Is Biden really that bad?

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Of course he was guilty, dont assume things about me. I am not brain washed to defend every cop on every instance. BLM is responsible for billions in damage and over 30 deaths. Nobody held accountable. Kamala bails them out of jail and nancy bows down to the mob.
BLM is about ending police brutality. They did not have anything to do with the property damage. Quite the opposite. There are many examples where BLM protesters stopped rioters.

That said, when a police officer brutally murders another Black man and hundreds of thousands turn out to protest the murder, why do the police attack the protesters and ignore those breaking windows and starting fires? It seems to me the police are at fault, not BLM.
No, I am establishing facts. Democrats will believe and support whatever garbage narrative they are told to. 9th month abortion, no problem. 35% crime increase, no worries. 40 year high inflation rate, mere bag of shells. Pay double at the pump, no problem. Government continues to hand out free money we dont have, nobody cares. But if they are told to care about kids on the border being separated from their parents.... suddenly everybody is concerned.

Good thing governors like Jim Abbot of Texas are shoving Bidens border policy up his ass.
Texas the 1 star state...
Yes, Texans actually pay more in taxes than Californians do
While ITEP's findings were compiled from 2018 data, one expert says not much has changed in Texas over the last four years.
"California has the most 'equitable' state/local tax structure in the US, while Texas has the 2nd least. Despite right [wing] propaganda to the contrary, Texas is not low tax for the people most in need. They only care about reducing taxes for the rich, not about helping the poor and creating an equitable system."
Texas and Florida re good examples of what our country could become if we don't vote blue. Oppressive shitholes. Read earlier today that because in part of the new anti abortion rulings, females are registering to vote like there's no tomorrow. Good news for Dems this fall IMO.
I wish it hadn't gotten to this point. Republicans have been telling the public for years they were going to do exactly what they did. Stack SCOTUS with judges who were ready to abolish Roe. I heard a commentator say people were living rent free and depending on the invincibility of the Roe V Wade ruling rather than defending it with their vote. It didn't have to come to this.

That said, I hope the people who are newly signed up stay engaged. It's not just women's reproductive rights that is at stake but the all of the civil rights that were fought for and won by the past generation. They paid in blood and those who came after acted as if that was a one-time only payment. But it's not. A delinquent bill has come due. I hope that this generation is willing to pay up. As you say, there are hopeful signs that they are.
That term is misapplied. trump derangement syndrome should be applied to the deranged individuals who still support him.
Actually we like it the way it’s meant, No redefining needed. Simple. But….if you’re interested I’d like for you to define what a women is.
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