pour your coffee and fix you food along with all the other employees who logistically make that happen so you can ignore a pandemic based on feels
Sounds like others are being forced to accept your ultimatums in your Utopia
But sure mean old goberment stole your freedumb

Have you been huffing paint again? Where did you come up with those things you're assigning to me?
Atlas Fapped
by mAyn Hand

I'm gonna give you a point for that one. Even I skipped or skimmed some of the pages of the long rantiest parts of that very thick book.

Nevertheless, my philosophy does not mirror with A. Rand"s. Although I respect much of what she had to say. So, you get a point off for the false allusion.

Net score, still zero. Keep trying.